Yes they did, you illiterate:
"Strong opposition by the Bush administration forced a top Republican congressman to delay a vote on a bill that would create a new regulator for mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."
What does that sentence say? Is English your first language? When you read that sentence, what do the words mean to you?
Despite what appeared to be a broad consensus on GSE regulatory reform, efforts quickly stalled. A legislative markup scheduled for October 8, 2003, in the House of Representatives was halted because the Bush administration withdrew its support for the bill,
So what do those words above mean?
No they did not you incoherent dullard.

If the affordable housing goals don’t account for the GSEs’ purchases of high risk subprime mortgages and their subsequent financial collapse, what does? The best explanation is the simplest. The GSEs badly misjudged the risk of subprime and Alt-A mortgages. They thought there were large profits to be made in the growing subprime market, and they sought to maintain and expand their share of the home mortgage market. They were not alone in misjudging the risks of subprime mortgages; so did other lenders. Indeed, the GSEs were by no means the first lenders to run into problems with their non-prime portfolios; HSBC and New Century were frontpage news in February 2007. But the GSEs, because they were bigger and were required to hold less capital took the biggest risks and had the most spectacular problems.
The GSEs have made other misjudgments than threatened their solvency. Economists have often analyzed risk for financial institutions along three dimensions:
interest rate risk, credit risk, operations risk. The GSEs have experienced all three.