As a society are we really wanting to DIE?

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
DIE is an acronym for Diversity Inclusion and Equity.

It is also what's happening to society. From crime, to falling birth rates, to poverty, to government intrusion into our lives, the Left--and it is the Left-- is killing society across the planet. Is this really what anyone wants?
How to say you're a racist without saying you're a racist.

Are you completely retarded? This isn't about race, it's about ideas, ethics, and societal cohesion.

The Left is tearing everything that makes society work apart.

What's racist is trying to form society around race rather than other characteristics. That's what the Left is doing. For these intellectual retards, skin color, and gender are everything. The Left are the MOST racist and sexist assholes on the fucking planet!
Are you completely retarded? This isn't about race, it's about ideas, ethics, and societal cohesion.

The Left is tearing everything that makes society work apart.

What's racist is trying to form society around race rather than other characteristics. That's what the Left is doing. For these intellectual retards, skin color, and gender are everything. The Left are the MOST racist and sexist assholes on the fucking planet!

Okay then explain to me like I am a retard what diversity means.
Okay then explain to me like I am a retard what diversity means.

In most cases, diversity is divisive, not inclusive. For example, diversity in language creates barriers to communications and understanding. Diversity in cultural things creates problems with things like holidays and say, dress. On the whole, diversity is divisive, not inclusive.
In most cases, diversity is divisive, not inclusive. For example, diversity in language creates barriers to communications and understanding. Diversity in cultural things creates problems with things like holidays and say, dress. On the whole, diversity is divisive, not inclusive.

So the diverse immigrants who built this country have been divisive?

And so on.
Okay. So what does diversity mean and why is it divisive?

Diversity means exactly that. A wide variation in whatever. America shouldn't be diverse. Instead, America should be E Pluribus Unium. Out of Many One. That is, we take our diversity and meld it into a single, better, outcome. We take people from everywhere, with ideas from wherever, and become one, melding the best of those ideas into one that becomes American.

So, if you want to be African-American, return to Africa. If you want to be Italian-American, return to Italy. If on the other hand you want to be American, you take what you brought from elsewhere to America and make America better as an American.
Diversity means exactly that. A wide variation in whatever. America shouldn't be diverse. Instead, America should be E Pluribus Unium. Out of Many One. That is, we take our diversity and meld it into a single, better, outcome. We take people from everywhere, with ideas from wherever, and become one, melding the best of those ideas into one that becomes American.


noun: diversity

the state of being diverse; variety.
the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.

"Out of Many One" isn't divisive.

The concept of melting pot is what makes America so attractive and the best country in the world.
How to say you're a racist without saying you're a racist.
You have to love when the Right tries to blame govt. intrusion on the Left.

And pretend that this nation was founded on diversity.

All were welcome. Tall, short, fat, thin white men were all welcome. As long as you owned slaves.
Are you completely retarded? This isn't about race, it's about ideas, ethics, and societal cohesion.

The Left is tearing everything that makes society work apart.

What's racist is trying to form society around race rather than other characteristics. That's what the Left is doing. For these intellectual retards, skin color, and gender are everything. The Left are the MOST racist and sexist assholes on the fucking planet!

Thou dost protest too much.
In most cases, diversity is divisive, not inclusive. For example, diversity in language creates barriers to communications and understanding. Diversity in cultural things creates problems with things like holidays and say, dress. On the whole, diversity is divisive, not inclusive.
Only if you don't believe in diversity. Unless you are indigenous, you don't belong here.

According to your logic.
Irrelevant. You really don't get it do you? Americans built America. It's that simple.
Black Americans. Doesn't get much more diverse than that.

There are no Americans. Diversity as a policy allowed everyone in the world to become 'Americans'.

You don't get to shut the door behind you when you come in. Your position is the same one that plagued immigrants for centuries.

You're just clinging to the dying gasps of a majority white nation.