Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism

Correct. The OP is a lie. How do you even talk to a 3 month old baby about racism?

Waiting until they're 3 months old is racist; reading to them about Malcolm X when they're still in the womb?


Until X is canceled that is.

(And he will be.)
I am sure you can see her doing that but we need details, not the far right rags.

So far in office, she's pushed primarily for huge spending increases in education and teacher pay and done little else. When I directly asked her at a public forum what measurable standards she wanted adopted to show that teachers and schools had improved to justify this extra money, she hemmed and hawed about how that was difficult to do and that such standards would be hard to implement. I followed up by asking why anyone, including me, should vote for such large increases if we were getting no guarantee of improved results from this money in our schools. It was deer in the headlights time on her end...

Several union teachers present (I figured that out from their T-shirts and buttons worn) got pissy about me questioning their ability and the need for large pay raises...

If the union or Progressive teachers have pushed out this sort of tripe, Hoffman won't question it for a second like the good union backing hack she is.

Well, let's go through this at least a little bit...

Interesting... takes you to a different website called "Learning for Justice." It's your typical radical Leftist site pushing Critical Pedagogy and the associated Social and Economic Justice nonsense. isn't just about race. They push the most radical of the LGBTPDQRSTUV agenda along with other typical radical Leftist tripe.
For example, what does an "resource" titled this:


Have to do with race?

At least this one stays on topic and doesn't appear to be too radical.

This one is just your average Leftist group pushing bullshit like Howard Zinn's awful People's History of The United States and wanting to use the discredited 1619 Project as starters.

Then there's the crazies... These people are off the deep end of the Left insane.

Well, you get the picture hopefully. I doubt that the references in the greyed boxes are any better, but they'd be hard to look up without their full bibliography.
My mother told me that when I was a tiny child, we visited a big city and tugged my mother's clothes, asking her in sign language, "why is that man so dirty?"

I don't remember that but I thought that was funny when she told me.

I must have been a Baby Racist, and I am embarrassed for being such a horrible little 2 year old human being!
The story goes back to my parents taking me to the zoo. I do remember those visits, one in particular where my Mom and Dad left me behind and lost me at the Dallas Zoo. I was fascinated by the primates at the zoo, so while I was watching them, my parents and two sisters kept walking and I was left behind, as I didn't keep up with them because I was so fascinated. Oh well, they backtracked and found me there still amused at watching the primates.

All was fine until my Mom took me to the doctor the next week, and we took a Trolly Car (GOD! I HOPE THIS DON'T DATE ME! LOL). But sadly and now regretfully, Black people were required by law back in the early 50's to have to ride in the back and could only use the back door to enter or leave the trolly cars.

My Mom tells me years later, that because I had never seen Black People before in my first two years of life, perhaps this was the very first time I ever encountered them. but my Mom told me years later that I saw these Black people at the rear of the bus and I shouted out "Look Mommy- Monks! Monks Mommy" so loud the Black people heard me, and every passenger on that Bus including my MOM, wanted to crawl under their seats out of embarrassment alone!

YES, my Mother apologized to the people in the rear of that Trolly car for my confusion and what could be considered as racist COMMENT!

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What's the difference between the radical Leftist site and the radical Rightist site when it comes to education and racism?

Waiting until they're 3 months old is racist; reading to them about Malcolm X when they're still in the womb?


Until X is canceled that is.

(And he will be.)

Dude it'd be harmful to the babies in wombs if they are forced to listen to rap music or loud rock n roll.
Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism, says 3-month-olds can be racist: Report

Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism, says 3-month-olds can be racist: Report

The Arizona Department of Education has purportedly created an “equity toolkit” that teaches parents how children as young as 3 months can develop racial bias and encourages parents and teachers to talk to young children about race.

Can we get even more depraved and insane??

I know right they're teaching babies to dislike people like you
Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism, says 3-month-olds can be racist: Report

Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism, says 3-month-olds can be racist: Report

The Arizona Department of Education has purportedly created an “equity toolkit” that teaches parents how children as young as 3 months can develop racial bias and encourages parents and teachers to talk to young children about race.

Can we get even more depraved and insane??

Its only white babies though. Blacks babies can't be racists, isn't that right leftists?
I know right they're teaching babies to dislike people like you

I personally wait until they get older and I teach them leftists are a cancerous tumor on american society. And the best part is you cum stains give me the proof of that every day.
I personally wait until they get older and I teach them leftists are a cancerous tumor on american society. And the best part is you cum stains give me the proof of that every day.

So you teach them to be hateful assholes? Good to know.
Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism, says 3-month-olds can be racist: Report

Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism, says 3-month-olds can be racist: Report

The Arizona Department of Education has purportedly created an “equity toolkit” that teaches parents how children as young as 3 months can develop racial bias and encourages parents and teachers to talk to young children about race.

Can we get even more depraved and insane??

Why does this bother you so much, Vols?

It's not a fucking law and, AFAIK, it's not even your fucking state.

Do you have a problem with their recommendations?

What's the difference between the radical Leftist site and the radical Rightist site when it comes to education and racism?

Only the specific type of bullshit. Righty bullshit is a lot more bitter than Lefty bullshit which has the flavor of a honey-covered turd.

As for the OP, it's a silly as those who attacked Michelle Obama's fitness initiative.
Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism, says 3-month-olds can be racist: Report
Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism, says 3-month-olds can be racist: Report
The Arizona Department of Education has purportedly created an “equity toolkit” that teaches parents how children as young as 3 months can develop racial bias and encourages parents and teachers to talk to young children about race.
Can we get even more depraved and insane??

"Washington Examiner" -- *snort*

Parents should talk to their babies about anything and everything. That's how they learn language. Children notice skin color differences when they are somewhat older. Guess what? They don't care. No different than height or hair color or eyes. It's the parents who teach hate. Yours must have been some real doozies.
Dude it'd be harmful to the babies in wombs if they are forced to listen to rap music or loud rock n roll.

...or a jackhammer.
  • Increased noise levels can cause stress. This can cause changes in a pregnant woman’s body that can affect her developing baby.
  • Sound can travel through your body and reach your baby. Although this sound will be muffled in the womb, very loud noises may still be able to damage your baby’s hearing.
  • Hearing protectors (ear plugs or earmuffs) can protect your hearing, but if you’re pregnant the only way to protect your baby’s hearing is to stay away from the loud noise as much as possible.
"Washington Examiner" -- *snort*

Parents should talk to their babies about anything and everything. That's how they learn language. Children notice skin color differences when they are somewhat older. Guess what? They don't care. No different than height or hair color or eyes. It's the parents who teach hate. Yours must have been some real doozies.

An earlier post showed a graphic, but I can't find the "Equality Kit" online. I did find a main page of resources:

This one is interesting: The Positive School Culture Inventory™ (PSCI™): Purpose, Rationale, and Development

It's a 11 page paper supporting an environment of positive reinforcement in schools. Not just touchy-feely but targeted behaviors:

"An analysis of data from 645 schools that had made a practice of
digitally logging student behavior confirmed that while all positive
behaviors are desirable, some behaviors are more essential to
successfully establishing the targeted positivity ratio than others.