As America Changes, Some Anxious Whites Feel Left Behind

FACT; the Federal Government fiscal year runs from October 1 of the budget's prior year through September 30. We are only in the second quarter.


Trump submitted a $4T budget with a $1T deficit
That means he's collecting $3T
That spending is mostly made up of Medicare/Medicaid, SS, Defense, and Debt Service.
Only about $400B is actual discretionary spending.

So even if you cut all discretionary spending, got rid of the FBI, the FAA, the USDA, the CDC, all federal courts, the State Department, etc. you're still running a higher deficit than Obama ran in his final year.

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Tax cuts reduce revenue which results in deficits. It's why Bush the Dumber erased a surplus, it's why Brownback created record deficits, and it's why Trump now has a $1T deficit.

So here's some math for you:

Trump's latest budget is $4T
Trump's deficit is $1T
Which means government is collecting about $3T in revenue

Of the $4T budget, about 85% is just Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, and defense.
Another 5% is Interest on the debt.
That leaves about 10% for discretionary spending. Which is about $400B
So even if you cut all discretionary spending which would include things like the FBI, the CDC, and all federal courts, you're still running a $600B deficit -plus you're not making up for that loss of spending in the economy. You take demand out of the economy when you cut spending, and you replace it with nothing. Conservatives like to fantasize that the tax cuts will trickle down; it never happens.

So clearly we have a revenue problem, not a spending problem.

I've just demonstrated how, through math, you can't cut your way to a balanced budget.

Wow. Yes, tax cuts cut revenue. When you cut taxes, you cut revenue. Sheesh. That's just math.

What a crybaby.

Bad news for you is that the current deficit is $1T, which is a $500B increase from what Obama left behind.

That increase is 100% because of the tax cuts.

My don't know how many times I've said this.

People think tax cuts are good.
Not what I said. You're sloppy and you're rushing through your responses.

What I said was that the Dow year to date has declined and that's because of the tax cuts, which took effect on the 1st of the year.

I also said that Obama grew the market faster and better than Trump did, with Trump growing it 25% from inauguration to May 10th of his second year, and Obama growing it 36% from inauguration to May 10th of his second year. It's not even close.

All you've done here is call me names and refuse to debate any topics. Then you get yourself all tangled in your own rhetoric; completely mixing up deficits and debt, forgetting things, and lying by omission. I get the sense that you're a very insecure person who has to lie to himself in order to just make it through the day. I don't really care about people like you, and I think we should just write you all off because you contribute nothing.

Standing Ovation!

You'll learn to just keep scrolling by his ignorance is undeniable.
I don't know who made the argument about cutting your way to a balanced budget. You just make up shit as you go don't you snowflake. What I can say is that you can't get there by raising taxes because the spending is the problem. You get there by promoting economic growth; which leads to fewer people on unemployment rolls, fewer on welfare rolls and more people employed which equals more tax payers, which means more revenue. .


Clinton raised taxes in 1993, spending increased every year of his term, and he left office with a budget surplus that you all squandered, and turned into record deficits.

Bush the Dumber and the Conservatives were so terrible that they produced 4 -FOUR- record deficits during Bush's 8 years including the all-time high deficit Bush left Obama. And that was after being handed a record surplus from Clinton.

2000: $236B surplus
2001: $128B surplus
2002: $157B deficit
2003: $377B deficit (A record)
2004: $412B deficit (A record)
2005: $318B deficit
2006: $248B deficit
2007: $160B deficit
2008: $458B deficit (A record)
2009: $1.4T deficit (A record)

And yet, after every tax cut we have had big increases in revenue. That's a FACT not fantasy like your bloviating is.

You're so fucking wrong, it's embarrassing.

Revenue (in billions)
2000: $2,025.2
2001: $1,991.1 (Bush Tax Cuts passed, some went into effect)
2002: $1,853.1
2003: $1,782.3 (Bush Tax Cuts accelerated)
2004: $1,880.1

So I see revenue below 2000 levels for four years after the tax cut was passed. What do you see in those numbers?
Obama temporarily cut payroll taxes, and made the Bush Tax Cuts for the middle class permanent. Obama raised taxes on the rich and corporations. Now you're not clearly reading what I wrote; choosing to sloppily rush through your responses. Bad work ethic ya got there...

No he's not. The ones responsible for all that debt are you guys; you're the ones who launched an unfunded War on Terror, you're the ones who passed unfunded tax cuts, you're the ones who passed Medicare Part-D, you're the ones who deregulated Wall Street which led to the Financial Collapse and Bush Recession. That's all on you. And then you screeched like a barnyard animal throughout Obama about the deficit, only to grow silent on that deficit as soon as Trump became President.

Why not just admit you use the deficit as a political football and that you don't really care or understand what the debt is all about?

Deficits don't concern liberals because we understand that after Conservatives wreck an economy, it has to be recovered and the private sector ain't the one to recover it. Pointing out your hypocrisy on the debt doesn't mean I share your fake concerns about it.

The fart Bush the Dumber laid in the Oval Office will linger for decades. So long as there is breath in your lungs, you will forever be tied to Bush the Dumber.

And bush is sitting pretty in his lavish ranch in peace.
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Yes you are; but that is what happens to whiny lying leftists when they get schooled on how stupid they look.

I've been kicking your ass all over these boards because I use actual facts and you just make shit up.

Like how the facts show that revenue was below 2000 levels for four years after the Bush Tax Cuts. Revenue only rose above it in 2005 thanks to the mortgage bubble you were also inflating, likely to cover for the failure of your tax cuts to deliver on any of the promises you made of them.
No, you said "Since his tax cut went into effect, economic growth slowed, the market lost 400 points, oil prices have shot upward, the deficit has exploded to $1T, and health insurance premiums rose faster than before."

Jesus H. Christ.

The Tax Cut went into effect JANUARY 1st, 2018.

What year is it, genius? What is the date?
I showed how that is a bunch of buffoonish nonsense. That's when you started crying and ranting.

No, you didn't show that at all. You forgot that it's 2018, not 2017. What I said was that since the tax cut went into effect, all that horrible shit has been happening. The tax cut went into effect January 1st of 2018. Then you spent the next couple posts pretending that it's 2017 and ignoring the fact that I said very clearly that since the tax cut's gone into effect (1/1/18), all this bad shit has been happening.

So what year is it now, dude? What is today's date?
It won't hurt anyone because California has the fifth largest economy in the world and needs to take care of its infrastructure.

I remember back in 2012 when liberals in CA voted to raise taxes on the rich, all you Conservaloons said it would destroy CA.

You were wrong, of course.

Now they have moved on to saying CA has the highest poverty rate in the Country, were a sanctuary city, and have more illegals on welfare then the entire Continent of Africa.

The more they bash CA, the stronger we grow.

teee heee heee.........keep kicking ass.
And I tried to explain to you that comparing Obama's eight years to Trumps 14 months is laughably stupid.

I wasn't doing that. This is a great example of how you rush through things, exhibit no work ethic at all, and produce sloppiness.

I was comparing Obama's Dow growth over the same period as Trump's. Doing that reveals that Obama grew the market by a higher % than Trump did. You fixated on the gross increase to the Dow, outside of a vacuum, because when placed in proper context even you recognize that he's garbage.

You're the one who compared Obama's GDP growth over 8 years to Trump's over 14 months. That was all you. So now we have an example of you projecting your own bullshit on me because you're not secure in your own garbage argument.

Get the hell over yourself.
Now they have moved on to saying CA has the highest poverty rate in the Country, were a sanctuary city, and have more illegals on welfare then the entire Continent of Africa.

The more they bash CA, the stronger we grow.

teee heee heee.........keep kicking ass.

We have the most wealth in the country and the highest poverty rate. Those are just facts.
No; I have shown you what an illiterate dumbass you are and you keep proving my point.

You're the one who mixed up election day with inauguration day.

You're the one who mixed up deficit with debt.

You're the one who just makes shit up about revenue growth post-tax cuts.

You need a time-out.
I get a sense that you are a smarmy idiot with a misplaced sense of superiority lacking the basic intelligence God gave a lemming. Then when you get your ass kicked with facts, you cry like a little insecure baby.

I don't pretend to be something I'm not. I am only working with what you're giving me. If my posts make you feel inferior, that's on you. You're the one exercising your Dunning-Kruger here. I can't help it if you're so confused on your own points that you inevitably mess up whatever case you're trying to make. Look how apoplectic you are getting just by being challenged on your "conventional" "wisdom".

NOTHING I post is a lie. Everything you have attempted to say is.

You lied when you said revenue always increases from tax cuts. You didn't even support it with data. I did, though. The real data shows that after taxes are cut, revenue drops. Like what happened after 2000 in 2001-4, and again in Kansas a decade later.

LOL, ok female Trump. It is amazing how much you lie.

You have been shown the fact about poverty, but refuse to acknowledge them.

You can continue to think CA has the highest poverty rate in the Country just like you think CA dems racist zoning laws is why we have a housing crisis.

History will prove you wrong.
You have been shown the fact about poverty, but refuse to acknowledge them.

You can continue to think CA has the highest poverty rate in the Country just like you think CA dems racist zoning laws is why we have a housing crisis.

History will prove you wrong.

History will prove me wrong that we currently have the highest poverty rate in the county when we do? How does that work?