Are there any other intelligent liberals on this site besides Bill and Politalker?

I ask this in all sincerity because they're the only two that appear to have NOT been brainwashed by the media and are able to make sound arguments. Politalker IS long-winded and full of himself, but appears to be intelligent. We need intelligent people on BOTH sides of the aisle to be able to have meaningful debates on this site.

Meh maybe you’re the one who is brain washed as JPP is dominated conservatives of the knuckle dragging variety with fifth grade literary skills and those are the talented ones.

Then you have the Fox News wingnuts. Not even MSNBC viewers are that uninformed. Hell no one is. They like to espouse platitudes in which they don’t have the first clue what they mean.

At the bottom of the conservative barrel we have the Bubba’s. You know the type? The ones who believe anything told to them by a good ole boy and are too busy drinking Bud and having six toed babies with their wife/sister/cousin to read a newspaper or that subversive communist invention called books. Now they are a hoot!
2016 showed a real schism in the (D) party. I was a "BernieBot" myself, but held my nose and voted for Clinton when it was time to put the peddle to the metal. Two of my daughters (them what live in VT), however, sat the election out and refused to vote at all. On the other side of the spectrum were many of my oldest friends, all women in their 60s and 70s, who adore Clinton and continue to this day to bash Bernie supporters.

Everyone is still on the fence about the current crop of (D) presidential candidates. But take note, Trumpanzees -- without exception, in all of the (D) political talk I read and engage in daily -- to a person everyone says that it whoever ends up as the (D) nominee, they will vote for him/her to get the Toadstool out of our White House. It is a very positive sign that (D) voters are very energized and engaged this far out. Wait till 2020 and watch what happens!

There is no schism. I’m a person who believes in dealing with facts and Democrats have worked hard to alienate working class and rural voters. Those folks just simply left the party as Democrats we’re not doing shit for them.

Hillary blowing off campaigning in the Great Lakes region cause it lacked diversity is an excellent example of that and it’s why she lost. If Dems don’t understand why they lost 2016 then they will lose again. Particularly if they double down on progressive liberal politics.

The sad thing is Trump is a very week and vulnerable candidate yet Dems still do not appear to have learned the lessons of 2016 so he will probably be re-elected,
as a lifelong Dem prior to Trump ( voted for Obama in '08 but not '12 because of Libya and our meddling in Ukraine) there is nothing the Dems have to offer but high taxes and free stuff

That would destroy entrepreneurship and risk taking, and crash the economy.
Plus I think once this fake Russian collusion is put to bed,it's possible to improve Russian relations

anyways the Dems are PC madness -forget them
Bernie Bots who are now complaining about Donald Ass Trump- ARE ONE OF THE REASONS WHY DONALD ASS TRUMP GOT ELECTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Because Bernie Bots in 2016 couldn't get their candidate the nomination- the Bernie Bots didn't show up to support the one who did win the nomination!

I don't know about the turnout of Bernie supporters, but many polls showed the 1st and 2nd choices of many voters were Bernie or Trump, so many may have voted Trump. I guess it is the "outsider" thing.
Meh maybe you’re the one who is brain washed as JPP is dominated conservatives of the knuckle dragging variety with fifth grade literary skills and those are the talented ones.

Then you have the Fox News wingnuts. Not even MSNBC viewers are that uninformed. Hell no one is. They like to espouse platitudes in which they don’t have the first clue what they mean.

At the bottom of the conservative barrel we have the Bubba’s. You know the type? The ones who believe anything told to them by a good ole boy and are too busy drinking Bud and having six toed babies with their wife/sister/cousin to read a newspaper or that subversive communist invention called books. Now they are a hoot!

YU IORTA bust you in the chops for being SO DUMB politically! I Wish I Was Your Mother, to try to talk some sense into you. But that probably wouldn't help, so Death May Be Your Santa Claus...……..
YU IORTA bust you in the chops for being SO DUMB politically! I Wish I Was Your Mother, to try to talk some sense into you. But that probably wouldn't help, so Death May Be Your Santa Claus...……..

Wow an impressive and pithy comeback. Of the three categories of conservatives which are you? The semi-literate anal retentive noob? The impervious to facts Fox News Zombie or a Bubba convinced that your ignorance makes morally superior to those book readin libtards?
Wow an impressive and pithy comeback. Of the three categories of conservatives which are you? The semi-literate anal retentive noob? The impervious to facts Fox News Zombie or a Bubba convinced that your ignorance makes morally superior to those book readin libtards?

There really IS no hope for you. I've probably read more books than ANY libtard on this site. Over 4,000 and counting. And that's a LOW estimate...…. So, bye-bye, Mott, I'm done conversing with you.
Are there any other intelligent liberals on this site besides Bill and Politalker?

There arent any real liberals on this site at all. Just a bunch of partisan-hack honey-trapped slaves working for treasonous dixiecrat task masters.

All the real liberals left the party when they saw feminazis propping up hillbillary.
Wow an impressive and pithy comeback. Of the three categories of conservatives which are you? The semi-literate anal retentive noob? The impervious to facts Fox News Zombie or a Bubba convinced that your ignorance makes morally superior to those book readin libtards?

He's a troll that couldn't handle Twitter's restrictions.
Boy, this site is rubbing off on me in a BAD way. I'm just tired of getting moronic replies from some of the sh*theads on here. If you have nothing nice or constructive to say to me, STAY THE FUCK AWAY.
I don't know about the turnout of Bernie supporters, but many polls showed the 1st and 2nd choices of many voters were Bernie or Trump, so many may have voted Trump. I guess it is the "outsider" thing.

Bernie has lost about half of his supporters from 2016- lost them to Lizzy Warren- who is also off on some other rather expensive unobtainable social tangents that the vocal majority is not comfortable with.

So both Liz Warren and Bernie are un-electable based on that!

The Democrat that will win, will be the one that the vocal majority and voting majority of Americans feel comfortable with.