As NBA Ratings Decline, Poll Shows 34% Watched Less Sports Over Social Justice Messag

What is the time frame or period when the best people rose to the top as opposed to today?

I am 59....I am talking about my grandparents and great grandparents people.....midwestern folk of that time period......those people I know about.
I am 59....I am talking about my grandparents and great grandparents people.....midwestern folk of that time period......those people I know about.

So the Gates, Bezos, Buffets, Walton’s etc. are all bad people compared to the rich people of a generation ago like the Hunts, the Getty’s or the Hughes? Am I understanding your position correctly?

You define the good old days as the within the last two generations and said the best rose to the top then but not today. I listed the richest of that time period compared to the richest today. What did the prior do different than the rich today?
A partial season threw sports fans off. It was so abnormal that fans never really fired up. Last year's baseball was 60 games instead of 162. That was a different season that lost its normal tempo. It did not feel the same at all.
Golf and baseball are trying to turn the clock back to before the Trump virus made gathering in crowds dangerous.
You define the good old days as the within the last two generations and said the best rose to the top them but not today. I listed the richest of that time period compared to the richest today. What did the prior do different than the rich today?

THe quality of the Elites, however you want to define them but the people who run America, is currently historically bad.

That is why America is collapsing, this why The New Chinese Empire is going to so completely kick our asses.