Are there any non-racist blacks in these forums?

Calling out racist whites, especially the dangerously violent white man doesn't make me or anyone else racist.

There isn't one post I've made that isn't true. It's all well documented.

I'm telling you the real American history and showing it was never great for Blacks because of the racism instituted by whites.

Anyone trying to deny this obvious fact is really deranged in the head.
Point to a time in American history where Blacks hung white people from trees and lit their bodies on fire.
You are racist. Bigoted, prejudiced, discriminatory, intolerant, narrow-minded, etc. etc.
I imagine that the worst of your racism is also expressed in the confines of your own community.
Considering the way you talk here.
I'm Extremely Racist towards anyone who is Overtly Racist toward me ... but that problem I only experience on Internet Forums.

In the real world, I never come face to face with any overt racist.

Odd ... I wonder why?


I sure have. And they exist in my extended family.
Nope not going to play that game. I asked a simple question and you want to turn it into another anti Top whine fest. I already told you if you can't see statements like calling people Whitey or cracker as being racists then nothing I can show you would penetrate your faux understanding of the question..

Naw, you didn't ask a simple question. You asked a loaded question to stir shit, not to have any dialog.

All about transparency, isn't it? And you are that.
I sure have. And they exist in my extended family.

Just the opposite in may family ...

My brother in-law married a white woman and her parents were really racist ... until they got a good look at my brother in-law who is HUGE and their Kids who are gorgeous. ;)
Just the opposite in may family ... My brother in-law married a white woman and her parents were really racist ... until they got a good look at my brother in-law who is HUGE and their Kids who are gorgeous.

Cool story.

Have another drink.

BTW, "kids" is improperly capitalized.
You are racist. Bigoted, prejudiced, discriminatory, intolerant, narrow-minded, etc. etc.
I imagine that the worst of your racism is also expressed in the confines of your own community.
Considering the way you talk here.

What? Because you're white I'm not suppose to tell the truth? And that makes me racist?

I generally don't engage you because I don't believe you every taught anyone, especially Black kids. This removes all doubt.

If you've been around Blacks as much as you say you have, you would understand where I'm coming from.

I'm no coward nor will I use code words to spare your racist feelings. I will speak to you bigots as you deserve to be spoken to.

Here's your first Black History lesson for the month......Don't fucking dish it, if you can't take it, m'kay?
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What? Because you're white I'm not suppose to tell the truth? And that makes me racist?

I generally don't engage you because I don't believe you every taught anyone, especially Black kids. This removes all doubt.

If you been around Blacks as much as you say you do, you would understand where I'm coming from.

I'm no coward nor will I use code words to spare your racist feelings. I will speak to you bigots as you deserve to be spoken to.

Here's your first Black History lesson for the month......Don't fucking dish it, if you can't take it, m'kay?
I actually just got home from school. We're working on a project...parent conferences are later this week. Your first mistake was believing that I'm not a teacher. Your second is to feel that code words would somehow help you out.
Your third mistake: "If you been around Blacks as much as you say do, you would understand where I'm coming from." No need to explain why that's a mistake.
Fourth mistake: Black History month started the first. We're long past the first lesson.
If you're trying to offend me, it's not working. Sorry to disappoint.
What's 2.5 blacks, btw? Anyone?

Why didn't you ask me? I wrote it.

After about 5-6 years of posting with some of these racist, I found out only sometime last year that sailor was Black. Not sure if he was hiding it for convenience or he was lying, but it was nonetheless revealed by him.

So he gets a .5 because I don't believe nor do I know many self hating Blacks who support institutional racism from the racist republican party.
I actually just got home from school. We're working on a project...parent conferences are later this week. Your first mistake was believing that I'm not a teacher. Your second is to feel that code words would somehow help you out.
Your third mistake: "If you been around Blacks as much as you say do, you would understand where I'm coming from." No need to explain why that's a mistake.
Fourth mistake: Black History month started the first. We're long past the first lesson.
If you're trying to offend me, it's not working. Sorry to disappoint.

