Are we actually "vaccinated?


what may be the kicker is the naming associated with the annual flu treatment normally called "shot".

I do not believe its intended to behave as a vaccination. Its a mild infection intended to cue your immune system to grow it's own defense against the flu(s) projected to be rolling around this year (which they usually get wrong which is why flu shots are no better than 60% effective).

Vaccinations are different (as I understand it (but I am not an MD). They are intended to block the cootie as was seen with polio, measles etc. I suspect that the china cootie treatment is not, strictly speaking a vaccination neither is it a flu shot targeting the china cootie but something different. That would explain it's hit and miss track record (based on the human testing having been done on the public at large as opposed to scientifically).

Once again I think that if "science" had been more honest from the start expectations would have been better managed.

Now they likely had little choice as the stakes were driven wildly up by politics.

Moral of the story: honesty is the best policy

Completely wrong. You know what would have helped? If you would have taken the time to look up the fucking definition of vaccine.

Get off your lazy ass and learn something

Why is Truth Detector such a fucking moron?

^Dumbass doesn't know that the CDC changed its definition of vaccination to fit their idiotic narrative.

Hey dumbass, if vaccines work, why are the vaccinated coming down with Covid?

that explains people getting it twice.

you are mistaken.

at the verifiable best, it is claimed to help make your symptoms less severe should you develop symptoms.
and sometimes prevents you developing symptoms at all.

Hence it's a vaccine as claimed.
from your ill advised link:


Yes, it provides immunity against diseases. Are you really this fucking daft? It triggers the immune system. That's called IMMUNITY you dumb fuck. Jesus Christ. Learn something FFS. YOUR claim was that vaccines 'blocked the cootie' whatever the fuck that means. You were completely wrong. Every vaccine does the same thing.
I hope this is an act.

It's Truth Detector. He is completely worthless. Like a buzzing gnat. With a brain to match.

I wonder if he thinks the Oxford Language Dictionary and Merriam-Webster changed their definitions too.

ROTFLFMAO!!! I've never seen such an incredibly toxic combination of angry and stupid.
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Celtic Guy calls a link to a dictionary 'ill advised' because he doesn't like the definition.

ROTFLFMAO!!! This is the best the Trumptards have to offer. How sad.
Yes, it provides immunity against diseases. Are you really this fucking daft? It triggers the immune system. That's called IMMUNITY you dumb fuck. Jesus Christ. Learn something FFS. YOUR claim was that vaccines 'blocked the cootie' whatever the fuck that means. You were completely wrong. Every vaccine does the same thing.

if it provided immunity then no one who got the shot would catch it.
this has not happened as has been famously documented in the media over and over and over again.
Whoopie Goldberg being a very recent example.
if it provided immunity then no one who got the shot would catch it.
this has not happened as has been famously documented in the media over and over and over again.
Whoopie Goldberg being a very recent example.

Lol so no vaccine has ever provided immunity. That’s not what immunity means. Do you know what efficacy is? I’m sure you don’t. Too stupid.

Once again, pick up a fucking dictionary and read it.

"the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells."

Stupid fucks.
Lol so no vaccine has ever provided immunity. That’s not what immunity means. Do you know what efficacy is? I’m sure you don’t. Too stupid.

Once again, pick up a fucking dictionary and read it.

"the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells."

Stupid fucks.

YOUR definition said that it did so. You cannot move the goalposts you set.
Celtic Guy:

'Kevlar body armor doesn't work because some people who wear it get shot'

This is how fucking stupid the Trumptards are.
Let's review. At least two Trumptards didn't known that a vaccine worked by creating antibodies. They also thought that vaccines were 100% effective.

Enough said. The lack of knowledge among these uneducated, unsophisticated, angry rubes is off the charts.