Are You Guilty Of Murdering White Children?

That's funny. You are guilty of murdering White children. But you say that there isn't something right with me.

I've never seen a single black person advocate for murdering tens of millions of peopl , but you're doing it right now. Some cultures are just less civilized than others I suppose .
Prepare for some truthful offensiveness monkey boy. You think White children murdered by niggers go to hell? Riddle me this you porch monkey. Why is it that there isn't a nigger populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. Despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. Why is it that most of the niggers in Africa believe that their bad luck is caused by witches casting hexes on them. Why is it that there are still cannibals in Africa. Why is it that slavery still goes on there. Where do those spades go when they die. And just because darkies like you are in the U.S. doesn't make you immune.

Africa for the past decade has been the continent with the highest economic growth lmao.

Also FYI there are basically no actual anthropological examples of cultures that actually practiced cannibalism as a regular accepted cultural practice. Literally something white people made up while jacking off.
I can compile a list of pictures of tens of thousands of murder victims if you want me to. I can select down to whatever identity of the murderer you want, do you want to do blood libel against Japanese lesbian midget, I'm pretty sure I can find some murders by them.

Also your fucking retarded, you can just grab a picture of a kid and write whatever the hell your want on it. Apparently you immediately believe something just because it isn't clearly computer generated. This is the intelligence of a rightist who hates black people but not murderers.

watermark, you are retarded. I was just trolling OP you dumbass
It's an absolute fact that society would be far, far better off without facts. Some things are so obviously true that it would be absurd to say it's an opinion. Some things are so obviously true that lefty morons can only namecall to attempt to refute.

MuH fAcTs

Yep these statistics are just thrown into the void with no intention of anything, no desire to stir up indiscriminate barbarism and violence against innocent black people by evil sadistic monsters who want to protect their sick fantasies into innocents who look different.
Interesting that you should find White children murdered by negroes to be funny. I can direct you to a site that shows shitloads of Whites murdered by negroes. You can laugh your ass off. It can only be found through the yahoo search engine. Just enter into it, "White victims: Incognito man."

I can find a shit load of murders by whatever obscure intersectional identity you want. That's literally just data mining. I would like you to find me an example of a race that you can't find shit loads of murders by, that would be quite a discovery honestly.
I can find a shit load of murders by whatever obscure intersectional identity you want. That's literally just data mining. I would like you to find me an example of a race that you can't find shit loads of murders by, that would be quite a discovery honestly.

You are such a fcking moron. It's not that every race doesn't have it's murderers. It's that neggers are vastly disproporationly in the number of murders they commit, and that the media works hard to convict the public of something else.