Are you ready ?

lol, not w/in about a 1,000 miles or so...

When something like that goes off, it continues for a long time..........




no back to the original context of the thread.

We all can face natural disasters at ant=y time and of course there are man made one also.
we have to survive biter , that's a entire new level of disaster

How can anyone not like Biden? Are you saying you don't like him personally? Is it his policies you don't like?

OR- Are are you just being you're usual self- a SHITHEAD?

You do realize Biden was a very well-liked Senator for over 25 years by both Republicans and Democrats, and he was also a very well liked and respected VP by all.

Biden is a good man! He will tell you the truth- even if it hurts. He is also a very experienced leader. You should be able to appreciate that- for a change.
I'm lightyears to the left of Biden politically, and even I recognize that he's a reasonably decent person.
Of course, I have no orange puppet master telling me to not like him.
How can anyone not like Biden? Are you saying you don't like him personally? Is it his policies you don't like?

OR- Are are you just being you're usual self- a SHITHEAD?

You do realize Biden was a very well-liked Senator for over 25 years by both Republicans and Democrats, and he was also a very well liked and respected VP by all.

Biden is a good man! He will tell you the truth- even if it hurts. He is also a very experienced leader. You should be able to appreciate that- for a change.

I dont like him hes a crook and a con man and a life long politician whos been sucking the life out of America and his poliys are that of a idiot ,You see as a person I didnt like trump at all nut I liked his policys they were good for America while biters bad for us
I dont like him hes a crook and a con man and a life long politician whos been sucking the life out of America and his poliys are that of a idiot ,You see as a person I didnt like trump at all nut I liked his policys they were good for America while biters bad for us

You must have really liked TRUMP'S AUTOCRATIC policy of trying to make himself president by taking the election away from the officially certified elected president- Joe Biden with a coup attempt by loyal extreme WHITE SUPREMACIST DOMESTIC TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS- HUH?

You must have really liked TRUMP'S AUTOCRATIC policy of trying to make himself president by taking the election away from the officially certified elected president- Joe Biden with a coup attempt by loyal extreme WHITE SUPREMACIST DOMESTIC TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS- HUH?


your assuming a lot and this thread has nothing to do with Trump or Biden so stop trying to hijack it asshole , either add something of value to the subject at hand or stfu and go back to sleep asshole