Arresting 5th Graders for This?

These kids should not have been doing what they were doing, but come on, its nuthing new. This kinda thing has been going on forever, it just has not often been published.

People forget there own childhood but children, while they dont normally have sex, have sexual feelings.
The sad thing is that I can see this as coming to pass. My wife and I got married late because we both thought we needed to establish ourselves before trying to raise a family. At 36 we had a boy, he'll be 4 next month, and we have decided that he is going to be the only one. We're too old and he works us to death.:) He will have the advantage of being smart though. He can add and spell quite a bit right now.
Good call. Lock 'em away and throw away the key.
Yeah they just get in the way when driving, running out in the street and such. And they cost so much to educate, requiring a socialist education system.
Cheaper to keep in jail I would think.