As America Changes, Some Anxious Whites Feel Left Behind


Clinton raised taxes in 1993, spending increased every year of his term, and he left office with a budget surplus that you all squandered, and turned into record deficits.

Bush the Dumber and the Conservatives were so terrible that they produced 4 -FOUR- record deficits during Bush's 8 years including the all-time high deficit Bush left Obama. And that was after being handed a record surplus from Clinton.

2000: $236B surplus
2001: $128B surplus
2002: $157B deficit
2003: $377B deficit (A record)
2004: $412B deficit (A record)
2005: $318B deficit
2006: $248B deficit
2007: $160B deficit
2008: $458B deficit (A record)
2009: $1.4T deficit (A record)


:lolup: Moron thinks Republicans weren't controlling the spending during the Clinton years. :rofl2:

Then the MORON misses the FACT that 911 hit in 2001.

Then the MORON missed the FACT that the Afghan War began October 2001

Then the MORON missed the FACT the Iraq war began in 2003

Then the MORON missed the FACT that deficits started a steep decline in 2006 and 2007

Then the MORON missed the FACT that Democrats took over the Congress in 2007

Then the MOTON missed the FACT that after the Democrats took over the Congress, deficits ballooned by 298 BILLION.

Then the MORON missed the FACT that after Obama was elected, the deficit ballooned to a record $1.4 trillion.

Yes, it is obvious that the MORON misses a LOT of FACTS when he goes on his laughably moronic rants proving he's clueless about what he is ranting about.

My father in laws never wen to college

he wanted to but his parents told him NO

he had to get a job

So he joined the Airforce

they taught him electronics

he didn't have a prejudice bone in his body

the Military solidified that for him

He new black people and their families

He was such a wonderful man

I am tearing up just thinking about him

a wonderful mind and a kind heart

he was a white man

his heart was just a rainbow

its takes a good heart more than years of education

Oh and just to brag on him

He ended up being the go to guy in electronics in the military

when a military plane costing MILLIONS seemed unfixable they would fly him there to look

he had more than one story of popping champaign corks and brass embracing him for saving their asses

and a couple of them in the corporate world too.

the man was as honest as the day is long

you would have to get him a lot of scotch and egg him on to get the stories out of him

he was the finest man I ever knew

she said with tears streaming
You're so fucking wrong, it's embarrassing.

Revenue (in billions)
2000: $2,025.2
2001: $1,991.1 (Bush Tax Cuts passed, some went into effect)
2002: $1,853.1
2003: $1,782.3 (Bush Tax Cuts accelerated)
2004: $1,880.1

So I see revenue below 2000 levels for four years after the tax cut was passed. What do you see in those numbers?

You're so fucking pathetic ignoring 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. But then, you're a dishonest lying leftist asshole on steroids with a brain the size of a lemmings. :rofl2:
I've been kicking your ass all over these boards because I use actual facts and you just make shit up.

:lolup: Lying leftist asshole thinks he's winning. :rofl2: The only thing you have done is prove what a lying dumbass you are snowflake. :rofl2:

Like how the facts show that revenue was below 2000 levels for four years after the Bush Tax Cuts. Revenue only rose above it in 2005 thanks to the mortgage bubble you were also inflating, likely to cover for the failure of your tax cuts to deliver on any of the promises you made of them.

I love how you ignore the facts and pretend you know what you are talking about even when the FACTS show you're a clueless dumbfuck.

Now run along; you're mommy is calling and telling you to get your homework done.

Oh gosh, I was off by 1/2 trillion. ROFLMAO. Again, your claim that this was due to Bush is laughably stupid and moronic.

It was due to Bush. Specifically his tax cut, his War on Terror, his unfunded Medicare expansion, and his recession that destroyed the economy and suppressed revenue. What did Obama spend it all on? Obamacare was deficit neutral. The bailout was from November 2008. The stimulus was only $750B and most of it were tax cuts.

ow do you know what I was you whiny lying dunce? I already explained it to you why his deficits went up. You didn't understand it the first thousand times it was explained to you you illiterate moron?

Yes, his deficits went up because of the tax cut, the War on Terror, Medicare Part-D, and the Mortgage Bubble. Just like I said before. You said that revenues "always" go up. So that wasn't true, was it? Your blanket statement was false.

And yet, a fraction of what Obama ran up; and all we got from whiny leftist liars like you were crickets. How come?

It's all a matter of perspective. At the time, Bush the Dumber's debt increase was more than all the Presidents prior to him; you were silent. Obama and Bush both grew the debt by about the same %. But Obama was handed a recession and an all-time record deficit that he reduced from $1.4T down to $500B. You've doubled that deficit, bringing us back to $1T deficits again. Also, Obama created over 11 million net jobs and grew wages. Bush the Dumber lost 400,000 net jobs and wages stagnated.

