Tax cuts reduce revenue which results in deficits. It's why Bush the Dumber erased a surplus, it's why Brownback created record deficits, and it's why Trump now has a $1T deficit.
So here's some math for you:
Trump's latest budget is $4T
Trump's deficit is $1T
Which means government is collecting about $3T in revenue
Of the $4T budget, about 85% is just Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, and defense.
Another 5% is Interest on the debt.
That leaves about 10% for discretionary spending. Which is about $400B
So even if you cut all discretionary spending which would include things like the FBI, the CDC, and all federal courts, you're still running a $600B deficit -plus you're not making up for that loss of spending in the economy. You take demand out of the economy when you cut spending, and you replace it with nothing. Conservatives like to fantasize that the tax cuts will trickle down; it never happens.
So clearly we have a revenue problem, not a spending problem.
I've just demonstrated how, through math, you can't cut your way to a balanced budget.
Wow. Yes, tax cuts cut revenue. When you cut taxes, you cut revenue. Sheesh. That's just math.
What a crybaby.
Bad news for you is that the current deficit is $1T, which is a $500B increase from what Obama left behind.
That increase is 100% because of the tax cuts.