Are You Guilty Of Murdering White Children?

But before we get to that, how about we look at some of the murdered children. Unfortunately the pictures don't come out very large. So you will have to click on them to see them better. Though I don't expect you to do so. (Even though they deserve at least that much) Because that would require a conscience. Please don't reply until I've uploaded what I have.

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I have more. But I think you get the picture. All of these children were murdered by negroes. They were either stabbed, shot, stomped, strangled, set on fire while alive, etc. Some were also raped and sodomized before they were murdered. No doubt in some cases in front of their parents before they were murdered too. If you had a conscience, I would ask you to imagine how that would make you feel. Between 1965-2004, 179,808 White men women and children were murdered by negroes. That is about 60,000 more than the number of U.S. troops killed in the Korean and Vietnamese wars combined! But for soldiers, they at least know death is a possibility. Imagine how surprised some of these White men women and children were. Obviously, the number of White children has to reach into the tens of thousands. How many is that? 20,000? 40,000? 60,000? Who knows. But clearly, our country has been fighting the wrong enemies! Now it is true that negroes murder more negroes than they do White people. But as with negroes in Africa, that is their problem. Not the White man's.

In your mind's ear, LISTEN TO THE CHILDREN SCREAM as they are brutally murdered. Hear their dear little voices instead making anguished pleas for mercy. Which they didn't receive. Hear their shrill screams of agony. In your mind's eye, imagine their dear little faces instead contorted in fear and agony as they are brutally murdered. Their souls cry out from the grave for JUSTICE! And a better form of justice than the kind that didn't prevent their murders. Or will prevent future ones. If you are nonwhite, that is a different matter. But if you are White, you are the most vile form of worthless scum possible to want to do nothing more concrete to prevent these kinds of deaths.

Some lowlife piece of shit nigger around here posted a thread where it showed a very pretty young blond White girl who had either just given some nigger a blow job or was about to do so. Apparently that is OK. Boy, is that rubbing salt into the wounds. But if I was to post pictures of lynched niggers, I would probably get banned. And I would certainly would get banned if I stated my admiration for White people who shoot as many jews, niggers, sand niggers or spicks as they can. And without a doubt I would get banned if I suggested that any truly patriotic White person go out with a gun and shoot as many niggers as they can find.

Why? Because the mods and probably everybody else around here is GUILTY of murdering those children! Your guilt comes from supporting in whatever way the social system under which those murders occurred. Tell me this isn't true. If you dare!!!
I have more. But I think you get the picture. All of these children were murdered by negroes. They were either stabbed, shot, stomped, strangled, set on fire while alive, etc. Some were also raped and sodomized before they were murdered. No doubt in some cases in front of their parents before they were murdered too. If you had a conscience, I would ask you to imagine how that would make you feel. Between 1965-2004, 179,808 White men women and children were murdered by negroes. That is about 60,000 more than the number of U.S. troops killed in the Korean and Vietnamese wars combined! But for soldiers, they at least know death is a possibility. Imagine how surprised some of these White men women and children were. Obviously, the number of White children has to reach into the tens of thousands. How many is that? 20,000? 40,000? 60,000? Who knows. But clearly, our country has been fighting the wrong enemies! Now it is true that negroes murder more negroes than they do White people. But as with negroes in Africa, that is their problem. Not the White man's.

In your mind's ear, LISTEN TO THE CHILDREN SCREAM as they are brutally murdered. Hear their dear little voices instead making anguished pleas for mercy. Which they didn't receive. Hear their shrill screams of agony. In your mind's eye, imagine their dear little faces instead contorted in fear and agony as they are brutally murdered. Their souls cry out from the grave for JUSTICE! And a better form of justice than the kind that didn't prevent their murders. Or will prevent future ones. If you are nonwhite, that is a different matter. But if you are White, you are the most vile form of worthless scum possible to want to do nothing more concrete to prevent these kinds of deaths.

Some lowlife piece of shit nigger around here posted a thread where it showed a very pretty young blond White girl who had either just given some nigger a blow job or was about to do so. Apparently that is OK. Boy, is that rubbing salt into the wounds. But if I was to post pictures of lynched niggers, I would probably get banned. And I would certainly would get banned if I stated my admiration for White people who shoot as many jews, niggers, sand niggers or spicks as they can. And without a doubt I would get banned if I suggested that any truly patriotic White person go out with a gun and shoot as many niggers as they can find.

Why? Because the mods and probably everybody else around here is GUILTY of murdering those children! Your guilt comes from supporting in whatever way the social system under which those murders occurred. Tell me this isn't true. If you dare!!!

YIKES! You ARE aware that WHITE people are also guilty of murdering white children, right? Please cut the crap with your racist propaganda.
these pictures are all fake. those kids are computer generated. in any case, if they were real they'd be in hell. That is where all white people go in the end
I have more. But I think you get the picture. All of these children were murdered by negroes. They were either stabbed, shot, stomped, strangled, set on fire while alive, etc. Some were also raped and sodomized before they were murdered. No doubt in some cases in front of their parents before they were murdered too. If you had a conscience, I would ask you to imagine how that would make you feel. Between 1965-2004, 179,808 White men women and children were murdered by negroes. That is about 60,000 more than the number of U.S. troops killed in the Korean and Vietnamese wars combined! But for soldiers, they at least know death is a possibility. Imagine how surprised some of these White men women and children were. Obviously, the number of White children has to reach into the tens of thousands. How many is that? 20,000? 40,000? 60,000? Who knows. But clearly, our country has been fighting the wrong enemies! Now it is true that negroes murder more negroes than they do White people. But as with negroes in Africa, that is their problem. Not the White man's.

In your mind's ear, LISTEN TO THE CHILDREN SCREAM as they are brutally murdered. Hear their dear little voices instead making anguished pleas for mercy. Which they didn't receive. Hear their shrill screams of agony. In your mind's eye, imagine their dear little faces instead contorted in fear and agony as they are brutally murdered. Their souls cry out from the grave for JUSTICE! And a better form of justice than the kind that didn't prevent their murders. Or will prevent future ones. If you are nonwhite, that is a different matter. But if you are White, you are the most vile form of worthless scum possible to want to do nothing more concrete to prevent these kinds of deaths.

Some lowlife piece of shit nigger around here posted a thread where it showed a very pretty young blond White girl who had either just given some nigger a blow job or was about to do so. Apparently that is OK. Boy, is that rubbing salt into the wounds. But if I was to post pictures of lynched niggers, I would probably get banned. And I would certainly would get banned if I stated my admiration for White people who shoot as many jews, niggers, sand niggers or spicks as they can. And without a doubt I would get banned if I suggested that any truly patriotic White person go out with a gun and shoot as many niggers as they can find.

Why? Because the mods and probably everybody else around here is GUILTY of murdering those children! Your guilt comes from supporting in whatever way the social system under which those murders occurred. Tell me this isn't true. If you dare!!!

You are just not right, something is off with you. Your judgement and intentions smell suspicious. Your character or sock is not sustainable.
YIKES! You ARE aware that WHITE people are also guilty of murdering white children, right? Please cut the crap with your racist propaganda.

Are you kidding? Just look at the statistics I posted from the CDC in my thread The Negro Disease. It is negroes who do the vast majority of the murdering. So obviously they murder more White children. And that aside, you should at least be willing to admit that Whites murder far fewer negro children. If any at all. And you can call it propaganda or anything you like. But you can't call it untrue. Also, sure, the negroes are guilty for doing those murders. But you are just as guilty for letting them. Assuming you are White.