Offend you? No. But, I do scare you. Post #85 proves that.

You can barely face me.

You don't teach Black kids PERIOD!
Nice try but I admit nothing of the sort! I said if you are blind to the racism in some of the statements made by blacks here no amount of examples will convince you. Keep on being an enabler it suits you.

I see. So you claim that BAC, Bourbon, and others here are racists. Yet you can not provide a single instance of a racist comment made by them.

Got the feeling that you're feeling butthurt because *you* got caught being a racist dick by someone and are trying to deflect now. It's not working. Sorry.
Offend you? No. But, I do scare you. Post #85 proves that.

You can barely face me.

You don't teach Black kids PERIOD!
LOL for 32 years, the classroom. Just when I want to now that I'm retired:) AndI have no idea why you would believe that you "scare" me...that's hilarious., actually... this...tell me what you think. This was the focus of one of the workshops I attended on MLK Day (not HS, btw)
Would you have been able to sit in a room with people of all ethnicities and discuss this like an adult?
So, far, you haven't proved that you are open-minded (or willing) enough to do so on any subject. But this might be of some interest to you.
You are racist. Bigoted, prejudiced, discriminatory, intolerant, narrow-minded, etc. etc.
I imagine that the worst of your racism is also expressed in the confines of your own community.
Considering the way you talk here.

Aren't you the one that was ripping into Jay-Z last week?
this will certainly be a not racist post fowl favorite:) Nicely done.

No, that's called humor. That's not like when you agree with a racist guy who calls MLK Day "Negro needs a hug" day and tell him how you too celebrated with fried chicken.


It's also not like your joke here:

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 16, 2011 7:59:07 AM PST
Last edited by the author 35 minutes ago
TOP says:

Got an ethnic job joke for you TR...

A black guy walks into his neighborhood welfare office, goes up to the counter and says, "Hi, I'm tired of foodstamps, monthly checks, and other government handouts. I'm ready to get a real job."
The man behind the counter says, "Great--I actually just got a request from a very rich man who wants a chauffeur and bodyguard for his nymphomaniac daughter. You job duties would include driving around in a huge white Mercedes, and the uniforms are provided. The hours are kind of long but you will be given meals and housing. You will be allowed escort the young lady on her cruises and international holidays. The salary package is $250,000 a year, to start."
The guy says, "Ah c'mon, bro, you've got to be bul..s...ting me!"
The man behind the counter said, "Well, you started it!"
Have a great day, TR!

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 16, 2011 9:43:22 AM PST
ignatov says:
"black guy walks into his welfare office and says, 'Hi, I'm tired of government handouts. I'm ready to get a job.'"

Please don't tell racist jokes in this forum.
If you don't want to be considered racist it's time you call out the person you support that has scapegoated race, and has Neo Nazi's flocking to his every brain fart. Black people don't really hate you for race, they hate you for the years of oppression. Followed by the blatant, and unreasonable attempts to drown out, and make fail the first black president. Now you have a scumbag elected president, with no experience outside of being anti-Obama, and the originator of the birther brigade. He says so much racist shit, that I can only assume, you've become jaded to it, and don't even notice it anymore. He couldn't even out right denounce scum of the earth, Neo Nazi terrorists, that killed people. He gave a gem of a classic cop out, because he can't bare to denounce anyone that supports him like that. It sounded condescending, and distracted blame, all while never fully saying what wrong was done, and by who. They had to drag is ass out to make a better statement soon their after, and somehow that's perfectly fine to his supporters. How much you want to bet, that black people would hate the Africans, that allowed them to be sent off, with as much passion if they had any clue who the fuck they were?
LOL for 32 years, the classroom. Just when I want to now that I'm retired:) AndI have no idea why you would believe that you "scare" me...that's hilarious., actually... this...tell me what you think. This was the focus of one of the workshops I attended on MLK Day (not HS, btw)
Would you have been able to sit in a room with people of all ethnicities and discuss this like an adult?
So, far, you haven't proved that you are open-minded (or willing) enough to do so on any subject. But this might be of some interest to you.

Fuck off.