Are you thinking about buying a battery car?

Personally I want to see the Honda Clarity become more affordable. Of course we have to build out the hydrogen refueling stations as well, so probably looking at ten years before that happens.

Yes I see the ethanol thing as being phased out as other tech methods take off.
I'm at 200,000 now. Never been cited for an accident, but have had three speeding tickets. One was a speed trap, the other two were becaus eI was running late.. lol

Ohh I did not say that I have not deserved many speeding tickets :)

I have about 220k on my current car.
Ohh I did not say that I have not deserved many speeding tickets :)

I have about 220k on my current car.

Yeah, I'm still driving my High-School car, which has 160k, my 2004 Ranger has 40k, and we just leased a new Mazda CX-7. I keep my car running good because it is the most efficient, but have uses for my truck and the SUV makes it easier with the baby.
I have an old beat up farm truck, but put very little miles on it.
It is not cool like BB's Norris truck. but does the job.
OMG...what a slow day here.

Can we talk about something more boring?

Anyone? Something more boring than ethanol?


It is a topic that effects us a lot.

And the thread did not start out about alky. Some green hippy libs changed the subject so they don't have to look at the truth of how much the battery manufacturing is hurting the environment.

Go(to hell) Hillery
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It is a topic that effects us a lot.

And the thread did not start out about alky. Some green hippy libs changed the subject so they don't have to look at the truth of how much the battery manufacturing is hurting the environment.

Go(to hell) Hillery

get a horse then. Virtually everything tech related we do damages our environment.. Ohh wait horse farts deplete the ozone layer.

Just walk, but the synthetics used in sneakers damage the environment...

The manufacture of the computer you are typing on damages the environment.

maybe the group that wants to wipe out all humans have the right idea ?
get a horse then. Virtually everything tech related we do damages our environment.. Ohh wait horse farts deplete the ozone layer.

Just walk, but the synthetics used in sneakers damage the environment...

The manufacture of the computer you are typing on damages the environment.

maybe the group that wants to wipe out all humans have the right idea ?

Ummm--sharp one---I was using the mentality of a green to pull at their own heart strings for a change. It did not work. They don't care just as much as they accuse other people of not caring.

What is the lesson to be learned from that?

Lets not be stupid and tax oil out of existance--we don't have a viable replacement.
Ummm--sharp one---I was using the mentality of a green to pull at their own heart strings for a change. It did not work. They don't care just as much as they accuse other people of not caring.

What is the lesson to be learned from that?

Lets not be stupid and tax oil out of existance--we don't have a viable replacement.

correct no replacement, yet. And we are screwed bigtime if we do not at least find replacemnts for most of our oil consumption.
Ummm--sharp one---I was using the mentality of a green to pull at their own heart strings for a change. It did not work. They don't care just as much as they accuse other people of not caring.

What is the lesson to be learned from that?

Lets not be stupid and tax oil out of existance--we don't have a viable replacement.

The only one that claims to be 'Green' on this site, as far as I know, is BAC. I'm not so much worried about the environment as I am about getting off the Middle Eastern Tit. We need to start solving problems and make ourselves more independent by creating renewable energy here at little cost. It will help support a new automobile market that is bound to come out in the next 10 years.
yeah Dave, but I fear our auto industry is asleep at the wheel. Toyota and honda seem to be leading the way on innovation in the direction we need to go.
yeah Dave, but I fear our auto industry is asleep at the wheel. Toyota and honda seem to be leading the way on innovation in the direction we need to go.

Chevy is making a push and have a better model, it just doesn't come out for a few years. 45 miles with no gas at all, and if you recharge, you can continue that. Otherwise, its 650 miles, give or take a few, per tank.
Checked it out, it was actually 1990, so 18 years ago. They only leased them out, and didn't allow them to be sold. Then cancelled the program in 2003 because 'they couldn't make a profit'. Then they sued the State of California. lol
seems like and expensive way to go to me.

The wind mill building

I don't think so (compared to other wind projects). One great thing about it is you can go up with many levels of windmills (like a sky scrapper) instead of all over the land scape. It could be set in the middle of a city, and produce as much energy as a full field 20 miles away. All you would need is screens on the building to keep the birds out. One floor could be the maintance room with a full machine shop if needed--eliminating miles of transportation and hauling tools and parts every year.

Sounding better?
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Yeah well they blew their lead, what happened with the EV car ?

Some smaller manufacture might have made it if they were not taxed so much. That is what made America great--and we have been going down hill ever since. We hold them down so they can't compete.
Some smaller manufacture might have made it if they were not taxed so much. That is what made America great--and we have been going down hill ever since. We hold them down so they can't compete.

Fucking retarded. Do you have ANY FUCKING IDEA how much higher taxes are in Japan or Europe than in America? And don't even mention goddamn China. The difference is, the cost of living is lower, because people aren't allowed to rip others off as much, and companies don't have to spend a ridiculous amount for healthcare because it's taken care of cheaply and efficiently by the government.
OMG...what a slow day here.

Can we talk about something more boring?

Anyone? Something more boring than ethanol?

You could make a small scale / table top version of a vertical axis turbine for under $20.
Thanks dave I bookmarked that up. I should be able to make whatever voltage I want out of that. Might put 3-4 of them on the ridge of my barn roof....
I am an electronics tech by training...
Got my first class FCC liscence many years ago.

I will study the plans later.
Google "Pico turbine"