As your new president, here are the ways Joe Biden will help you

The United States is facing an unprecedented housing crisis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and President Trump’s recession, with millions of families at risk of being evicted.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support state and local measures to freeze rent increases, evictions, utility shutoffs, and late fees for rent, to prevent families from becoming homeless and making the pandemic even worse.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support making significant, immediate grants and loans to help small minority-owned businesses make payroll and other expenses, and keep their doors open.

40 percent of Black-owned small businesses may not survive President Trump’s recession, and small businesses owned by Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and Latinos are also at risk.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will prioritize support for Black entrepreneurs and other entrepreneurs of color, as well as women entrepreneurs, including by expanding funding for Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and other proven programs that invest in low-income communities and communities of color.
The United States is facing an unprecedented housing crisis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and President Trump’s recession, with millions of families at risk of being evicted.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support state and local measures to freeze rent increases, evictions, utility shutoffs, and late fees for rent, to prevent families from becoming homeless and making the pandemic even worse.

If I'm already getting that stuff through state and local measures, that biden/harris "support" and 5 bucks will get me a cup of overpriced coffee. How is that "helping"?
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will impose rigorous oversight on big corporations seeking financial assistance to weather the pandemic and President Trump’s recession, to ensure that federal dollars support keeping union workers on the payroll, not enriching CEOs or shareholders.

The government's tax dollars should not be used to pay out dividends, fund stock buybacks, or give raises to executives.
40 percent of Black-owned small businesses may not survive President Trump’s recession, and small businesses owned by Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and Latinos are also at risk.


How many black owned business have been burned and looted by BLM ...u stupid fuck
President Biden will forge a new economic contract that raises wages and restores workers’ rights to organize, join a union, and collectively bargain.

President Biden will forge a new economic contract that at last supports working families and the middle class by securing equal pay for women and paid family leave for all.

President Biden will forge a new economic contract that at last ends America’s long and ongoing history of racism and disenfranchisement, segregation and discrimination, and invests instead in building equity and mobility for the people of color who have been left out and left behind for generations.