As Feminists, as Libertarians, You Cannot Defend Capitalism

Capitalism depends on the unpaid labor of women in the home to guarantee the reproduction of the current and next generation of workers. This imposes a double burden on women, who most often also work outside the home, as well as do the bulk of the child care and housework. A whole ideological apparatus exists that enshrines the privatized family as the most acceptable form of childrearing and personal relations.

Only a fucking commie would consider an economic system as brilliant, affordable, capable and solely credible as capitalism’s allowing of women their natural human ”feminine desire to “nest build” and nurture their children as the ideology of a villain especially since capitalism is the only proven successful system of a successful economy.

The only reason some women, and now days most women are forced to work outside of the home, is because socialist infiltration of governments have imposed the ungodly tax extortion burden that robs workers of an ever higher % of the fruits of their labors in order to redistribute the workers wealth in a fucking racket to bribe the votes of fucking deadbeats and socialist government tit sucking lazy bastards.

The world experienced a perfect example of the government collective system of “childrearing” as displayed by the “Hitler Youth.” Today’s neo-commie socialist bastards dream of their own establishment of a Hitler Youth as a “Commie Youth.”
Its because the corps can buy your fucks votes.

Its not taxes.

when we had an economy in which one income could raise a family there was a top tax rate of about 90%
I'm going to exit gracefully. If I was wrong about you, then this thread should have made that clear. But, unfortunately, your drug frenzy in front of a keyboard only proved my point.
do you remember the words you said ?

you said I post very little and only post links or something very close to that.

In this thread I dismantled your silly adherence to a historically failed set of ideas.

I proved you were wrong about my posting and proved you don't have much class
if you make caplitalism illegal who runs the manufacturing of what people want and need to buy?

what you anti capitalist don't take into consideration is these REAL point about your ideas.

wsithout capitalism its a government hired or elected person deciding what your allowed to buy or own

We do. What people want, they get - they don't have to buy. And they produce what other people want. Couple of hours a day should do it.
Desh, knock it off. I'm trying - I can't devote all my time to the internet. If you want me to argue with you, sure, I will, but give me a chance to.

Where to start... You don't understand what socialism is. As iolo says, it's a system based on democratic control by the workers. This can include markets of cooperatives, or communes, or state distribution centers. No matter how it manifests itself, it's always democratic.

The government is a socialist country may be an instrument for workers to control the trade of goods, or it may be something that doesn't interfere too much in the economy, or it may not even exist. The premier examples of socialist states were/are based on cooperation between a strong central government, and strong organs of democratic control from below.


You've been CRAP FLOODED by Desh; but that's what you get for trying to engage her in a logical discussion.
By the way, it never improves.
because you cant defend your ideas when they are challenged.

now you will become a banner.

see what the fuck it get you.

It gets you a reputation as not being able to handle a debate.

I do love how some righties are defending you and your socialist ideas merely to swat at me.

they have no real convictions
I know - it was a mistake. Dealing with her is a waste of time.

I started a thread, suggesting that posters ignore her when she acts like this.
Another poster brought up "shunning" and I realized that this was exactly the word I should have used.

Until she changes her behavior, she should be shunned.
why do you people come to a site for debate and then hide your stupid asses from other opinions?

because your ideas fail the test of scrutiny
I know - it was a mistake. Dealing with her is a waste of time.

It was a valiant effort. Look at the bright side. At least now you know. Her entire MO is to crapflood a thread, then declare that nobody has responded, which she then takes as a concession and runs off doing her victory lap.

Do like I do and put her on perma ignore and thread ban. It will make for a much more peaceful experience. I have noticed that I am much nicer now that I have her on ignore. I guess she brings out my dark side.
I started a thread, suggesting that posters ignore her when she acts like this.
Another poster brought up "shunning" and I realized that this was exactly the word I should have used.

Until she changes her behavior, she should be shunned.

Yes. A public shunning will be equivalent to a public shaming. Notice how even those who would normally be ideologically in line with her can't even stand her ass so it isn't even political. Her own side thinks she is a whack job. I bet she calls her husband while he is "out of town" and tells him all about her "internets" exploits and how she WOWED em with the facts today.