Are you ready ?


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We can have to deal with a variety of disasters at any time form hurricanes to flooding to tornados earth quakes , solar flares , riots , economic collapse , pandemics far worse then covid,eruptions from a super volcano like Yellowstone or others, large asteroid hits war and probably a few that I left out.

Clearly we all cant be ready for everything .

Are you prepared for even the smallest and of these ? how long could you and your family go it all along , could you provide food cash first aid and protection for your family ?

Or will you wait for others to d it for you which may never happen depending on how bad the event is.

Are you prepared for the type of natural disaster most likely to hit your area ?
how long can you go without any income no stores to buy food ?

Would you survive for a month 2 months without help ? would you be a victim , prey or predator or survivor ?

That's sad. Maybe we'll have better luck next time.

Can't really rely on Luck. 'Water and Electricity'. 'Electricity and Water'. 2 important subjects that everyone should consider.
You can have your Gold Coins ... but if nothing is open, nothing works, everyone is gone, good luck trying to 'use' your Gold Coins for something.
Can't really rely on Luck. 'Water and Electricity'. 'Electricity and Water'. 2 important subjects that everyone should consider. You can have your Gold Coins ... but if nothing is open, nothing works, everyone is gone, good luck trying to 'use' your Gold Coins for something.

It'd be good luck for JPP if you're drowned by rising floodwaters, or crushed to death under a collapsed roof, or impaled by a wind-driven two-by-four. :)
I'd kill off my trumpkin neighbors in their sleep, one by one. Steal their guns, and live off of whatever they have. There are plenty of them, so I'm good for years.
I'd kill off my trumpkin neighbors in their sleep, one by one. Steal their guns, and live off of whatever they have. There are plenty of them, so I'm good for years.

You'd better enter quietly, or you'll taste lead and I'll watch your shit splatter. Count on it, commie.
What did u survive? The storm or the black lawlessness

10 days no water, no electricity, no phone, no mail, no banks, no food stores, no gas stations, no nothing. One day you're in the 21st century, the next day you're in the 14th century.
I'm near the Mississippi border, where the eye came over. Trees down everywhere. I burned debris for 2 weeks, day and night. Luckily, some guy had a swimming pool near by where I got beautiful clean water that I could bathe in, wash clothes, and flush my toilet.
We can have to deal with a variety of disasters at any time form hurricanes to flooding to tornados earth quakes , solar flares , riots , economic collapse , pandemics far worse then covid,eruptions from a super volcano like Yellowstone or others, large asteroid hits war and probably a few that I left out.

Clearly we all cant be ready for everything .

Are you prepared for even the smallest and of these ? how long could you and your family go it all along , could you provide food cash first aid and protection for your family ?

Or will you wait for others to d it for you which may never happen depending on how bad the event is.

Are you prepared for the type of natural disaster most likely to hit your area ?
how long can you go without any income no stores to buy food ?

Would you survive for a month 2 months without help ? would you be a victim , prey or predator or survivor ?

What makes this a current event????????????????????
It'd be good luck for JPP if you're drowned by rising floodwaters, or crushed to death under a collapsed roof, or impaled by a wind-driven two-by-four. :)

:) Well, thank you, Legina. Fortunately, I live on high ground ... and I built my own house. So, if the 'roof collapsed', I would deserve to die.
Now, I did go out in the Storm and walk around a bit. About a block from the House I noticed a Stop Sign vibrating so vigorously that I thought it would become airborne and slice me in half.
So, I got the fuck out of there. :(

Can't really rely on Luck. 'Water and Electricity'. 'Electricity and Water'. 2 important subjects that everyone should consider.
You can have your Gold Coins ... but if nothing is open, nothing works, everyone is gone, good luck trying to 'use' your Gold Coins for something.

Like I told you before Jack, many ppl here are praying & somehow you always manage to survive..........??
