Armitage: 'I Made a Terrible Mistake... I'm Very Sorry'

Scooter was not indicted for leaking, because he didn't. And it wasn't BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE... Only the most extreme left are attempting to say it is.

Christopher Hitchens made it clear that they have known from the beginning that Armitage was the "leaker"... Obfuscation and evasion is exactly that. Nobody else is going to be indicted and it isn't because of "leaking"...

Another important effect of this is the idea that because Scooter was indicted he is guilty, that is not even close to being true. Many people have been indicted on many things and later to be found not guilty at trial or to even have charges dropped...

This one ends with all but the most insistent quietly sweeping it under a rug.

Ohhh Christopher Hitchens made it clear! LMAO!

Damo, look into who these people are and what their agendas are before you make these foolish statements.

Read Fitz's conference and stop making an ass out of yourself
Ohhh Christopher Hitchens made it clear! LMAO!

Damo, look into who these people are and what their agendas are before you make these foolish statements.

Read Fitz's conference and stop making an ass out of yourself
Read the rest of my statements before you make an "ass of yourself"...

Anyway, as I stated, this will be interesting to watch and see if I'm right. Let's see who gets indicted in the end and watch as it ends with that *thud* that I predicted.

I'm known to admit when I was wrong, and if I am wrong I'll state so. I don't believe that I am though.
So was this whole thing just a dog and pony show distraction ? And distracting from what ? Think about it....
So was this whole thing just a dog and pony show distraction ? And distracting from what ? Think about it....
I have. I think that many times such "investigations" end up being just that, and that both "sides" use the distraction.
Armitage should have been fired, should have been reprimanded, and should be formally barred from ever having a security clearance or government job again.

Same with Karl Rove.
Armitage should have been fired, should have been reprimanded, and should be formally barred from ever having a security clearance or government job again.

Same with Karl Rove.

Most likely he will get a pardon and a heroes welcome to the White House. Not to mention a slap on the back for GWB.


Armitage should have been fired, should have been reprimanded, and should be formally barred from ever having a security clearance or government job again.

Same with Karl Rove.

Yes , that would be the best soloution. Of course we all know punishments are only for the little people.
Scooter was not indicted for leaking, because he didn't. And it wasn't BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE... Only the most extreme left are attempting to say it is.

Christopher Hitchens made it clear that they have known from the beginning that Armitage was the "leaker"... Obfuscation and evasion is exactly that. Nobody else is going to be indicted and it isn't because of "leaking"...

Another important effect of this is the idea that because Scooter was indicted he is guilty, that is not even close to being true. Many people have been indicted on many things and later to be found not guilty at trial or to even have charges dropped...

This one ends with all but the most insistent quietly sweeping it under a rug.

Libby MOST CERTAINLY leaked to Judith Miller BEFORE novak got the info inadvertently...that is IN THE PRESS CONFERENCE STATEMENT.....of Patrick Fitzgerald Damo.

Cheney ORDERED the attack on to Plame/wilson.....

Just a few months ago VP Cheney said that he "unclassified" Plame's status with the approval of Bush and WITHOUT TELLING the CIA that he unclassified one of their employees that was classified....

So all the repugs came out and said "seeeeeeeeeeeeeee" the administration did not out an undercover cia agent, because WE UNCLASSIFIED HER.....bullcrap....when if they had unclassified her status from the beginning of this affair, then why did they let us go through the grand jury investigation....? IF CHENEY had already declassified this info?

It all does not make sense.....

and Fitzgerald is A NON PARTISAN prosecutor, THAT IS A FACT......

And Damo NOT ONCE did Fitzgerald say that there was no crime in leaking valerie plame's undercover status...he specifically stated that there was one but Libby threw "sand in his eyes" when the pitch was thrown...he OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE....

And anyway, isn't it strange that all the repubs in the beginning were crying that PLAME was not undercover and now all the pugs can do is say, "look it was Armitage that leaked her undercover status" when all along their excuse has been that she was not undercover in the first place, a blatant lie?

And once again, why throw the sand in fitzy's eyes? Why did Libby LIe and Lie again and the lie again and then lie again and then lie again to the grand jury?

Why did Cheney meet with libby for a few months ahead of novaks article, over and over again regarding plame/wilson...?why did they form a task force to discredit plame/wilson?

She was in charge of WMD tracking proliferation in the middle east, 2nd in charge...she disagreed with the administration's assessment back in 2001 and 2002, LONG BEFORE THE IRAQ war was even presented to us, the public.

Her husband was sent to Niger for the CIA ...OVER A YEAR BEFORE the administration chose to go to war with Iraq...there WAS NO PARTISAN DIVIDE in our country 4 months after 911, we were all united at the time and all of us didn't even KNOW that the administration was going to go in to iraq for 911 at the time wilson was sent to Niger, so what was so partisan about his visit there? the Cia used wilson in Niger just two years before this on another mission?

anyway, to take a coined term, "there is no doubt, that cheney began this whole outing of plame"...whether he legally could do that because he declassified the info that kept her UNDERCOVER, or not is another question...but the INTENT to hurt plame/wilson was clear...and they, as in the administration, couln't give a f**k about a20 year dedicated CIA covert and undercover agent that had given her life for OUR COUNTRY....

Well, Cheney can go to hell as far as I am concerned regarding this issue.

