Are you ready ?

A year or two before I retired, there was this clown at work who built a Y2K shelter.
I don't believe that anybody has seen him since.
I'd kill off my trumpkin neighbors in their sleep, one by one. Steal their guns, and live off of whatever they have. There are plenty of them, so I'm good for years.

great post, my game plan as well. gotta a fat POS billie across the street with a freezer full of meat, plenty of ammo, and a wife with a nice rack. set for months
We can have to deal with a variety of disasters at any time form hurricanes to flooding to tornados earth quakes , solar flares , riots , economic collapse , pandemics far worse then covid,eruptions from a super volcano like Yellowstone or others, large asteroid hits war and probably a few that I left out.

Clearly we all cant be ready for everything .

Are you prepared for even the smallest and of these ? how long could you and your family go it all along , could you provide food cash first aid and protection for your family ?

Or will you wait for others to d it for you which may never happen depending on how bad the event is.

Are you prepared for the type of natural disaster most likely to hit your area ?
how long can you go without any income no stores to buy food ?

Would you survive for a month 2 months without help ? would you be a victim , prey or predator or survivor ?

Been Seriously Prepping for over 12 years, can deal with most issues that come my way, can go a loooong time on my supplies and can protect them.
gain you dont know what your talking about ,

at the time of Katrina New Orleans was Heavily Democratic that has changed to many people leaving after the hurricane . so you keep proving your self to not knowing what you talk about
What makes this a current event????????????????????

natural disaster happen often around the globe regularly and at random , this is just as much a current event today as it was anytime in the past or future. are you ready . or just going to cry
A year or two before I retired, there was this clown at work who built a Y2K shelter.
I don't believe that anybody has seen him since.

I don't believe that "a year or two before you retired, there was this clown at work who built a Y2K shelter", so there's that.
Been Seriously Prepping for over 12 years, can deal with most issues that come my way, can go a loooong time on my supplies and can protect them.

great post, my game plan as well. gotta a fat POS billie across the street with a freezer full of meat, plenty of ammo, and a wife with a nice rack. set for months
Yep...trumpkins tend to be rather dumb. Easy marks, as it were.
thanks for admitting your a natural criminal and and a democrat
See? You're so ignorant, you'll never see it coming. The criminals are those who support trump. They have it coming. I got you so triggered, you're stuttering.