FUCKING WRONG AGAIN. Bush the Dumber, who you supported, set four record deficits in his 8 years, including the largest deficit of all time in 2009.
There you go, trying to pretend my position on the deficit is the same as yours. It's not. My position on the deficit is one of indifference; my position on your deficit hypocrisy is what I'm talking about. I don't care about the deficit, and I mean that. You pretend to care about the deficit, but you really don't. If you did, you would have been outraged that Bush set four record deficits in his 8 years...but you're not. You're defending them. Some deficit hawk you are. What a phony.
You're the one who whined about deficits. Me pointing out your hypocrisy on the deficit doesn't mean I share your fake concerns on it. Grow up.
You have no work ethic. You're sloppy. You rush through responses. You foist your position on others, then argue against it. You are a hypocrite on the debt and deficit, and me pointing that out doesn't make me the same as you. Our positions on the deficit are not the same. I don't care about it, but you pretended you did. Now you've spent all these posts justifying your hypocrisy by pretending I'm a hypocrite just like you. Well, tough titties...I'm not. I don't think anything you say about the deficit is accurate or correct, and you're a massive hypocrite for being OK with Trump's trillion dollar deficits.