Are there any other intelligent liberals on this site besides Bill and Politalker?

I ask this in all sincerity because they're the only two that appear to have NOT been brainwashed by the media and are able to make sound arguments. Politalker IS long-winded and full of himself, but appears to be intelligent. We need intelligent people on BOTH sides of the aisle to be able to have meaningful debates on this site.
Are there any other intelligent liberals on this site besides Bill and Politalker?

All of us are.

Can't say the same for the contards though.

They're all brainwashed by the right-wing media and the Trump cult of personality.
I ask this in all sincerity because they're the only two that appear to have NOT been brainwashed by the media and are able to make sound arguments. Politalker IS long-winded and full of himself, but appears to be intelligent. We need intelligent people on BOTH sides of the aisle to be able to have meaningful debates on this site.

Politalker appears to be a Bernie Bot!

So we may have to just agree to disagree that he is smart!

Bernie Bots who are now complaining about Donald Ass Trump- ARE ONE OF THE REASONS WHY DONALD ASS TRUMP GOT ELECTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Because Bernie Bots in 2016 couldn't get their candidate the nomination- the Bernie Bots didn't show up to support the one who did win the nomination!

And the same Bernie Bots will do the same thing in 2020 when their candidate loses the nomination again- they will go cry and won't show up to support the Democrat Nominee in 2020 either!

So the Bernie Bots can STFU about Donald Trump- and go butte a stump!
Politalker appears to be a Bernie Bot!

So we may have to just agree to disagree that he is smart!

Bernie Bots who are now complaining about Donald Ass Trump- ARE ONE OF THE REASONS WHY DONALD ASS TRUMP GOT ELECTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Because Bernie Bots in 2016 couldn't get their candidate the nomination- the Bernie Bots didn't show up to support the one who did win the nomination!

And the same Bernie Bots will do the same thing in 2020 when their candidate loses the nomination again- they will go cry and won't show up to support the Democrat Nominee in 2020 either!

So the Bernie Bots can STFU about Donald Trump- and go butte a stump!

WOW!!! TWICE in one day we are in agreement. STUNNING! Thanking this post too; spot on!

Although, I am not sure that Hillary would have won even if what you say is factual. ;)
WOW!!! TWICE in one day we are in agreement. STUNNING! Thanking this post too; spot on!

Although, I am not sure that Hillary would have won even if what you say is factual. ;)

You Trump lovers should just consider these Bernie Bots the gift- that just keeps on giving!

Enjoy your win in 2020!
You Trump lovers should just consider these Bernie Bots the gift- that just keeps on giving!

Enjoy your win in 2020!

Not a Trump lover. I am a defender of the truth. Yes, I shall enjoy a Trump second term. I am glad you have finally rediscovered your sanity.
Even if a person is intelligent this isn't the place you'll normally see it. The people posting the most are usually trolls or pretty unhinged. Not many put an effort into responses to the lowbrow stuff here. Others just use this as a place to vent.

If you want something else you belong elsewhere because you won't get it here. Many conservatives have doubled down on the lowbrow bs under the guise of Trump's rhetoric. We don't even initiate much more than a few snickers and sassy remarks for their shit. It's not like we haven't tried in the past but intelligent discourse is wasted effort. Before Trump, it was worth giving it the old college try but now you might as well give the response to a pet turtle then some of the posters here.
Politalker appears to be a Bernie Bot!

So we may have to just agree to disagree that he is smart!

Bernie Bots who are now complaining about Donald Ass Trump- ARE ONE OF THE REASONS WHY DONALD ASS TRUMP GOT ELECTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Because Bernie Bots in 2016 couldn't get their candidate the nomination- the Bernie Bots didn't show up to support the one who did win the nomination!

And the same Bernie Bots will do the same thing in 2020 when their candidate loses the nomination again- they will go cry and won't show up to support the Democrat Nominee in 2020 either!

So the Bernie Bots can STFU about Donald Trump- and go butte a stump!

Exactly what I was saying the day after the election, but the BernieBots all denied it was his and their fault.

That rumpled old skinflint bastard cost Hillary the election by dividing the loyalties of the Democrats after he hijacked the party for his own political benefit.

Fuck Bernie and his pie-in-the-sky baby supporters.
I ask this in all sincerity because they're the only two that appear to have NOT been brainwashed by the media and are able to make sound arguments. Politalker IS long-winded and full of himself, but appears to be intelligent. We need intelligent people on BOTH sides of the aisle to be able to have meaningful debates on this site.

It's always ironic when one of the most juvenile and talking-point-repeating Reichwingers pretends that the other side is as stupid as he is. Well done! Here, you may have this lovely parting gift chosen especially for you, to haul home your huge load of.... irony!

Exactly what I was saying the day after the election, but the BernieBots all denied it was his and their fault.

2016 showed a real schism in the (D) party. I was a "BernieBot" myself, but held my nose and voted for Clinton when it was time to put the peddle to the metal. Two of my daughters (them what live in VT), however, sat the election out and refused to vote at all. On the other side of the spectrum were many of my oldest friends, all women in their 60s and 70s, who adore Clinton and continue to this day to bash Bernie supporters.

Everyone is still on the fence about the current crop of (D) presidential candidates. But take note, Trumpanzees -- without exception, in all of the (D) political talk I read and engage in daily -- to a person everyone says that it whoever ends up as the (D) nominee, they will vote for him/her to get the Toadstool out of our White House. It is a very positive sign that (D) voters are very energized and engaged this far out. Wait till 2020 and watch what happens!
Even if a person is intelligent this isn't the place you'll normally see it. The people posting the most are usually trolls or pretty unhinged. Not many put an effort into responses to the lowbrow stuff here. Others just use this as a place to vent.

If you want something else you belong elsewhere because you won't get it here. Many conservatives have doubled down on the lowbrow bs under the guise of Trump's rhetoric. We don't even initiate much more than a few snickers and sassy remarks for their shit. It's not like we haven't tried in the past but intelligent discourse is wasted effort. Before Trump, it was worth giving it the old college try but now you might as well give the response to a pet turtle then some of the posters here.

Get a mirror, you whiney bitch.
This guy's a classic example of the dumbed-down slap fests you get here. ^^^^ There's a reason the mods made an emoji icon for him. :yurtandpoet:
I ask this in all sincerity because they're the only two that appear to have NOT been brainwashed by the media and are able to make sound arguments. Politalker IS long-winded and full of himself, but appears to be intelligent. We need intelligent people on BOTH sides of the aisle to be able to have meaningful debates on this site.

I agree about Bill, but Politalker is just a pompous arsehole.