Armitage: 'I Made a Terrible Mistake... I'm Very Sorry'

Libby MOST CERTAINLY leaked to Judith Miller BEFORE novak got the info inadvertently...that is IN THE PRESS CONFERENCE STATEMENT.....of Patrick Fitzgerald Damo.

Cheney ORDERED the attack on to Plame/wilson.....

Just a few months ago VP Cheney said that he "unclassified" Plame's status with the approval of Bush and WITHOUT TELLING the CIA that he unclassified one of their employees that was classified....

So all the repugs came out and said "seeeeeeeeeeeeeee" the administration did not out an undercover cia agent, because WE UNCLASSIFIED HER.....bullcrap....when if they had unclassified her status from the beginning of this affair, then why did they let us go through the grand jury investigation....? IF CHENEY had already declassified this info?

It all does not make sense.....

and Fitzgerald is A NON PARTISAN prosecutor, THAT IS A FACT......

And Damo NOT ONCE did Fitzgerald say that there was no crime in leaking valerie plame's undercover status...he specifically stated that there was one but Libby threw "sand in his eyes" when the pitch was thrown...he OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE....

And anyway, isn't it strange that all the repubs in the beginning were crying that PLAME was not undercover and now all the pugs can do is say, "look it was Armitage that leaked her undercover status" when all along their excuse has been that she was not undercover in the first place, a blatant lie?

And once again, why throw the sand in fitzy's eyes? Why did Libby LIe and Lie again and the lie again and then lie again and then lie again to the grand jury?

Why did Cheney meet with libby for a few months ahead of novaks article, over and over again regarding plame/wilson...?why did they form a task force to discredit plame/wilson?

She was in charge of WMD tracking proliferation in the middle east, 2nd in charge...she disagreed with the administration's assessment back in 2001 and 2002, LONG BEFORE THE IRAQ war was even presented to us, the public.

Her husband was sent to Niger for the CIA ...OVER A YEAR BEFORE the administration chose to go to war with Iraq...there WAS NO PARTISAN DIVIDE in our country 4 months after 911, we were all united at the time and all of us didn't even KNOW that the administration was going to go in to iraq for 911 at the time wilson was sent to Niger, so what was so partisan about his visit there? the Cia used wilson in Niger just two years before this on another mission?

anyway, to take a coined term, "there is no doubt, that cheney began this whole outing of plame"...whether he legally could do that because he declassified the info that kept her UNDERCOVER, or not is another question...but the INTENT to hurt plame/wilson was clear...and they, as in the administration, couln't give a f**k about a20 year dedicated CIA covert and undercover agent that had given her life for OUR COUNTRY....

Well, Cheney can go to hell as far as I am concerned regarding this issue.


Look, you ignorant fool... We have spend untold millions on this investigation! For more than three years, we've put up with liberal pinheads yammering about Rove and Cheney and the intentional leaking of a CIA operative's name to the media. We've patiently waited for the special prosecutor to do his job, and after everything has shaken out, the only people guilty of anything, are Joe Wilson, Richard Armitage, and Scooter Libby. Joe and Richard, both Democratic lackeys from the Clinton era, did not violate any law on the books, and Libby is accused of a technical unrelated violation in supposedly giving false testimony. Case closed! Move the fuck on! We've wasted too many taxpayer dollars on this farce anyway, it was all a fucking Democratic smokescreen from the beginning anyway! if ANYONE deserves to be put in jail or punished here, it is the people at the DNC who blew this whole thing up into a major big deal, and cost us millions of dollars, while defaming the character of the VP and Rove endlessly for 3 years! Which YOU are STILL attempting to do! STOP IT ALREADY! The case is OVER, YOU LOST!
I love to see Dixie call someone an ignorant fool and then ask them to do something.

I wonder what his track record is with that approach?
One question, why should we believe Armitage now ?
Why would he throw himself under that bus? He wasn't a cheerleader, he didn't leave on a good note, he isn't all excited about this admin... What would his motive be to lie now?
Look, you ignorant fool... We have spend untold millions on this investigation! For more than three years, we've put up with liberal pinheads yammering about Rove and Cheney and the intentional leaking of a CIA operative's name to the media. We've patiently waited for the special prosecutor to do his job, and after everything has shaken out, the only people guilty of anything, are Joe Wilson, Richard Armitage, and Scooter Libby. Joe and Richard, both Democratic lackeys from the Clinton era!.....

