Are there any non-racist blacks in these forums?

I don't have a new account,but poor Abby joins,and Toxic hijacked her thread!:-( ~

I saw that. She's convinced that there is a Mason or an Owl behind every bush here. Personally I think Abby's other name is ReverendHellwhoreTOPTrueTrumpBGoneMaryRobynneAmazingGraceSteveTNTNewTOP2TeachKeishaCharlotteMauriceSISBWTH:)LilyTropicalLadyAmericaIsBackLanaLou.

No wonder she's so concerned about socks, being proud owner of dozens of them!
I saw that. She's convinced that there is a Mason or an Owl behind every bush here. Personally I think Abby's other name is ReverendHellwhoreTOPTrueTrumpBGoneMaryRobynneAmazingGraceSteveTNTNewTOP2TeachKeishaCharlotteMauriceSISBWTH:)LilyTropicalLadyAmericaIsBackLanaLou.

No wonder she's so concerned about socks, being proud owner of dozens of them!

Not Lily:-( ~
Don't worry about it ... this is just therapy for some people.

Trust me, none of these MF have the stones to say in public what they're typing here anonymously. ;)

Just curious; but since you are the one who brought it up, how many JPP posters do you believe have fucked your mother??
Just curious; but since you are the one who brought it up, how many JPP posters do you believe have fucked your mother??
LOl...that's a good question. Perhaps he'll find the time to stop by and give you an answer to that...
I do hope he (or anyone) understands that whatever I type here on JPP, I'd be more than happy to say the same to him (or anyone else) in public. Wouldn't you do the same? There are an amazing number of cowards here, though, and their hiding places (their account/accounts/lots of accounts) are easy to spot...
LOl...that's a good question. Perhaps he'll find the time to stop by and give you an answer to that...
I do hope he (or anyone) understands that whatever I type here on JPP, I'd be more than happy to say the same to him (or anyone else) in public. Wouldn't you do the same? There are an amazing number of cowards here, though, and their hiding places (their account/accounts/lots of accounts) are easy to spot...

Well said, ReverendHellwhoreTOPTrueTrumpBGoneMaryRobynneAmazi ngGraceSteveTNTNewTOP2TeachKeishaCharlotteMauriceSISBWTHLilyTropicalLadyAmericaIsBackLanaLou, and what a clever use of irony! lol
She's not obsessed. or Anything....hahahahahaha...not even a little...first posts of the day...:):lies: And this...poor dear...
Bird of Play
Join Date
Oct 2017
Well, maybe you don't "gotta", but charity suggests you ought to!
"Interestingly enough, the same is true for weak women as well. There's at least one of them here who constantly denigrates strong, outspoken women like Hillary, Mrs. Obama, Oprah, Beyonce, etc.... and the outspoken female posters who admire them."
"Interestingly enough, the same is true for weak women as well. There's at least one of them here who constantly denigrates strong, outspoken women like Hillary, Mrs. Obama, Oprah, Beyonce, etc.... and the outspoken female posters who admire them."

I knew you'd see yourself in that mirror. I've posted in other threads too, so be sure to follow me around today spiting, as always. lol

I'm sorry, but you've had today's allotment of Acme Attention Whore Crumbs(tm). Maybe tomorrow......

Returning you to your regularly-scheduled JPP racist extravaganza!
There are only 2.5 Blacks that I know that post on this form.

Myself, BAC and sailor.

And besides sailor, Blacks can't be racist. We don't have the power to oppress nor enslave other groups of people for financial gain and power because of the color of their skin. White people, especially white men have that power.

However, we can be bigots and hateful, and hold prejudices against other groups of people. For example, I hate racist white men, with a passion!

Not sure who are and who are not the racists here yet. But I disagree with this notion. Racism is trying to be redefined this way and it's wrong. anyone and everyone can be a racist towards others. it has nothing to do with "power". It is akin to saying the nazis are no longer anti-semetic because they no longer possess the power to oppress jews. IT just doesn't work like that.

What your arguing, I argue creates a division and is a myth of "white privilege" which creates a scenario of "origional sin" to which there is not absolution or atonement. I disagree with this. There are horrible disgusting racists in this world and they can be any color.

But I do agree with you that one can be bigoted, hateful and hold prejudices in a way that is not negative. I hate racists of all colors, with a passion.
LOL...Fowl broke her promise already...knew that wouldn't last...

There now, don't you feel better? Confession is good for the soul. Thank you for admitting that Rev. Hellwhore is your sock. You can do better though, right? lol
Not sure who are and who are not the racists here yet. But I disagree with this notion. Racism is trying to be redefined this way and it's wrong. anyone and everyone can be a racist towards others. it has nothing to do with "power". It is akin to saying the nazis are no longer anti-semetic because they no longer possess the power to oppress jews. IT just doesn't work like that.

What your arguing, I argue creates a division and is a myth of "white privilege" which creates a scenario of "origional sin" to which there is not absolution or atonement. I disagree with this. There are horrible disgusting racists in this world and they can be any color.

But I do agree with you that one can be bigoted, hateful and hold prejudices in a way that is not negative. I hate racists of all colors, with a passion.

And I don't care what you think. Racism has been redefined its why you think anyone can be a racist.

Racist white men want you to think anyone can be a racist.
And I don't care what you think. Racism has been redefined its why you think anyone can be a racist.

Racist white men want you to think anyone can be a racist.

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
"a program to combat racism"
synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism
"Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Also isn't this a disussion forum? Saying you don't care when I reply to your post seems to be illogical.

What you have no response to my point?