Are you ready ?

You posed a question about any of a number of catastrophic events, including some sort of war. You wanted to know who was ready to ride it out. Part of that is defending yourself when society has broken down.

I merely stated that I would go after low hanging fruit, such as yourself. Easy marks, as it were. It's your fantasy, not mine.

But do get on your soap box and attempt to make yourself feel better just because you can't spell.

no soap box you have already identified your self as a supporter of criminals and having low morals ethics and values a me me person with no respect for the law, your scum

im sure your all that and a bag of chips

I'm in South Louisiana, so not much trouble in the Winter. It's usually after a hurricane that the Generators are in use.
There always seems to be a Report about somebody dragging the Generator inside to keep it from getting stolen ... then waking up dead the next morning from asphyxiation. :(

The Lesson from Katrina ... leave the State, find a nice Motel, sit around the Pool, drink Bloody Marys, and watch the Disaster unfold on TV ... the Government will pay you $2,000 for your trouble. (if you stayed, you were considered an Idiot, and the Government gave you nothing.

We got two feet of snow in two days last week. North of me gets 4 feet at a time during some storms. We bitch about snow, but we don't have hurricanes/tornadoes/earthquakes. I can't imagine having to deal with any of those. Evacuating is definitely the wise decision. People blame Bush for what happened near you during Katrina, but I seem to remember the governor dropping the ball when it came to evacuating.

It's hard to get people to leave their homes, especially when they feel vulnerable to theft.
no soap box you have already identified your self as a supporter of criminals and having low morals ethics and values a me me person with no respect for the law, your scum're the supporter of the biggest criminal in the nation.

Another who cannot spell, read, or run a business.
We got two feet of snow in two days last week. North of me gets 4 feet at a time during some storms. We bitch about snow, but we don't have hurricanes/tornadoes/earthquakes. I can't imagine having to deal with any of those. Evacuating is definitely the wise decision. People blame Bush for what happened near you during Katrina, but I seem to remember the governor dropping the ball when it came to evacuating.

It's hard to get people to leave their homes, especially when they feel vulnerable to theft.

Snow. Fuck That! I'll take the Hurricanes. :)

I watched the News. It looks like Bad Weather all over the place. Are you using your Generator NOW?
Snow. Fuck That! I'll take the Hurricanes. :)

I watched the News. It looks like Bad Weather all over the place. Are you using your Generator NOW?
It looks like we might miss this latest storm. The jet stream seems to be dipping way to the south. In general, snow doesn't knock out our power. Especially when it's cold and dry. Freezing rain tends to collect on the tree limbs and snap them. That's when we get our worst outages.

Same in the summer with the near hurricane winds during rain events. They uproot trees and take out the power. So far so good with the generator!

When super storm Sandy hit, my power was out for about 1 day. Others in my area lost power for more than a week. It all depends on how many trees are near the power lines.
your a idiot criminals are those who break the law . if you look at the guys post hes talking about going across the street killing his neighbor stealing his supply's who is are publican and raping his wife that makes him a criminal and hes the second democrat here to express that opinion . so when it comes to being ingorant you are now at the top of the heap . (m not trigger or stuttering but you seem to be as your not dealing with your own fellow democrats words as he tells you he would kill steal and rape and it seems you either support it or ignore it which is the same as supporting it. your one stupid dumb ignorant pathetic excuse for a American and a human in general.

actually, you are responding to the other demmycrat who confessed to a criminal intent.....
It looks like we might miss this latest storm. The jet stream seems to be dipping way to the south. In general, snow doesn't knock out our power. Especially when it's cold and dry. Freezing rain tends to collect on the tree limbs and snap them. That's when we get our worst outages.

Same in the summer with the near hurricane winds during rain events. They uproot trees and take out the power. So far so good with the generator!

When super storm Sandy hit, my power was out for about 1 day. Others in my area lost power for more than a week. It all depends on how many trees are near the power lines.

Well, Good Luck. Trees and Power Lines. They seem to go together. It was 38 here yesterday. Yes, I reluctantly went outside to mail some Letters. Today ... Jack may stay home? :(
actually, you are responding to the other demmycrat who confessed to a criminal intent.....

no Im not she was agreeing with him she also posted

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I'd kill off my trumpkin neighbors in their sleep, one by one. Steal their guns, and live off of whatever they have. There are plenty of them, so I'm good for years.

Once in a while you get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right.

she also made a post about going after the low hanging fruit aka the easy pickings as criminals do those who cant defend them self . shes scum
no Im not she was agreeing with him she also posted

Althea is offline Althea told me...........

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I'd kill off my trumpkin neighbors in their sleep, one by one. Steal their guns, and live off of whatever they have. There are plenty of them, so I'm good for years.

and you don't think that's a confession of criminal intent? the way, Althea is a he.....
and you don't think that's a confession of criminal intent? the way, Althea is a he.....

no hes is a bitch and yes its a confession of criminal intent,

d kill off my trumpkin neighbors in their sleep, one by one. Steal their guns, and live off of whatever they have. There are plenty of them, so I'm good for years.

also Id go for the low hanging fruit it wasn't talking about apples but people who are weak

pretty well tells you everything you need to know about a person hey ,what would you call it a welcome wagon to the community and a message of peace and unity .
why dont you start defending serial killers