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Thank you King....Chloe will ask another for posters to answer

Would you rather be nailed to the cross or burned at the stake?

burned at the stake, no question. Crucifixion was made to last days and be excruciating (notice where the word excruciating comes from)?

With burning at the stake, they usually choked you before setting you ablaze. Even if they set you on fire while conscious, all you would have to do is inhale the smoke until you pass out.

can't think of a question sorry
How much money would it take for you to compromise your deepest principals and code of ethics?
If you could go back and change things in your life, would you?

What happened on the best day of your life?

The birth of my children (of course its 3 days - but all the best)

And that is also why I wouldn't go back and change anything. The things that I would want to change areall prior to my kids being born, and would change where I was when I met my first wife. Whatever regrets I have about my youth, the kids I have make it worthwhile.
cheer up, there will likely be worse ones.
But for you sake I hope not.

That day, the day my Mom died and a single night of violence back in 1999 ranks as the worst days.

I don't expect any much worse.
If money and career were not an issue, where would you most like to live?
Pacific NW I think. Maybe US maybe Canada.
would still be living there if not for family issues.
Too physically decrepit now to enjoy it much.