Arizona Education Department encourages talking to babies about racism

Why does this bother you so much, Vols?

It's not a fucking law and, AFAIK, it's not even your fucking state.

Do you have a problem with their recommendations?


I do. I explained why in part back on page 3 of this thread. All of this sources back to the radical Left in education. That hardly makes it objective or well researched. Rather, it pushes a political agenda based on Leftist theories and dogma. Education should be about balanced learning with as little politics injected as possible. This is just the usual bullshit nonsense from the Critical Pedagogy / Social and Economic Justice morons of the far Left.
Here's the link the group that put that flyer out to begin with.

The Testimonials are hilarious.

This is their page on "Social Justice" where that flyer originated from:

This is one of the creator's Facebook pages: Jillian Adler

Then there's Lori Riddick nee Taliaferro Riddick at

These people are idiot radical Leftist whack-a-doodles.

And last but by no means least is this completely insane-- um, female, using the term loosely at Berkeley:

She's the founder of the aforementioned which is completely insane.

I wouldn't want any of these people anywhere near my kids. They're crazy and crazy isn't good for kids of any stripe.
I do. I explained why in part back on page 3 of this thread. All of this sources back to the radical Left in education. That hardly makes it objective or well researched. Rather, it pushes a political agenda based on Leftist theories and dogma. Education should be about balanced learning with as little politics injected as possible. This is just the usual bullshit nonsense from the Critical Pedagogy / Social and Economic Justice morons of the far Left.

First, this is page 2 for me.

Second, so? Are you saying that babies can't start picking up cues from their parents as depicted in the graphic? What is the problem here? AZ makes a recommendation. Awesome. They're right. So what?