Jesus H. Christ.

The Tax Cut went into effect JANUARY 1st, 2018.

What year is it, genius? What is the date?

Dear whiny cunt; you're the moron claiming it has created instant deficits. Good lord, you don't have to keep proving what an ignorant raving lunatic you are....we get it!!

Average GDP growth for Obama's eight years was a paltry 1.5%.

1. You're the one who screeched that it was unfair to compare Obama's 8 years to Trump's 14 months, but you're doing it right here.

2. For Obama's second term, the average GDP growth was 2.2% - Trump's GDP growth for Q1 2018 was 2.3%. So explain how 2.2% is poor but 2.3% isn't?

3. Obama was handed a recession and Trump was handed a growing economy.
Your shitty War on Terror wasn't paid for.

Your shitty Tax Cuts weren't paid for.

Your shitty Medicare Part-D wasn't paid for.

You tanked the economy with your deregulation.

It's all on you. Act like an adult and take responsibility for the positions you have.

Any chance you could elaborate on that?
You're the one who mixed up election day with inauguration day.

You're the one who mixed up deficit with debt.

You're the one who just makes shit up about revenue growth post-tax cuts.

You need a time-out.

:lolup: Moron still thinks he's winning after a bitch slapping. Yes, Liberal liars really are this dumb. :rofl2:
I don't pretend to be something I'm not.

Yes you are; you're pretending you have a brain. It is apparent that is a lie. :rofl2:

You lied when you said revenue always increases from tax cuts. You didn't even support it with data. I did, though. The real data shows that after taxes are cut, revenue drops. Like what happened after 2000 in 2001-4, and again in Kansas a decade later.

I didn't lie and the data proved that out. You're just too big of a moron to comprehend the OBVIOUS. I can't help you if you are a retard.

The REAL data shows you to be a ranting lunatic with little in the way of grey matter and after getting bitch slapped, still think you are winning.

Your Mom's calling!

Deficits are not debt. And we only had ~$10T in debt because of your shitty Tax Cuts, your shitty Wars of Occupation, and your shitty economic collapse thanks to your shitty deregulation of the mortgage industry.

Obama inherited a $1.4T deficit from Bush and brought it down to $500B in his final year. Now the deficit is back to $1T, thanks entirely, 100% to your shitty tax cuts.

And this is without even mentioning the fact that Bush the Dumber was handed record surpluses that could have paid the debt off by 2010, but y'all doubled the debt instead.

BTW - when Bush the Dumber was doubling the debt, you were completely silent. How come?

So if the dot com bubble had just continued we would have had no national debt by 2010? I mean hey, why not right?
We have among the highest taxes in the country. We are already doing your approach. It's led to an extremely high cost of living which is why we have the highest poverty rate and inequality is continuing to grow. We choose not to deal with our housing crisis. That's a state and local issue, not a federal one.

Don't confuse the idiot with facts, he's shown he's immune from them. :rofl2:
California is wallowing in pension debt that the Democratic Party of the Jackass refuses to deal with and pretends that it has a surplus to spend in illegal aliens.

Ahhh and like clockwork, here comes a half-baked understanding of pensions.

Tell me something, how can you possibly say that there's all these unfunded pensions when pensions are paid by tax revenue and tax revenue projections don't go out beyond 5-10 years? You claim there's this unfunded liability crisis, but you're using revenue during the depths of the Bush Recession as your baseline. So yes, when revenue was down in 2010, there appeared to be a looming liabilty. But that was 2010. It's now 2018, CA has a budget surplus, and the question of pensions has disappeared.

You can't accurately predict what revenues will be in 1, 5, 10, 50 years, so you can't say there's a pension crisis.

You just tried to non-sequitur me and you failed.

How far out is this liability you're screaming chicken little over? 5 years? 10 years? 100 years? Do you even know, or are you just repeating something you gleaned from somewhere else, not bothering to exercise a work ethic to understand what you're saying?

You avoided my question like the dishonest lying leftist dumbfuck we know you to be; does raising the gas tax .15 cents a gallon hurt the rich, or the poor?

I didn't avoid your question...I answered that it won't hurt anyone. An increase in the gas tax will lead to an increase in public transit funding, which means more people taking mass transit and not driving their cars.

Also, calm down.
Ahhh and like clockwork, here comes a half-baked understanding of pensions.

Tell me something, how can you possibly say that there's all these unfunded pensions when pensions are paid by tax revenue and tax revenue projections don't go out beyond 5-10 years? You claim there's this unfunded liability crisis, but you're using revenue during the depths of the Bush Recession as your baseline. So yes, when revenue was down in 2010, there appeared to be a looming liabilty. But that was 2010. It's now 2018, CA has a budget surplus, and the question of pensions has disappeared.