Libby MOST CERTAINLY leaked to Judith Miller BEFORE novak got the info inadvertently...that is IN THE PRESS CONFERENCE STATEMENT.....of Patrick Fitzgerald Damo.

Cheney ORDERED the attack on to Plame/wilson.....

Just a few months ago VP Cheney said that he "unclassified" Plame's status with the approval of Bush and WITHOUT TELLING the CIA that he unclassified one of their employees that was classified....

So all the repugs came out and said "seeeeeeeeeeeeeee" the administration did not out an undercover cia agent, because WE UNCLASSIFIED HER.....bullcrap....when if they had unclassified her status from the beginning of this affair, then why did they let us go through the grand jury investigation....? IF CHENEY had already declassified this info?

It all does not make sense.....

and Fitzgerald is A NON PARTISAN prosecutor, THAT IS A FACT......

And Damo NOT ONCE did Fitzgerald say that there was no crime in leaking valerie plame's undercover status...he specifically stated that there was one but Libby threw "sand in his eyes" when the pitch was thrown...he OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE....

And anyway, isn't it strange that all the repubs in the beginning were crying that PLAME was not undercover and now all the pugs can do is say, "look it was Armitage that leaked her undercover status" when all along their excuse has been that she was not undercover in the first place, a blatant lie?

And once again, why throw the sand in fitzy's eyes? Why did Libby LIe and Lie again and the lie again and then lie again and then lie again to the grand jury?

Why did Cheney meet with libby for a few months ahead of novaks article, over and over again regarding plame/wilson...?why did they form a task force to discredit plame/wilson?

She was in charge of WMD tracking proliferation in the middle east, 2nd in charge...she disagreed with the administration's assessment back in 2001 and 2002, LONG BEFORE THE IRAQ war was even presented to us, the public.

Her husband was sent to Niger for the CIA ...OVER A YEAR BEFORE the administration chose to go to war with Iraq...there WAS NO PARTISAN DIVIDE in our country 4 months after 911, we were all united at the time and all of us didn't even KNOW that the administration was going to go in to iraq for 911 at the time wilson was sent to Niger, so what was so partisan about his visit there? the Cia used wilson in Niger just two years before this on another mission?

anyway, to take a coined term, "there is no doubt, that cheney began this whole outing of plame"...whether he legally could do that because he declassified the info that kept her UNDERCOVER, or not is another question...but the INTENT to hurt plame/wilson was clear...and they, as in the administration, couln't give a f**k about a20 year dedicated CIA covert and undercover agent that had given her life for OUR COUNTRY....

Well, Cheney can go to hell as far as I am concerned regarding this issue.

It still doesn't change the fact that, all this being "known" (or reported from those highly partisan sources ;) that according to Darla we must ignore in all cases if they are righty but believe forthrightly if they are lefty...), that they are not indicted. That must mean that it wasn't that law that was broken, eh?

It must not have taken a (what was it that MM called it? oh right...) a "Crystal Ball" for me to figure that out.

Truly, pointing out the partisanship in one source while reporting from another partisan source and not mentioning the fact that none have been indicted for this particular "known" information is particularly partisan rhetoric.

So far, I have predicted that this will end with a thud and have stated that if I am wrong I will report that as well. I will even point back to this thread and say, "Ooops.."

As for Cheney "Going to Hell", I am reasonably sure that you don't get to decide on that one and that there was a "Judge Not" line somewhere in a book I am sure some people who believe in Hell follow.
no, I don't get to decide, but I am fairly confident that the Beast will be thrown in to the lake of fire by Christ, I will be patiently awaiting the glorious time! :D
I figure Cheney is on the fast track to hell anyway Care. Of course that is assuming hell exists;)

Cheney will have a death-bed conversion to Islam. Since Islam doesn't believe in enternal damnation - that evil people will only be sent to hell for temporary punishment, before ascending back to heavan.
Treason is an incredibly hard crime to prove. And rightly so.

We don't have a "state -secrets" act like other countries, like the UK. We limit the power of the government to prosecute people for leaking classified info. And rightly so. This country does not allow the government to abridge freedom of speech, or have very much power to punish people who leak classified info. It gives to much arbitrary power to the government. That's a fundamental american value.

My issue, has always been one of accountability. Whether or not a crime was commited, those involved in outing a CIA agent should be fired from government service. Whether it be Armitage, or Rove, or Libby.
Armitage should have been fired, should have been reprimanded, and should be formally barred from ever having a security clearance or government job again.

Same with Karl Rove.
What was the punishment for Sandy "Sloppy" (if you call stuffing secret documents down your pants sloppy) Burg(l)er? Armitage should get about the same.
What was the punishment for Sandy "Sloppy" (if you call stuffing secret documents down your pants sloppy) Burg(l)er? Armitage should get about the same.


Noel Hillman, chief of the Justice Department's public integrity section, asserted that the documents Berger removed were only copies, and government sources have said that no original material was taken. [1]
I'm sorry, But I'm not buying the "I made a terrible mistake" twice story, from Armitage or anyone else connectected with this affair. This whole story is nothing less than more bullshit designed to confuse and obfuscate and give the Bush administration cover in the upcoming Plame civil suit. I began answering this argument more completely and realized that it is a thread that can stand alone. And so it will...