Are you ready ?

He has none.

It's the responsibility of each individual to be ready and able to deter his depredations with lethal force, if necessary.

being prepared is not all about being able to deter people, often its also about helping others. A temporary short term disaster a month or so is fairly easy to prepare for. but something long term is not. Often a small group of like minded people will group together and pool resources as a group which in its self is a a means of protection from roving looters and gangs.
being prepared is not all about being able to deter people, often its also about helping others. A temporary short term disaster a month or so is fairly easy to prepare for. but something long term is not. Often a small group of like minded people will group together and pool resources as a group which in its self is a a means of protection from roving looters and gangs.

being prepared is not all about being able to deter people, often its also about helping others. A temporary short term disaster a month or so is fairly easy to prepare for. but something long term is not. Often a small group of like minded people will group together and pool resources as a group which in its self is a a means of protection from roving looters and gangs.

Yeup, all my close family are involved to one degree or another along with a couple of couples we know. Depending on the situation everyone knows what to do next, worst case scenario they come to my place and if possible we hold the fort here, if not we have two alternate locations and the means to travel overland to get to them. If nothing ever happens, I am good with that, if it does we stand a better chance than most.
Yeup, all my close family are involved to one degree or another along with a couple of couples we know. Depending on the situation everyone knows what to do next, worst case scenario they come to my place and if possible we hold the fort here, if not we have two alternate locations and the means to travel overland to get to them. If nothing ever happens, I am good with that, if it does we stand a better chance than most.

Yeup, all my close family are involved to one degree or another along with a couple of couples we know. Depending on the situation everyone knows what to do next, worst case scenario they come to my place and if possible we hold the fort here, if not we have two alternate locations and the means to travel overland to get to them. If nothing ever happens, I am good with that, if it does we stand a better chance than most.

let us all hope its not need by any of us.

You seem to have a good overall plan and understand the importance of the group aka strength and security in numbers.
let us all hope its not need by any of us.

You seem to have a good overall plan and understand the importance of the group aka strength and security in numbers.

I hope nothing happens, but Life rarely works that way, it is why I do it, always been a Realist.

Spent a butt load of time in the Woods, Military (11B), and have a little bit of Common Sense.

Having No Plan, Is Planning To Fail.
good for you jack, but did you learn from the experience and prepare your self and family for such a event again. How long could have to gone under those conditions with what you had available to you stay had the same conditions continued for a month .

Gas was worth it's weight in gold. I had to travel 150 miles (to Lafayette) to get groceries and ice. NOBODY was on the Freeways for the first 50 miles, you could literally drive at 100/mph.
A Generator would be a good investment (no, I didn't do that) to keep the Refrigerator running, along with Lights (and a Well pump if you have one). I can tell you, that guys swimming pool with the clean, chlorinated water was a Gold Mine. Fresh Water ... I don't know how you can store enough of that.

After about 5 days, you have to be concerned about Looters. Generators are their Main Target. You'll be sleeping, the AC running, then ... you'll wake up and realize you're not hearing the noise of the Generator anymore. Advice from Law Enforcement: "Take the Appropriate Action".
I know. ;) But you can learn a lot from her. Like how to construct traps for fishes and such from scratch.

True. but you have to go apply it to know how to do it, watching a video or reading a book will not cut it.

Look it is not complicated, it is no different than having a spare tire or fire extinguisher, you may never need them, but if you do they sure come in handy. There are lots of very simply and cost effective ways to better prepare yourself and those you care about and stand a better chance of being able to deal with an emergency situation.

Look, this is not about being ready for the Zombie War, this is about being ready for normal emergencies that could and do occur, do you live in an area that has possible emergencies, then start with those then expand to take in other possible emergency scenarios. Think on it, seriously, how well are you really prepared to deal with the possibilities?
Look, this is not about being ready for the Zombie War, this is about being ready for normal emergencies that could and do occur, do you live in an area that has possible emergencies, then start with those then expand to take in other possible emergency scenarios. Think on it, seriously, how well are you really prepared to deal with the possibilities?

Not much possible emergencies. This city has a tendency to be flooded. Also it's close to the New Madrid fault.