Are we actually "vaccinated?

Let's review. At least two Trumptards didn't known that a vaccine worked by creating antibodies. They also thought that vaccines were 100% effective.
You have argued exactly that vaccines were 100% effective. Now you argue against it???? Make up your mind, dude. You are still locked in paradox V.
Enough said. The lack of knowledge among these uneducated, unsophisticated, angry rubes is off the charts.
It is YOU that is locked in paradox, dude. That is irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
that explains people getting it twice.

you are mistaken.

at the verifiable best, it is claimed to help make your symptoms less severe should you develop symptoms.
and sometimes prevents you developing symptoms at all.

Then it is completely ineffective. People that have taken the vaccine are still developing pneumonia and dying from it. Democrats are arguing for 2nd and even 3rd shots, some are arguing for shots to continue indefinitely.

Most who get covid19 get some sniffles, a sore throat, and lose some sense of smell temporarily; even those that have not gotten any vaccination.

Now, you argue mandated vaccines for the sniffles? You demand someone be vaccinated to protect YOU? Why? Does your vaccination not work?
It's Truth Detector. He is completely worthless. Like a buzzing gnat. With a brain to match.

I wonder if he thinks the Oxford Language Dictionary and Merriam-Webster changed their definitions too.

ROTFLFMAO!!! I've never seen such an incredibly toxic combination of angry and stupid.

Dictionaries do not define any word. False authority fallacy.
Lol so no vaccine has ever provided immunity.
That's exactly what a vaccine is for, assuming it works.
That’s not what immunity means.
That is exactly what immunity means.
Do you know what efficacy is? I’m sure you don’t. Too stupid.

Once again, pick up a fucking dictionary and read it.
...deleted Holy Link...
"the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells."

You are describing immunity.
Dictionaries do not define any word.
Celtic Guy:

'Kevlar body armor doesn't work because some people who wear it get shot'

This is how fucking stupid the Trumptards are.

Kevlar body armor does nothing for teaching the body how to make antibodies.
You don't get to speak for all Trump supporters. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
It's Truth Detector. He is completely worthless. Like a buzzing gnat. With a brain to match.

I wonder if he thinks the Oxford Language Dictionary and Merriam-Webster changed their definitions too.

ROTFLFMAO!!! I've never seen such an incredibly toxic combination of angry and stupid.

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
Yes, it provides immunity against diseases. Are you really this fucking daft? It triggers the immune system. That's called IMMUNITY you dumb fuck. Jesus Christ. Learn something FFS. YOUR claim was that vaccines 'blocked the cootie' whatever the fuck that means. You were completely wrong. Every vaccine does the same thing.

Wrong and painfully stupid given all the data. I think you enjoy being a useless, low IQ moron. :palm:

Anecdotally, my wife and I are fully vaccinated. Her daughter and Fiancé are fully vaccinated. They had to get have a negative test before boarding a flight FROM Canada for Christmas. They got here and her fiancé had covid. I got Covid. I had a very mild sore throat and cough. We are waiting for my wife's results.

Fact is, the vaccines are worthless in stopping this virus. Even with testing, they still brought it here to Florida and we all got sick. We have evidence now that even with boosters, you still are infected and can still spread the disease.

These aren't vaccines. They are shots. They aren't effective in stopping the spread of the virus. You've been gaslighted.
if it provided immunity then no one who got the shot would catch it.
this has not happened as has been famously documented in the media over and over and over again.
Whoopie Goldberg being a very recent example.

You're trying to have an intelligent debate with two mentally challenged dumbasses. It will get you nowhere. They like being morons. ;)
Lol so no vaccine has ever provided immunity.

WRONG. We have made polio non-existent with vaccines. We have made Chicken Pox non-existent with vaccines. We have made Diphtheria non-existent with vaccines. We have made Measles non-existent with vaccines. We have made Mumps non-existent with vaccines. We have made Rubella non-existent with vaccines. We have made Pertussis non-existent with vaccines.

We do not have a vaccine for viruses like the flu or the common cold. This is not a vaccine for Covid either. It is merely a remedy to prevent severe symptoms. That can be done with common oral medications.

Stupid fucks.

Yes you are. You're also a repugnant, lying, low IQ, worthless piece of human filth.

You should do the world a favor and kill yourself. No one would care. No one would notice. The world's collective IQ would go up.
Celtic Guy:

'Kevlar body armor doesn't work because some people who wear it get shot'

This is how fucking stupid the Trumptards are.

That is a fucking stupid analogy from a repugnant, lying, low IQ, worthless piece of human filth.

You really should consider doing the world a favor and kill yourself. No one would care. No one would notice. The world's collective IQ would go up.
Let's review. At least two Trumptards didn't known that a vaccine worked by creating antibodies. They also thought that vaccines were 100% effective.

Enough said. The lack of knowledge among these uneducated, unsophisticated, angry rubes is off the charts.

The only thing to review here is your ignorance, stupidity and propensity for looking like an uneducated mental case. :palm: