Are you ready ?

we already know the majority of felons in jail are democrats

I'm not sure that's correct.

While many incarcerated criminals might favor DEMOCRAT policies that directly benefit criminals, I've seen no evidence that they are registered to vote or have been politically active.

But Biter is going to fix that - he has publicly proclaimed a plan to automatically resister everyone.

Privately, I suspect he also has a plan to vote for everyone he registers, whether they know it or not.
See? You're so ignorant, you'll never see it coming. The criminals are those who support trump. They have it coming. I got you so triggered, you're stuttering.

your a idiot criminals are those who break the law . if you look at the guys post hes talking about going across the street killing his neighbor stealing his supply's who is are publican and raping his wife that makes him a criminal and hes the second democrat here to express that opinion . so when it comes to being ingorant you are now at the top of the heap . (m not trigger or stuttering but you seem to be as your not dealing with your own fellow democrats words as he tells you he would kill steal and rape and it seems you either support it or ignore it which is the same as supporting it. your one stupid dumb ignorant pathetic excuse for a American and a human in general.
What you better be worrying about is the price of gas in the future. Biden has re-fucked Trump's un-fucking of the American fuel supply.
I bet gas is at least $3/gal before this year is out, and 3 more to go!
Can't really rely on Luck. 'Water and Electricity'. 'Electricity and Water'. 2 important subjects that everyone should consider.
You can have your Gold Coins ... but if nothing is open, nothing works, everyone is gone, good luck trying to 'use' your Gold Coins for something.

good for you jack, but did you learn from the experience and prepare your self and family for such a event again. How long could have to gone under those conditions with what you had available to you stay had the same conditions continued for a month .
your a idiot criminals are those who break the law . if you look at the guys post hes talking about going across the street killing his neighbor stealing his supply's who is are publican and raping his wife that makes him a criminal and hes the second democrat here to express that opinion . so when it comes to being ingorant you are now at the top of the heap . (m not trigger or stuttering but you seem to be as your not dealing with your own fellow democrats words as he tells you he would kill steal and rape and it seems you either support it or ignore it which is the same as supporting it. your one stupid dumb ignorant pathetic excuse for a American and a human in general.
Resubmit this in English, and perhaps I'll take the time to attempt to discern what the voices in your head are telling you.
good for you jack, but did you learn from the experience and prepare your self and family for such a event again. How long could have to gone under those conditions with what you had available to you stay had the same conditions continued for a month .

I cannot think of a single valid reason to believe what Jack (or anyone) claims about themselves on the Internet.

Can you?
yep thats how I see it to, but its not a big surprise to me, as we already know the majority of felons in jail are democrats . seems to be a natural tendency for many of them,.
Idiot. There are no laws when society breaks down.
I cannot think of a single valid reason to believe what Jack (or anyone) claims about themselves on the Internet.

Can you?

With as much as people lie now most people should not be believed.

However when you run across a obvious truth teller that changes, that is almost the entire point of is all about truth and decency.
You believe him?

I have no reason not to believe him , while we both have had disagreements on political issues etc I never got the impression he was lying .

I live in Florida legion and many people here are prepared for short term emergency's due to hurricanes. Many are liberals also.

While I find few liberals are prepared for more then a few short days some do prep for longer terms.
With as much as people lie now most people should not be believed.

Nobody can (or should be) be believed without verification of their claims. That's the way it is. If you choose to be credulous based on your emotional responses, that's your problem.
Nobody can (or should be) be believed without verification of their claims. That's the way it is. If you choose to be credulous based on your emotional responses, that's your problem.

Society can not function if that is the norm, that is slitting one's throat. However when so many people lie constantly we dont have much choice, to take people at their word in that environment is the mark of a chump, and man we sure do have too many of them now!
Idiot. There are no laws when society breaks down.

Yes there is the same laws still exist along with basic human morality and ethics.

When we act like animals we are.
Rape and stealing and looting and murder are wrong and you know it, . Your making excuses for people here to commit crimes due to political affliction against those whom have different political affliction .

Just like as people did during the riots which were a break down im society . That sure didn't make it right for those involved it the capital riots or the thousand of riots that took place across America with democrats blm and antifa and democrats.

Your endorsing criminal behavior like a ignorant bastard , O I need it so its OK for me to kill my neighbor because hes a republican and steal his guns his food his generator and rape his big boobed wife.

You seriously need to look at your ethics and values and morals and your self.

You clearly have mental issues and are a poor excuse for a human