'Are You Seriously This Stupid?': Legal Minds Nail Trump After Fox News 'Confession'

Shove your white guilt where the sun don't shine.
Joe, JPP's newest keyboard warrior and Internet tough guy. :rofl2:

here's one.

Kamala is a smart and great candidate.
Quote where that was posted, Fredo. You're free to just pull shit out of your ass, but it's not proof of what you claimed.

No worries, son. I knew you couldn't do it. You're incapable. It's why I believe you would have made the perfect patsy for your friend's militia if Trump hadn't fucked them all over after 1/6.

Quote where that was posted, Fredo. You're free to just pull shit out of your ass, but it's not proof of what you claimed.

No worries, son. I knew you couldn't do it. You're incapable. It's why I believe you would have made the perfect patsy for your friend's militia if Trump hadn't fucked them all over after 1/6.

So you don't think she's a smart and great candidate?
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'Are You Seriously This Stupid?': Legal Minds Nail Trump After Fox News 'Confession'​

The former president's latest defense backfires on social media.

Donald Trump on Sunday tried to defend himself from the criminal charges he’s facing in the election interference case ― but experts say it sounded more like a confession.
Trump on Fox News bragged that his poll numbers go up every time he’s indicted.
“Whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election, where you have every right to do it, you get indicted, and your poll numbers go up,” he said.
I saw that video clip on the news last night and my jaw dropped. He has "every right" to interfere in elections? WTF.
I saw that video clip on the news last night and my jaw dropped. He has "every right" to interfere in elections? WTF.
only the Dems can interfere in elections then?

how about the Fifty SPooks for hunter laptop truth?

have they resigned in disgrace?

  1. It's been two years since 51 intelligence agents interfered with an ...

    https://nypost.com › 2022 › 10 › 19 › its-been-two-years-since-51-intelligence-agents-interfered-with-an-election-they-still-wont-apologize
    Oct 19, 2022Using the institutional weight of their former esteemed roles, they signed a dishonest letter to mislead voters 15 days before the election, claiming that material from Hunter Biden's laptop ...

'Are You Seriously This Stupid?': Legal Minds Nail Trump After Fox News 'Confession'​

The former president's latest defense backfires on social media.

Donald Trump on Sunday tried to defend himself from the criminal charges he’s facing in the election interference case ― but experts say it sounded more like a confession.
Trump on Fox News bragged that his poll numbers go up every time he’s indicted.
“Whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election, where you have every right to do it, you get indicted, and your poll numbers go up,” he said.

There was no criminality in Trumps questioning the election outcome. It's done just about every election. But with all the malfeasance in 2020, Democrats went full retard mode when someone wanted to verify knowing they might get caught.

I would ask again, but am doubtful I will get an intelligent response, what crimes did Trump commit specifically? And don't just say read the charges, they are laughably incompetent and lacking any real evidence.