As America Changes, Some Anxious Whites Feel Left Behind

Trump hasn't doubled the deficit you willful lying moron. I see math was not your subject in grade school. When are you planning to graduate? :rofl2:

Yes he has. The CBO projects a trillion dollar deficit for this year. Obama's last deficit was $500B.

$500B x 2 = ????

Can you do math?
LOL, it's trolling to state simple facts about my state? Ok, "new guy"

But it's not a simple fact; it's far more complex. You're leaving things out, like the fact that CA provides essential services above and beyond what all red states provide. So while the income may put people in poverty, they're not spending as much out of pocket for things like health care and education like they do in the welfare red states.

So you leave out key pieces of information. You lie by omission. Why? Obviously it's just to troll, since when pressed for your solutions, you retreat like this.
Yes you are; you're pretending you have a brain. It is apparent that is a lie. :rofl2:

I didn't lie and the data proved that out. You're just too big of a moron to comprehend the OBVIOUS. I can't help you if you are a retard.

The REAL data shows you to be a ranting lunatic with little in the way of grey matter and after getting bitch slapped, still think you are winning.

Your Mom's calling!


must suck to be you as a minority in california :laugh:
Not really, but I'll indulge your fantasy. CA's taxes might be high, but the social services they provide are also high and comprehensive. Also since raising taxes, CA's economy has grown faster than the rest of the country, and has led the nation in business and job creation since 2012. This is a stark contrast from what Conservatives were predicting in 2012. I just want you all to admit you were wrong about tax hikes.

No, it is a federal issue because CA's economy isn't in a vacuum. CA cannot solve its wealth gap by itself. The whole nation needs to move in that direction, and you're saying no...why?

Our economy has been on fire but do you have any numbers to back up your claim that we've grown the fastest?

Housing is the biggest reason for our wealth gap. That is a state and local issue. We choose not to build enough housing and thus force out middle and working class people. That's not a federal gov't issue. People coming into the state are well educated higher earners and immigrants. The inequality is only going to continue to grow.
So you're saying that pipelines already exist and they already take so much crude from Alberta into the US that the price is discounted. No duh. It's what TransaCanada said in their permit application. The entire purpose of KXL is to increase oil prices, not decrease them. TransCanada said so themselves.

You realize that piping crude to the Gulf coast isn't going to decrease oil prices, right?

Did you read the link? Of course you didn't. Otherwise you wouldn't still be here posting like a moron. The XL has not been built yet moron.

Of course in idiot land where you wallow; increasing supply will not decrease prices. :rofl2:

FUCKING WRONG AGAIN. Bush the Dumber, who you supported, set four record deficits in his 8 years, including the largest deficit of all time in 2009.

There you go, trying to pretend my position on the deficit is the same as yours. It's not. My position on the deficit is one of indifference; my position on your deficit hypocrisy is what I'm talking about. I don't care about the deficit, and I mean that. You pretend to care about the deficit, but you really don't. If you did, you would have been outraged that Bush set four record deficits in his 8 years...but you're not. You're defending them. Some deficit hawk you are. What a phony.

You're the one who whined about deficits. Me pointing out your hypocrisy on the deficit doesn't mean I share your fake concerns on it. Grow up.

You have no work ethic. You're sloppy. You rush through responses. You foist your position on others, then argue against it. You are a hypocrite on the debt and deficit, and me pointing that out doesn't make me the same as you. Our positions on the deficit are not the same. I don't care about it, but you pretended you did. Now you've spent all these posts justifying your hypocrisy by pretending I'm a hypocrite just like you. Well, tough titties...I'm not. I don't think anything you say about the deficit is accurate or correct, and you're a massive hypocrite for being OK with Trump's trillion dollar deficits.

:lolup: Moron triggered alert!! :rol2:

But it's not a simple fact; it's far more complex. You're leaving things out, like the fact that CA provides essential services above and beyond what all red states provide. So while the income may put people in poverty, they're not spending as much out of pocket for things like health care and education like they do in the welfare red states.

So you leave out key pieces of information. You lie by omission. Why? Obviously it's just to troll, since when pressed for your solutions, you retreat like this.

Spending on education out of pocket? Do you have an example?
Your tax cuts weren't paid for.

They were.

Your War on Terror wasn't paid for.

It was.

Your Medicare expansion wasn't paid for.

That was Ted Kennedy's pet project. Proof that lying liberals don't like it when Republicans reach across the aisle.

You tanked the economy with your deregulation.

That's a lie. But then, you are a liberal so it is expected.

Why should you be taken seriously?

I know I don't take your bullshit seriously. I think you should ask yourself why you should.

:lolup: Lying leftist triggered alert....and I think its going to cry. :rofl2:

I guess you missed the revenue increasing in 2006, 2007 and 2008 right you dishonest dumbfuck?

I didn't talk about it because that's all thanks to the Bush Mortgage Bubble, which was raging in 2006-7. And revenue for 2008 was below revenue for 2007, BTW.

