As your new president, here are the ways Joe Biden will help you

Well that's pretty cryptic. If I'm all set through those "state and local measures", does that mean I have to "be rendering assistance to those who need it"? If that comedy team you're running wins, I'm retiring and taking my social security and medicare. Are they gonna cut that and redistribute it? But, but, but...saint joe and the virgin kamala said they wouldn't touch that!! They said the bad orange man was the guy who wanted to cut that stuff!! The only other thing I can imagine is a government electric bus picking me up every morning to go build cheap soviet style apartments for deadbeats. Guess I should start learning the words to this:

As it happens, there have been high level discussions about disincentivizing qualifying individuals who spread hate speech and misinformation on the Internet, and the offender's Social Security and Medicare benefits are definitely on the table.
Why couldn’t people do what I did? It isn’t complicated. Work hard. Stay out of debt. Delay gratification. Pay cash.

But yeah fuck you

People really do not control their lives like that. Many work for companies that went out of business. There are millions of them right now. Some get in accidents. Some get sick.
yeah, you are a dick.
As it happens, there have been high level discussions about dis incentivizing polling data and seek respected, established news reporting qualifying individuals who spread hate speech and misinformation on the Internet, and the offender's Social Security and Medicare benefits are definitely on the table.

So, you are making a threat to remove SS and Medicare benefits from a person who uses his/her First Amendment privileges.

Twitter tried that with the NY Post story and had to back down...Senate hearings, Section 230,...
People really do not control their lives like that. Many work for companies that went out of business. There are millions of them right now. Some get in accidents. Some get sick.
yeah, you are a dick.

There are ways to prepare. If you don’t that is on you. Not me.

But you feel free to pay out of your own pocket
I will pay zero and leech off of you. It is easy to do.

Democrats will reform the tax code to be more progressive and equitable. Our tax system has been rigged against the American people by big corporations and their lobbyists, and by Republican politicians who dole out tax cuts to their biggest donors while leaving poor families to struggle.

Democrats will reverse the Trump Administration’s tax cuts benefiting the wealthiest Americans.

We will crack down on tax havens and close loopholes that are exploited by the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations.

We will make sure the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes.

We will make sure investors pay the same tax rates as workers and bring an end to expensive and unproductive tax loopholes, including the carried interest loophole.

Estate taxes will also be raised back to the historical norm.