How do you expect anyone to take you seriously, when you resort to flat-out lying?

Richard Armitage is a life-long republican, who served as an appointee in both the Bush Senior and Bush junior adminstrations. He didn't serve in the Clinton adminstration.

Likewise, Joe Wilson is a career diplomate who served in the Reagan and Bush senior adminstrations, and was appointed ambassador to iraq by Poppy Bush. A professional civil servant who served under both Democrats and Republicans.

Noel Hillman, chief of the Justice Department's public integrity section, asserted that the documents Berger removed were only copies, and government sources have said that no original material was taken. [1]

That Burgler didn't remove the originals is NOT exculpatory. fyi... ALL materials to be removed, including copies, required clearance to remove.
Why would he throw himself under that bus? He wasn't a cheerleader, he didn't leave on a good note, he isn't all excited about this admin... What would his motive be to lie now?
A really good job somewhere for the rest of his life ?
Or for a family member ? Or cash under the table ?
LOL. Cash under the table? That would be exposed in seconds by any second-rate scandal reporter.

Really, you think that Armitage was offered a job and he decided to sell it on out now instead of three years ago? What job is worth that?
LOL. Cash under the table? That would be exposed in seconds by any second-rate scandal reporter.

Really, you think that Armitage was offered a job and he decided to sell it on out now instead of three years ago? What job is worth that?

You unintentionally make a very good point, why did it take him all this time to come claen ?
You unintentionally make a very good point, why did it take him all this time to come claen ?
According to the story as reported, he came clean from the beginning, he just wasn't outted to the Press...

Still, I can see more motivation to hide your shame from the public, than to suddenly roll under the bus for somebody that you don't particularly like.
So Bush and company lied ? And let the money, time and energy be spent on a usless quest ?
It appears so. Especially "Scooter"... ;)

No, according to the reports the investigator also knew. However there was more than one leak... so the investigation cont'd. At least that is how I read it.

My actual opinion is this is going to end quietly with little fanfare and pretty much no more indictments.
My actual opinion is this is going to end quietly with little fanfare and pretty much no more indictments.

I pretty much expected that from the start. After all the other tricks that have been pulled this was small potatoes. And we did not even get an investigation on the other things. Like billions missing in Iraq for one.
So Bush and company lied ? And let the money, time and energy be spent on a usless quest ?

No, you fucking moron, the Bush Administration didn't lie, they are not allowed to discuss an ongoing investigation, this is because any such discussion might compromise the investigation. This is why a gag order is placed on such things, and no one is allowed to talk to the media about it. The Bush Administration contended all along, that the charges against Rove and Cheney were bogus and would be proven so, by the special prosecutor. That was the truth, the LIE was, that Rove and Cheney intentionally outed a CIA operative, and that lie was spread ad nauseum by your party and your leadership. In fact, you are STILL to this day, trying desperately to make the case! YOU are the ones who LIED, YOU are the ones who spent money, time and energy on persuing this, and YOU are the ones who are STILL trying to spin it and lie about it.
No, you fucking moron, the Bush Administration didn't lie, they are not allowed to discuss an ongoing investigation, this is because any such discussion might compromise the investigation. This is why a gag order is placed on such things, and no one is allowed to talk to the media about it. The Bush Administration contended all along, that the charges against Rove and Cheney were bogus and would be proven so, by the special prosecutor. That was the truth, the LIE was, that Rove and Cheney intentionally outed a CIA operative, and that lie was spread ad nauseum by your party and your leadership. In fact, you are STILL to this day, trying desperately to make the case! YOU are the ones who LIED, YOU are the ones who spent money, time and energy on persuing this, and YOU are the ones who are STILL trying to spin it and lie about it.

So, as you just SAID, they let the CIRCUS go onward...they let libby get indicted for 5 FELONIES?
So, as you just SAID, they let the CIRCUS go onward...they let libby get indicted for 5 FELONIES?

I have no idea what happened with Libby, and as far as I know, there has not been a finding in his case yet, so I think we should presume innocence, as that IS jurisprudence in this country. If he did, in fact, commit perjury or whatever he's charged with, I am sure he will be punished for it in the end. WHY he would? I have no clue, maybe he thought he was doing something to help? Maybe he ignored the advice of his counsel? I have no way of knowing why Libby perjured himself, or if in fact, he did. The case was about the outing of a CIA operative, and that should be the discussion here, not Libby.