Atheists get elected in western democracies.You aren't talking about the USA. An open atheist could never get elected because of people like you who don't understand them and are scared of them.
There's a de facto religious test in the US for higher elected office.
Then you need look no further than the USA where religious zealots have rolled back countless advances. So the US is not a "modern era western democratic government" (your title).
You are an apologist for religious belief with your mealy-mouthed fake agnosticism (don't worry, God isn't offended if that's what you are scared about). People like you allow that sort of thing to exist in society rather than speaking out against it. So you are partially to blame for the lost reproductive freedoms women suffer in this country.
Ironic, no?
I accept your tacit confession that the agnostic democratic governments of the modern era - those that don't take a position one way or the other on religion - are the least oppressive governments in human history, and compare extremely favorably to History's examples of theocracy and state atheism