Every trumper is a N4T.
I seem to remember her being divorced, but I could be wrong. She was a full blown trump nutter. I'm sure his daily dose of Twitter toxicity put her over the edge. Useful idiot, as it were.
Crowd mentality took over. That shit was a frenzy. Jim Morrison was a student of crowd control. His concerts weren't much different than trump's Klan rallies w/respect to having the crowd in his hand.
When trump skates in the Senate, he should be tried criminally.
Her husband's name is Aaron....

But like I was saying, look at them.
Young, healthy, reasonably good looking couple with everything to live for.
But she, as Tom Petty said in the song "Woman in Love"... "...threw it all away on nothin".
And like in the song, she was a woman in love with an asshole.
This particular asshole being Trump.