As America Changes, Some Anxious Whites Feel Left Behind

Not what I said. You're sloppy and you're rushing through your responses.

What I said was that the Dow year to date has declined and that's because of the tax cuts, which took effect on the 1st of the year.

No, you said "Since his tax cut went into effect, economic growth slowed, the market lost 400 points, oil prices have shot upward, the deficit has exploded to $1T, and health insurance premiums rose faster than before."

I showed how that is a bunch of buffoonish nonsense. That's when you started crying and ranting.

I also said that Obama grew the market faster and better than Trump did, with Trump growing it 25% from inauguration to May 10th of his second year, and Obama growing it 36% from inauguration to May 10th of his second year. It's not even close.

And I tried to explain to you that comparing Obama's eight years to Trumps 14 months is laughably stupid. That's when you started crying and ranting even more.

All you've done here is call me names and refuse to debate any topics.

No; I have shown you what an illiterate dumbass you are and you keep proving my point. I know that calling you a dumbass makes you cry and hurt your feelings, but it is an accurate assessment of your laughable stupidity and severe case of stupid.

Then you get yourself all tangled in your own rhetoric; completely mixing up deficits and debt, forgetting things, and lying by omission.

The only one entangled in bullshit and rhetoric is you. But alas, you lack the basic intelligence to comprehend the OBVIOUS and then cry even harder.

I get the sense that you're a very insecure person who has to lie to himself in order to just make it through the day.

I get a sense that you are a smarmy idiot with a misplaced sense of superiority lacking the basic intelligence God gave a lemming. Then when you get your ass kicked with facts, you cry like a little insecure baby.

NOTHING I post is a lie. Everything you have attempted to say is.

I don't really care about people like you, and I think we should just write you all off because you contribute nothing.

No one asked you if you cared, no one would miss you if you died tomorrow and no one asked for you to engage.

You haven't added anything new to the debate. You just parroted the same boring bullshit that has already been debated and disproved a thousand times before. So by all means STFU and try to not make yourself look like a bigger idiot than we have already seen here today.

No shit dumbfuck; what do you think happens when you run deficits? YES genius; it ADDS to the National debt. Grow a fucking brain.

You're the one who said Obama had $10T deficit. He added about $9.5T in debt but most of that was paying for your garbage War on Terror, your garbage Tax Cuts, your garbage Medicare Part-D, and recovering the economy from your garbage deregulation.

You were completely silent when Bush doubled the debt, though. More than any President before him. All we got from the deficit peacocks like you were crickets. How come?
Now you are going full retard. How did WE cut taxes and have a war of occupation during the Obama Presidency you willful idiot?

Obama temporarily cut payroll taxes, and made the Bush Tax Cuts for the middle class permanent. Obama raised taxes on the rich and corporations. Now you're not clearly reading what I wrote; choosing to sloppily rush through your responses. Bad work ethic ya got there...

Dear idiot; Obama alone is responsible for the $10 trillion he ran up. STFU already; it is obvious you're a brain dead lunatic on steroids. Like I said, at the end of Trumps 8 year Presidency, get back to me on deficits.

No he's not. The ones responsible for all that debt are you guys; you're the ones who launched an unfunded War on Terror, you're the ones who passed unfunded tax cuts, you're the ones who passed Medicare Part-D, you're the ones who deregulated Wall Street which led to the Financial Collapse and Bush Recession. That's all on you. And then you screeched like a barnyard animal throughout Obama about the deficit, only to grow silent on that deficit as soon as Trump became President.

Why not just admit you use the deficit as a political football and that you don't really care or understand what the debt is all about?

But again, you whiny ignorant dullards had no issues with Obama's deficits, don't be a buffoonish hypocrite and whine about them 14 months into the trump Presidency.

Deficits don't concern liberals because we understand that after Conservatives wreck an economy, it has to be recovered and the private sector ain't the one to recover it. Pointing out your hypocrisy on the debt doesn't mean I share your fake concerns about it.

:lolup: Whiny brain dead lying liberal still stuck on Bush. :rofl2:

The fart Bush the Dumber laid in the Oval Office will linger for decades. So long as there is breath in your lungs, you will forever be tied to Bush the Dumber.
This is why I seldom argue with idiots, but instead, point at them and laugh.

No one is laughing at you because no one even acknowledges you exist or carry any significance. I'm being generous here by engaging you. Fact is that Conservatives saw lower health care premiums thanks to Obamacare. Like Julie Boonsta, who refused to believe what her insurance company was telling her.

You couldn't beat your way out of a wet paper sack shit-for-brains. I just mopped the floor with your hair and you jumped up thinking you were winning. It is painfully obvious you lack the intelligence to argue with a grade school attendee.

Well I've schooled your ass already, pointing out how the Dow is down for 2018, pointing out how Q1 2018 economic growth was below Q4 2017 (thanks, Obama), and pointing out how health insurance costs are rising thanks to the repeal of the mandate.

So in other words, Trump won. He will set the agenda and you will keep bloviating like a dumbass because you're to stupid to know when to STFU.

He can try to set an agenda, but that's awful hard to do when you don't have a mandate. Trump doesn't have a mandate; you don't get one when you lose the popular vote.
Again; you can rant like a brain dead clueless lunatic all you want, but average GDP during the Obama Presidency was 1.5%. The rest of your screed is just whiny false bullshit not even worthy of a response because it has already been shown you're a lying lunatic.

Oh, so now you're talking the average? Wouldn't that average have been skewed down by the fact that when Obama took office, we were in the midst of the Great Bush Recession? What was the average GDP growth rate for Obama's second term? Ah, it was 2.2%, which is only 0.1% less than Trump's growth for Q1 2018.
You said it was down; and it doesn't matter how you want to parse it, it is 4,696 points higher than when Trump was inaugurated. That's UP no matter how you stupidly try to parse it like a lunatic.

I said that it was down year-to-date, and made that distinction in my first post. You've spent the last few posts trying to parse it. Fact is, for 2018, the Dow is down by a couple hundred points. So since the GOP/Russia/Trump Tax Cut went into effect, the economy slowed by 0.6% and the Dow dropped a couple hundred points.

Also, Obama grew the Dow by a higher % than Trump did from inauguration day to May 10th of year 2.
There you go again with the laughably stupid arguments. The DOW is up 4,696 points. Stop crying.

Since January of 2017. It's now May 2018.

And that growth of 4,696 represents a 25% increase. Obama increased the Dow by 36% over the same period of time. And Obama was handed a recession. Trump was handed a thriving economy.
Trump wasn't handed a thriving economy you lying dumbfuck; he was handed an economic malaise where leftist tried to argue this was the NEW world. Moron.


So square this circle for me:

Obama averages 2.2% growth in his second term.

GDP growth for Q1 2018, which you're claiming is stellar growth, was 2.3%

So the economy isn't thriving when it grows by 2.2%, but is thriving when it grows by 2.3%

Trump wasn't handed a thriving economy you lying dumbfuck; he was handed an economic malaise where leftist tried to argue this was the NEW world. Moron.


Trump's GDP growth for Q1 2018: 2.3%
Obama average GDP growth for second term: 2.2%

So 2.3% is great, but 2.2% isn't?

Why not just admit that you're full of shit? Can your ego not handle that?
And yet, right now, Democrats in California tacked on another .15 cents a gallon; who do you think that will hurt? The rich? :rofl2:

It won't hurt anyone because California has the fifth largest economy in the world and needs to take care of its infrastructure.

I remember back in 2012 when liberals in CA voted to raise taxes on the rich, all you Conservaloons said it would destroy CA.

You were wrong, of course.
Or they're doing it themselves. I understand why they're doing it; they've been sold snake oil for 40 years by Conservatives that if we just cut taxes for the rich and corporations, did away with regulations, harassed POC, attacked immigrants, and passed restrictive women's health bills, magically these underachieving white people will succeed. Now they're not seeing the success that Conservatives have promised them, and are taking the lazy man's way out of offing themselves instead of improving themselves.

I say we write them off. Let's stop treating these underachievers like they're so fragile. Say "No, the black guy didn't take your job because of affirmative action. You lost out on the job because you're unemployable."


You win the internet today!
Did KXL get completed? When?

KXL is in operation, dingus. In fact, it just leaked 470,000 barrels of oil.

That is rather ironic then watching you rant and whine about them now don't you think? Liar.

I'm not whining about the deficit. Pointing out your hypocrisy on the deficit doesn't mean I share your shitty fake concerns. All I care about with respect to the deficit is how hypocritical you are about it.

Bush doubled the debt and erased a surplus. From you: crickets.
Trump doubled the deficit. From you: crickets.

So for a bunch of malcontents who screeched like barnyard animals about the deficit for 8 years, I find it disingenuous when you make excuses for it today.
That is a flat out lie. What is it about you whiny lying liberals and you're propensity to be uneducated morons and liars?

Your shitty War on Terror wasn't paid for.

Your shitty Tax Cuts weren't paid for.

Your shitty Medicare Part-D wasn't paid for.

You tanked the economy with your deregulation.

It's all on you. Act like an adult and take responsibility for the positions you have.
That's easy; because he had to deal with 9-11 and fighting two wars.

"Deal" with 9/11? How so? Bush didn't do anything other than telling people to buy more stuff otherwise the terrorists win. The market recovered all its 9/11 losses by November 2001. 9/11 isn't an excuse for why you erased a surplus and doubled the debt.

Secondly, we didn't have to fight those wars. You blundered us into them. And you didn't pay for any of it. And it didn't make us any safer. Obama was the one who got bin Laden. You're the ones who gave up the hunt around 2005.
The only whiny lying hypocrite in this debate is you.

No...what's happening here is that you have no morals or play at being obtuse. You screeched about how the deficit and debt were going to kill us all, then immediately stopped the minute Trump was sworn in. Then you go on to make excuses for the poor performance of Conservative policies, while accusing me of sharing the same hyporcisy on the subject you have, when our two positions couldn't be more different.

You screeched about the deficit for 8 years. Pointing out that you're a hypocrite on it today doesn't mean I support or share your shitty arguments about it from before. You're trying to pretend that I am, that way you can feel better about yourself.


Get over yourself.
He did bring down the costs if you qualified for a subsidy. There's a very famous example of Julie Boonstra. You know who she is, right? Let me refresh your memory; Boonstra was the fat, ugly, diseased GOP sow who went on camera and claimed that Obamacare caused her health care to be unaffordable. However, it turns out that Boonstra was lying (of course, Conservatives always lie) and her insurance company confirmed that she would in fact be saving $2,400 a year thanks to Obamacare.

And you can keep your doctor -you just need to choose an insurance plan on the exchange that your doctor accepts. It's called "being an adult".

# YOU are WINNING............

I tried to tell these fools on this site about conservative and their lies..........they just call me a racist.

Keep preaching the truth soon they will be calling you a racist and banning you from threads.
No they don't; and if you had a brain and made a little effort to look at the historic record, you would find that after EVERY tax cut, there has been a corresponding increase in revenue. That's a sinple FACT, not hyperbole or the whiny buffoonish uninformed ranting you engage in.


This is so easily disproved, I don't even know why you made the argument.

Here's revenue during Bush. As you'll see, tax revenue in 2000 (before Bush was sworn in) was higher than revenue in 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004. It wasn't until 2005 that revenue finally passed what it was in 2000. That's entirely, 100% because of the Bush Tax Cuts. Same thing happened in Kansas too.

Federal Receipt and Outlays in billions
2000 (Clinton's final year): $2,025.2
2001 (Bush Tax Cuts pass): $1,991.1
2002 (First round of Tax Cuts in effect): $1,853.1
2003 (Tax cuts accelerated): $1,782.3
2004 (All tax cuts in effect): $1,880.1
2005 (First year of Bush Mortgage Bubble): $2,153.6

So is $2,025.2 > or < $1,991.1?
So is $2,025.2 > or < $1,853.1?
So is $2,025.2 > or < $1,782.3?
So is $2,025.2 > or < $1,880.1?

So you said that every time taxes are cut, revenue increases. Yet right here, we have evidence from just 17 years ago showing that when taxes are cut, revenue dropped below 2000 levels and stayed there for four years. The only reason why revenue finally passed 2000 levels in 2005 was because of the Bush Mortgage Bubble, which was raging.

So you're defending taking 4 steps back to take one step forward. How many steps does that leave you behind?
