Arresting 5th Graders for This?


JPP Modarater

Not that they don't deserved to be punished, but I don't think jail or juvie is right place to curtail this type of behaviour. I hope the judge won't lock them up. I think sentencing them to 100 hours of community service at the free clinic, HIV support groups or something along those lines is in order and will benefit them much more in the long run. But it is Louisiana, who knows what will happen to them.

Not that they don't deserved to be punished, but I don't think jail or juvie is right place to curtail this type of behaviour. I hope the judge won't lock them up. I think sentencing them to 100 hours of community service at the free clinic, HIV support groups or something along those lines is in order and will benefit them much more in the long run. But it is Louisiana, who knows what will happen to them.

I just cringe when I see something like this. My niece is going to be 9 this summer. These kids are 11 and 12. If my niece was having sex in two years I think that I would have a heart attack. She is a child. These are children. Babies. What the hell is going on?

But no, I wouldn't put them in jail. That's a great way to exasperate the problem though, if that's what they're looking to do.

They need some therapy and some sex education classes, and some talking to about respect for your body and what sex actually means.
Clearly these kids don't attach any tangible consequences to their behaviour. They just need to make the connection: If I keep this up, I could have a life-long painful recurring reminder of my actions, have a child I'm not ready to raise or worse get HIV and have to basically work my entire life for medicine.
Clearly these kids don't attach any tangible consequences to their behaviour. They just need to make the connection: If I keep this up, I could have a life-long painful recurring reminder of my actions, have a child I'm not ready to raise or worse get HIV and have to basically work my entire life for medicine.

Yes, I agree. I was very relieved when I mentioned to my niece that when she was in the HS we were at for an event, she would probably have a bf, that it was a sweet time, and she looked at me like I had two heads and said she doesn't like boys. I plan on asking her periodically, and the first time she doesn't say "boys are just disgusting, they pick their noses and stuff", that's when I will start talking to her. I'm tempted to use the Peggy Sue Got Married approach, when Peggy Sue's mom says to her "Peggy, you know what a penis is...stay away from them!"

But I know it's a bit more complex.
I was 10 in fifth grade... these kids were 11, 12, and 13.... I can understand 11 in fifth grade, but 12 and 13 year olds? Guess they were left back a grade or two....?

This is just uncomprehendable to me.... What were these kids thinking? What little pride do they have in oneself? I just can't understand things like this even if it were to occur in a college classroom, let alone the classroom of 5th graders...

Thank goodness your neice wasn't a witness to it, which she could have been....then you would have been forced to have that discussion with her a bit earlier than it should have been.

Regardless, where are the PARENTS of these kids and what kind of morals and self respect have they neglected to teach their children?
Regardless, where are the PARENTS of these kids and what kind of morals and self respect have they neglected to teach their children?


Something like would have never crossed my mind at that age. Even now.....well it may cross my mind, but it wouldn't materialize thats for dam sure.
Yeah. It never crossed my mind at that age either. So I think you're right here. They've seen some nasty stuff alright.

I'd actually be more suprised if those kids were not abused. When I was 10 y/o I can remember sneaking into my friends parent's "stash-o-movies" and even being aware of stuff like that it was never something you try to replicate. These kids have probably experienced more than a lot of adults. To be that blatent and have no problems wiht such an exhibition means you've had some practice.
I'd actually be more suprised if those kids were not abused. When I was 10 y/o I can remember sneaking into my friends parent's "stash-o-movies" and even being aware of stuff like that it was never something you try to replicate. These kids have probably experienced more than a lot of adults. To be that blatent and have no problems wiht such an exhibition means you've had some practice.

That's even worse. They really need counseling, not jail. But as you said, it's louisiana, so who knows what will happen to them. I hope they get help though.
My wife and I have a manilla folder titled "Why we homeschool." This is one of the articles my wife printed to put in it.
My question to add to the above is.... where the hell was the teacher? How is it possible that you leave a bunch of 5th graders unsupervised like that, for a long enough time frame for that to occur?

I agree that they should not be put in juvie... I like the idea of community service at an HIV clinic (or something similar)... but I would make it 500 hours. Consequences for ones actions is a lesson they obviously need to learn.
My question to add to the above is.... where the hell was the teacher? How is it possible that you leave a bunch of 5th graders unsupervised like that, for a long enough time frame for that to occur?

I agree that they should not be put in juvie... I like the idea of community service at an HIV clinic (or something similar)... but I would make it 500 hours. Consequences for ones actions is a lesson they obviously need to learn.

Well, I'm married to 100 hours. 500 is fine too.

Side note on other issues:
I've always thought sending a lot of these inner city youths to refugee camps to volunteer would help them a lot.
Lack of discipline... teachers can't and too many parents don't use discipline in today's hyperprotective world. Kids know this and take advantage of the situation.

I agree with Tiana, if one of these kids were mine, I would be 100% certain that I was a bad parent.
It isn't even lack of discipline. Its just a lack of anything with the parents. Kids today are so isolated from their parents that they are effectively not being raised and are instead raised by their peers.

Most of them don't have a father I bet or have parents who are more involved with other things.
It isn't even lack of discipline. Its just a lack of anything with the parents. Kids today are so isolated from their parents that they are effectively not being raised and are instead raised by their peers.

Most of them don't have a father I bet or have parents who are more involved with other things.

Or they are being raised by $hitty adults who expose them to this stuff. Just yesterday I read about some woman who tried to sell her 7 y/o daughter's services.