So revenue increased for those years because there was a mortgage bubble you were inflating. I maintain that you inflated that bubble for the sole purpose of making the economy look like it was growing when it really wasn't.

Those Bush years you're celebrating there? That's when the subprime mortgage bubble was being inflated. In fact, Bush lost net 400,000 jobs after 8 years, losing 750,000 in his first four.

Stop trying to remove any doubt what a dishonest lying buffoon you are; we had that figured out your second post asshat.

The dishonest one here is you because you're trying to make believe that there wasn't a mortgage bubble that was inflating specifically during the years you quoted. So #fail for you there, because now I get to lambast you for trying to credit the tax cut to the increase in tax revenues, when it was really thanks to the mortgage bubble.

Be careful; this isn't a path you want to tread if you want to leave this thread with any dignity.

I love it when lying leftists stop at the years that don't fit their false narratives.
2005 2,153.6 > 1,880.1
2006 2,406.9 > 2,153.6
2007 2,568.0 > 2,406.9
2008 2,524.0 > 2,568.0


So you want to know why revenues increased then? It's because of the mortgage bubble you were inflating to cover for the failure of the tax cuts.

ee, looks like Revenue is increasing right you dimwitted lying dumbass on steroids.

Not because of the tax cut...because of the mortgage bubble.



ut here's the REAL crux of that chart; SPENDING increases at even GREATER levels because the Democratic Party of the Jackass was controlling the purse strings.

Funny how you try to blame Democrats for that when it was Bush and the Conservatives who had control of Congress from 2003-7. During that period, spending grew from $2,159T in 2003 to $2,728T in 2007. That's an increase of 26%. Take out TARP from 2009, and Democrats in Congress spent less than what was spent in 2008.

But keep lying to yourself...gotta preserve that fragile ego of yours, right?

ike I said, the chart illustrates that tax decreases do not REDUCE revenue, and REVENUE does not keep up with the pace of SPENDING. Therefore, anyone with even half a brain, that would exclude you, can see that we don't have a REVENUE problem, but rather, a SPENDING problem.

Sigh...again, after the tax cut, revenues were below 2000 levels for four straight years. So your claim is demonstrably wrong on the facts. Completely, 100% wrong. Revenue for 2001-4 was below revenue in 2000. That's because of the tax cut and only the tax cut.
Dear moron; you can screech about it all you want, but revenue does increase even after tax cuts.

No it doesn't.

Revenue for 2001-4 was below revenue for 2000. You keep saying this thing that is demonstrably untrue. You're trying to credit the revenue in 2005, 4 years after the tax cuts, to the tax cut when it's really credited to the housing bubble you were inflating to cover for the failure of the tax cuts to deliver on the promises made of them.

Without people taking loans against their homes, Bush's economy was shit:


Ouch. That chart there shows how fucking terrible Bush's growth was, and how he was entirely reliant on individual debt to maintain an economy that was bound to collapse.

That's a FACT as pointed out by the charts.

No it's not. The charts show revenue from 2001-4 below revenue for 2000.

You haven't actually linked to any chart that supports anything you're saying. Meanwhile, I've linked to the Tax Policy Center's historical federal receipt and outlays chart, which shows that revenue for 2001-4 was below revenue for 2000.
I didn't talk about it because that's all thanks to the Bush Mortgage Bubble, which was raging in 2006-7. And revenue for 2008 was below revenue for 2007

:lolup: Lying Moron on steroids. :rofl2: You didn't talk about it because you're a lying, dishonest hyper partisan leftist hack.

My father in laws never wen to college

he wanted to but his parents told him NO

he had to get a job

So he joined the Airforce

they taught him electronics

he didn't have a prejudice bone in his body

the Military solidified that for him

He new black people and their families

He was such a wonderful man

I am tearing up just thinking about him

a wonderful mind and a kind heart

he was a white man

his heart was just a rainbow

its takes a good heart more than years of education

Oh and just to brag on him

He ended up being the go to guy in electronics in the military

when a military plane costing MILLIONS seemed unfixable they would fly him there to look

he had more than one story of popping champaign corks and brass embracing him for saving their asses

and a couple of them in the corporate world too.

the man was as honest as the day is long

you would have to get him a lot of scotch and egg him on to get the stories out of him

he was the finest man I ever knew

she said with tears streaming

thank you TTQ for making me think of him

it made me cry again when I reread it looking at your thanks

He was also stationed in Puerto Rico for awhile

he had such great stories about his best friend there

his car went on the fritz and he didnt have time to fix it

so he asked arroub who was the best in town

so he took it to that guy

they hit it off and the guy invited him into his stations office for some chicken soup.

Pop thought ,chicken soup?

I guess I just will be hospitable and have some

the guy leads him to the office and reaches up upon a shelf and pulls down two glasses and a bottle of Chevas Regal

scotch is now called chicken soup in my family

its good for what ailes you