* Limited government and balanced budgets
Limited gov't? And yet you advocate the gov't deciding whether or not a private business owner can allow smoking. Several of the things on your list are bigger gov't.
* Classroom prayer
What sort of prayer? Christian? Muslim? Jewish? Pagan? Hindu? And will the majority of students respect the beliefs of the minority?
* Abstinence education
Because it has worked so well? If the schools are teaching morality, doesn't that conflict with "Parental control of education"?
* Traditional marriage, not same-sex marriage
On the one hand you want smaller gov't, and on the other you want it to interfere in personal relationships.
* Respect for differences between men and women, boys and girls
This is simply a diversionary phrase for gender discrimination.
* Laws against pornography
And who defines what is pornographic? Will we create laws based on an "I know it when I see it" ideology?
* The death penalty
Since it has not been shown to be a serious deterrent, and since our judicial system continually shows itself to be flawed, and since the costs of capital cases is prohibitively high, this one doesn't pass muster either.
* Parental control of education
Which parents? The liberal ones? The ones who want the gov't to spend more and more?
* Respect for our military ... past and present
And how do you legislate that? Require salutes for veterans?
* Rejection of junk science such as evolution and global warming
The labelling evolution as "junk science" is a poor attempt at an Appeal to Ridicule, and offers no actual evidence that the Theory of Evolution is wrong.
* Low taxes, especially for families
So how much do you plan to penalize single people? And who defines what a "family" is, exactly?