You can't accurately predict what revenues will be in 1, 5, 10, 50 years, so you can't say there's a pension crisis.

You just tried to non-sequitur me and you failed.

How far out is this liability you're screaming chicken little over? 5 years? 10 years? 100 years? Do you even know, or are you just repeating something you gleaned from somewhere else, not bothering to exercise a work ethic to understand what you're saying?

I didn't avoid your question...I answered that it won't hurt anyone. An increase in the gas tax will lead to an increase in public transit funding, which means more people taking mass transit and not driving their cars.

Also, calm down.

:lolup: Liberal moron who thinks lying is winning. :rofl2:

You're really a fucking idiot who doesn't know what the fuck you are talking about. It hasn't even been started yet. You need to be better informed dumbass. Keystone is not Keystone XL.

So you're saying that pipelines already exist and they already take so much crude from Alberta into the US that the price is discounted. No duh. It's what TransaCanada said in their permit application. The entire purpose of KXL is to increase oil prices, not decrease them. TransCanada said so themselves.

You realize that piping crude to the Gulf coast isn't going to decrease oil prices, right?
Ahhh and like clockwork, here comes a half-baked understanding of pensions.

Tell me something, how can you possibly say that there's all these unfunded pensions when pensions are paid by tax revenue and tax revenue projections don't go out beyond 5-10 years? You claim there's this unfunded liability crisis, but you're using revenue during the depths of the Bush Recession as your baseline. So yes, when revenue was down in 2010, there appeared to be a looming liabilty. But that was 2010. It's now 2018, CA has a budget surplus, and the question of pensions has disappeared.

You can't accurately predict what revenues will be in 1, 5, 10, 50 years, so you can't say there's a pension crisis.

You just tried to non-sequitur me and you failed.

How far out is this liability you're screaming chicken little over? 5 years? 10 years? 100 years? Do you even know, or are you just repeating something you gleaned from somewhere else, not bothering to exercise a work ethic to understand what you're saying?

I didn't avoid your question...I answered that it won't hurt anyone. An increase in the gas tax will lead to an increase in public transit funding, which means more people taking mass transit and not driving their cars.

Also, calm down.

Actually the question of pensions hasn't disappeared and the budget surplus means little in regards to it.

Commentary: California’s public pension crisis in a nutshell

Sales tax on your local ballot? California’s pension crisis may have nominated it
Bush's deficits paled in comparison to Obama's.

FUCKING WRONG AGAIN. Bush the Dumber, who you supported, set four record deficits in his 8 years, including the largest deficit of all time in 2009.

From you; crickets. Trump has a projected deficit of $1 trillion and lying leftist hypocrites go apoplectic. STFU dumbass.

There you go, trying to pretend my position on the deficit is the same as yours. It's not. My position on the deficit is one of indifference; my position on your deficit hypocrisy is what I'm talking about. I don't care about the deficit, and I mean that. You pretend to care about the deficit, but you really don't. If you did, you would have been outraged that Bush set four record deficits in his 8 years...but you're not. You're defending them. Some deficit hawk you are. What a phony.

:lolup: Moron doesn't realize he is the malcontent whining about deficits. :rofl2:

You're the one who whined about deficits. Me pointing out your hypocrisy on the deficit doesn't mean I share your fake concerns on it. Grow up.

This is the reason one cannot argue with an idiot. It is better just to point at them and laugh.

You have no work ethic. You're sloppy. You rush through responses. You foist your position on others, then argue against it. You are a hypocrite on the debt and deficit, and me pointing that out doesn't make me the same as you. Our positions on the deficit are not the same. I don't care about it, but you pretended you did. Now you've spent all these posts justifying your hypocrisy by pretending I'm a hypocrite just like you. Well, tough titties...I'm not. I don't think anything you say about the deficit is accurate or correct, and you're a massive hypocrite for being OK with Trump's trillion dollar deficits.
We have among the highest taxes in the country.

Not really, but I'll indulge your fantasy. CA's taxes might be high, but the social services they provide are also high and comprehensive. Also since raising taxes, CA's economy has grown faster than the rest of the country, and has led the nation in business and job creation since 2012. This is a stark contrast from what Conservatives were predicting in 2012. I just want you all to admit you were wrong about tax hikes.

We are already doing your approach. It's led to an extremely high cost of living which is why we have the highest poverty rate and inequality is continuing to grow. We choose not to deal with our housing crisis. That's a state and local issue, not a federal one.

No, it is a federal issue because CA's economy isn't in a vacuum. CA cannot solve its wealth gap by itself. The whole nation needs to move in that direction, and you're saying no...why?