What is the time frame or period when the best people rose to the top as opposed to today?
I am 59....I am talking about my grandparents and great grandparents people.....midwestern folk of that time period......those people I know about.
What is the time frame or period when the best people rose to the top as opposed to today?
Are you Mike Lindell? Your mind is bent.
I am 59....I am talking about my grandparents and great grandparents people.....midwestern folk of that time period......those people I know about.
So the Gates, Bezos, Buffets, Walton’s etc. are all bad people compared to the rich people of a generation ago like the Hunts, the Getty’s or the Hughes? Am I understanding your position correctly?
You define the good old days as the within the last two generations and said the best rose to the top them but not today. I listed the richest of that time period compared to the richest today. What did the prior do different than the rich today?