As your new president, here are the ways Joe Biden will help you

The United States is facing an unprecedented housing crisis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and President Trump’s recession, with millions of families at risk of being evicted.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support state and local measures to freeze rent increases, evictions, utility shutoffs, and late fees for rent, to prevent families from becoming homeless and making the pandemic even worse.
big deal. "supporting local initiatives".. more Spamarama
As millions of Americans have stayed at home to prevent the spread of the pandemic, it is plain to see that in the 21st century, Internet access is not optional.

The World Wide Web is a vital tool for receiving an education and for participating in our democracy, and all Americans need access to high-speed broadband service.

President Biden will take action to prevent anyone from blocking municipalities and rural co-ops from building publicly-owned broadband networks, and he will increase federal support for municipal broadband while requiring that funding recipients adhere to strong policies that support standards of truthfulness and include strong protections against hate speech.

The Biden-Harris Administration will increase public investment in rural, urban, and Tribal broadband infrastructure.

As our president, Joe Biden will offer low-income people high-speed internet access regardless of of gender, race, or immigration status.

Intelligent people know that public investment in digital training programs for children will make our democracy strong.

Democrats will restore the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) clear authority to take strong enforcement action against broadband providers who violate net neutrality principles by allowing the publication or dissemination of hate speech and political falsehoods.
You will see what we shall do, and you will see it very soon.

Yea, and it won't be pretty. If Biden and the Democrats win they get two years then Congress goes totally Republican and the Leftist nonsense ends. There isn't one good policy the Left is pushing. Not one.
The United States is facing an unprecedented housing crisis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and President Trump’s recession, with millions of families at risk of being evicted.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support state and local measures to freeze rent increases, evictions, utility shutoffs, and late fees for rent, to prevent families from becoming homeless and making the pandemic even worse.
Furthermore, Scamala Harrass and its pedophile frontman, Crazy Uncle Joe, will immediately adjust all levels of income to a "livable wage" in order to stop violence everywhere.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris stand ready to take immediate, decisive action to pull the economy out of President Trump’s recession by investing in infrastructure, care work, clean energy, and small businesses to put Americans to work in good-paying public-sector jobs.

As our president, Joe Biden will shore up state and local government budgets to save vital jobs and protect public health in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The Democratic super-majorities in Congress will begin by enacting fundamental reforms to address structural and systemic racism and entrenched income and wealth inequality in our economy and our banking system.
Those who need no assistance will be rendering assistance to those who need it.

Well that's pretty cryptic. If I'm all set through those "state and local measures", does that mean I have to "be rendering assistance to those who need it"? If that comedy team you're running wins, I'm retiring and taking my social security and medicare. Are they gonna cut that and redistribute it? But, but, but...saint joe and the virgin kamala said they wouldn't touch that!! They said the bad orange man was the guy who wanted to cut that stuff!! The only other thing I can imagine is a government electric bus picking me up every morning to go build cheap soviet style apartments for deadbeats. Guess I should start learning the words to this: