Althea told me...
LOL. I think Matt Dillon hacked his account, and is drunk posting again.So diversity isn't divisive? Thanks for admitting your error.
LOL. I think Matt Dillon hacked his account, and is drunk posting again.So diversity isn't divisive? Thanks for admitting your error.
DIE is an acronym for Diversity Inclusion and Equity.
It is also what's happening to society. From crime, to falling birth rates, to poverty, to government intrusion into our lives, the Left--and it is the Left-- is killing society across the planet. Is this really what anyone wants?
DIE is an acronym for Diversity Inclusion and Equity.
It is also what's happening to society. From crime, to falling birth rates, to poverty, to government intrusion into our lives, the Left--and it is the Left-- is killing society across the planet. Is this really what anyone wants?
It is the far right that is killing society and the world. You just are unwilling to see and acknowledge it.
But life goes on.
The far right ended up winning the culture war in 1930's Germany...the Make Germany Great Again contingent...the Hitler is our Fuhrer...WON THE CULTURE WAR...and things went great for a year or two. Then...
In most cases, diversity is divisive, not inclusive. For example, diversity in language creates barriers to communications and understanding. Diversity in cultural things creates problems with things like holidays and say, dress. On the whole, diversity is divisive, not inclusive.
Diversity in language means we can communicate BETTER. The foreigners I know speak multiple languages, including English. The natives speak one - poorly.
My holidays are not affected one iota by others. My dress is not affected one iota by others.
Diversity, unlike your philosophy, IS inclusive. It’s the MAGA crowd, who yearn for the mythical “Father Knows Best” years, who reject inclusivenesses.
it's the dem globalist enviro-nihilist eugenics depopulation nazis who are to blame, for the enviro-nihilist murder policies.
Enjoy your word salad, AssWipe. The only person you are fooling you.
The German right eventually learned. I hope you assholes never do, because the only way you will is the way the German right wing morons destroying their country.
DIE is an acronym for Diversity Inclusion and Equity.
It is also what's happening to society. From crime, to falling birth rates, to poverty, to government intrusion into our lives, the Left--and it is the Left-- is killing society across the planet. Is this really what anyone wants?
the globalists are the nazis now. a global green policy equals massive human starvation by destroying farmers and illegalizing oil.
You're mass murderers through policy.
about half of us are these insane dem enviro-nihilist humanity haters.
they seek to kill billions of people.
they're eugenicist murder nazis.
possessed by demons.
Translation: Whites must kill them before they kill us.
Disagreed, Fredo.
QED for the Earl Turner plan.
i was talking about the murederous intent/effect of green policies.
see the war on farmers and energy providers steering us toward starvation, mr. fuckhole.
Your paranoia will see you bleeding out in the street along side your WSE "brothers", Patsy.
probably not, dipshit.
DIE is an acronym for Diversity Inclusion and Equity.
It is also what's happening to society. From crime, to falling birth rates, to poverty, to government intrusion into our lives, the Left--and it is the Left-- is killing society across the planet. Is this really what anyone wants?
How to say you're a racist without saying you're a racist.
Are you completely retarded? This isn't about race, it's about ideas, ethics, and societal cohesion.
The Left is tearing everything that makes society work apart.
What's racist is trying to form society around race rather than other characteristics. That's what the Left is doing. For these intellectual retards, skin color, and gender are everything. The Left are the MOST racist and sexist assholes on the fucking planet!