Are you thinking about buying a battery car?

I would probably get one of those when available.
can you get them in 48V models ? I can get some cheap tru sine wave telco power inverters that run on 48V.

You can put the Pacwind Seahawk on a 48V Battery to charge it. That'll run $3000 right now...

Edit: But..... it needs higher speed winds to work effectively. The 12V one would work just fine in 0-5 mph winds.
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And they spin slower and pose less danger to wildlife.

Yeah, that makes it a lot easier for public buildings to use them, and they won't get a backlash from PETA. The Great Lakes Science Center up here in Cleveland had an issue with those people when they wanted to put a windmill up. Took them years to fight with them but eventually got it up.
Darla, billions of dollars in taxpayer dollars involved and our energy independence.
Hard to wrap your little head around it I guess. Hey how about discount clothes sales 20% off.
Thanks dave I bookmarked that up. I should be able to make whatever voltage I want out of that. Might put 3-4 of them on the ridge of my barn roof....
I am an electronics tech by training...
Got my first class FCC liscence many years ago.

I will study the plans later.
Thanks dave I bookmarked that up. I should be able to make whatever voltage I want out of that. Might put 3-4 of them on the ridge of my barn roof....
I am an electronics tech by training...
Got my first class FCC liscence many years ago.

I will study the plans later.

Cool man, let me know how that goes. Maybe you can sell those things like lightning rods to the locals... lol.
This type of work will be a future part of my business which is now focusing on automotive electronics and climate control.

I use the guys design I will likely pay him a per unit fee/royalty.
Why rotate a whole building when these things provide the power from any direction already? You can build one huge Vertical Axis Wind Turbine on 100 acres, and it would generate as much power as 36,000 acres of regular wind mills.

Yea, I thought you might read that the wrong way. The windmills do the rotation inside the building. The building is just there to produce a venturi effect (increased wind speed within the building) to hopefully produce more power.
Yea, I thought you might read that the wrong way. The windmills do the rotation inside the building. The building is just there to produce a venturi effect (increased wind speed within the building) to hopefully produce more power.

seems like and expensive way to go to me.
One less senior citizen on the road is a good thing.


LOL, I can agree for many of them.

I lived in FL. darn bluehairs. and q-tips.

How many of you can honestly say they have never gotten any type of moving violation ticket ?
only 2 minor fender benders in my life. One was just me and a ditch :)
over one million miles under my butt driving down the highways...
LOL, I can agree for many of them.

I lived in FL. darn bluehairs. and q-tips.

How many of you can honestly say they have never gotten any type of moving violation ticket ?
only 2 minor fender benders in my life. One was just me and a ditch :)
over one million miles under my butt driving down the highways...

I'm at 200,000 now. Never been cited for an accident, but have had three speeding tickets. One was a speed trap, the other two were becaus eI was running late.. lol