Are You Guilty Of Murdering White Children?

these pictures are all fake. those kids are computer generated. in any case, if they were real they'd be in hell. That is where all white people go in the end

Prepare for some truthful offensiveness monkey boy. You think White children murdered by niggers go to hell? Riddle me this you porch monkey. Why is it that there isn't a nigger populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. Despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. Why is it that most of the niggers in Africa believe that their bad luck is caused by witches casting hexes on them. Why is it that there are still cannibals in Africa. Why is it that slavery still goes on there. Where do those spades go when they die. And just because darkies like you are in the U.S. doesn't make you immune.
Prepare for some truthful offensiveness monkey boy. You think White children murdered by niggers go to hell? Riddle me this you porch monkey. Why is it that there isn't a nigger populated country on the planet that is worth a damn. Despite the "monkey see, monkey do" example set for them by developed countries. Why is it that most of the niggers in Africa believe that their bad luck is caused by witches casting hexes on them. Why is it that there are still cannibals in Africa. Why is it that slavery still goes on there. Where do those spades go when they die. And just because darkies like you are in the U.S. doesn't make you immune.

I see. Truth = Banned.
Everyone goes to Hell. Except Mormons.

According to the bible, going to heaven means going to hell. Because in revelations it says that a new jerusalem will come out of the sky and land on the new earth. From what I figure, it would be about 1000 miles per side. Pretty large indeed. But what will be on the outside of the walls of the new jerusalm? Basically, all the filthy scum. To me, that would basically make the new jerusalem a jail. According to this story, you would be better off by being evil and being sent to hell. Because then, on the new earth, you would have all of the rest of the new earth to roam around on.
According to the bible, going to heaven means going to hell. Because in revelations it says that a new jerusalem will come out of the sky and land on the new earth. From what I figure, it would be about 1000 miles per side. Pretty large indeed. But what will be on the outside of the walls of the new jerusalm? Basically, all the filthy scum. To me, that would basically make the new jerusalem a jail. According to this story, you would be better off by being evil and being sent to hell. Because then, on the new earth, you would have all of the rest of the new earth to roam around on.

The Bible also says nothing about being tortured in Hell. It seems like that was invented by the Catholic church, along with Purgatory. If Hell is just a place for people that God doesn't want living near him, that actually sounds pretty nice.
The Bible also says nothing about being tortured in Hell. It seems like that was invented by the Catholic church, along with Purgatory. If Hell is just a place for people that God doesn't want living near him, that actually sounds pretty nice.

Sounds like third rock from the sun
The Bible also says nothing about being tortured in Hell. It seems like that was invented by the Catholic church, along with Purgatory. If Hell is just a place for people that God doesn't want living near him, that actually sounds pretty nice.

I read the bible once. In one part in the old testament it talks about the neither parts of the earth. As in where you go after you die. Which I take to mean hell. And it describes it as a wonderful place.
did OP get perma'd? i forget. but this was a pretty funny thread.

Interesting that you should find White children murdered by negroes to be funny. I can direct you to a site that shows shitloads of Whites murdered by negroes. You can laugh your ass off. It can only be found through the yahoo search engine. Just enter into it, "White victims: Incognito man."
For apparently the vast majority of "people" around here, sucking baby penis and murdering White children. How much lower can you get.
It's an absolute fact that society would be far, far better off without facts. Some things are so obviously true that it would be absurd to say it's an opinion. Some things are so obviously true that lefty morons can only namecall to attempt to refute.
I have more. But I think you get the picture. All of these children were murdered by negroes. They were either stabbed, shot, stomped, strangled, set on fire while alive, etc. Some were also raped and sodomized before they were murdered. No doubt in some cases in front of their parents before they were murdered too. If you had a conscience, I would ask you to imagine how that would make you feel. Between 1965-2004, 179,808 White men women and children were murdered by negroes. That is about 60,000 more than the number of U.S. troops killed in the Korean and Vietnamese wars combined! But for soldiers, they at least know death is a possibility. Imagine how surprised some of these White men women and children were. Obviously, the number of White children has to reach into the tens of thousands. How many is that? 20,000? 40,000? 60,000? Who knows. But clearly, our country has been fighting the wrong enemies! Now it is true that negroes murder more negroes than they do White people. But as with negroes in Africa, that is their problem. Not the White man's.

In your mind's ear, LISTEN TO THE CHILDREN SCREAM as they are brutally murdered. Hear their dear little voices instead making anguished pleas for mercy. Which they didn't receive. Hear their shrill screams of agony. In your mind's eye, imagine their dear little faces instead contorted in fear and agony as they are brutally murdered. Their souls cry out from the grave for JUSTICE! And a better form of justice than the kind that didn't prevent their murders. Or will prevent future ones. If you are nonwhite, that is a different matter. But if you are White, you are the most vile form of worthless scum possible to want to do nothing more concrete to prevent these kinds of deaths.

Some lowlife piece of shit nigger around here posted a thread where it showed a very pretty young blond White girl who had either just given some nigger a blow job or was about to do so. Apparently that is OK. Boy, is that rubbing salt into the wounds. But if I was to post pictures of lynched niggers, I would probably get banned. And I would certainly would get banned if I stated my admiration for White people who shoot as many jews, niggers, sand niggers or spicks as they can. And without a doubt I would get banned if I suggested that any truly patriotic White person go out with a gun and shoot as many niggers as they can find.

Why? Because the mods and probably everybody else around here is GUILTY of murdering those children! Your guilt comes from supporting in whatever way the social system under which those murders occurred. Tell me this isn't true. If you dare!!!

If we simply got rid of the 13% of the population, our murder rate would suddenly go from 5 per 100k a year to over 13000 per year. This would be the highest murder rate ever achieved by any society in all of history. We would have committed two milleniums and six centuries worth of murders.

Another fun statistic. Did you know that 99.9% of black people are responsible for 0% of murders? Pretty obvious if you think about it.

On the other hand, 100% of white southerners are responsible for Jim Crow, 100% of southerners were responsible for every single lynching that took place because they decided that black people should bear the brunt of fulfilling their sadistic fantasies if perfect justice. It is always so easy to require sacrifices on the part of others. It really doesn't matter how many cumskins the bubblegum gods send to the shadow realm, you'd still do this shit anyway simply because you know for certain you'd never be the victim of the barbarism I imagine you are thinking of. Because of your white skin.

I hope those cumskins are burning in hell BTW. :)
Are you kidding? Just look at the statistics I posted from the CDC in my thread The Negro Disease. It is negroes who do the vast majority of the murdering. So obviously they murder more White children. And that aside, you should at least be willing to admit that Whites murder far fewer negro children. If any at all. And you can call it propaganda or anything you like. But you can't call it untrue. Also, sure, the negroes are guilty for doing those murders. But you are just as guilty for letting them. Assuming you are White.

Yes let's center their blackness here. Your talking about a murderer yet the biggest and most important thing you can think about them is that their black. For some reason you don't seem to consider being a murderer that big of a deal in comparison.
these pictures are all fake. those kids are computer generated. in any case, if they were real they'd be in hell. That is where all white people go in the end

I can compile a list of pictures of tens of thousands of murder victims if you want me to. I can select down to whatever identity of the murderer you want, do you want to do blood libel against Japanese lesbian midget, I'm pretty sure I can find some murders by them.

Also your fucking retarded, you can just grab a picture of a kid and write whatever the hell your want on it. Apparently you immediately believe something just because it isn't clearly computer generated. This is the intelligence of a rightist who hates black people but not murderers.