APP - Ask me about social conservatism

No, Midcan. You are a totalitarian, and believe in totalitarianism. In your world, only an all-powerful government, with absolute dominion over its subjects is realistic and believable. Libertarianism exists for all classes of Americans, because liberty (political freedom) is the goal of all free-thinking Americans. Limited numbers of people are politically alligned with liberty as the primary focus, because generations of fools emigrated here from Europe (Germany, Ireland, Italy, etc.) and alligned themselves with a political movement that promised them economic equality rather than opportunity, freedom from industrial and commercial progress, and a place at the table of power, in exchange for abandoning their hated cultural backgrounds.
No, Midcan. You are a totalitarian, and believe in totalitarianism. In your world, only an all-powerful government, with absolute dominion over its subjects is realistic and believable. Libertarianism exists for all classes of Americans, because liberty (political freedom) is the goal of all free-thinking Americans. Limited numbers of people are politically alligned with liberty as the primary focus, because generations of fools emigrated here from Europe (Germany, Ireland, Italy, etc.) and alligned themselves with a political movement that promised them economic equality rather than opportunity, freedom from industrial and commercial progress, and a place at the table of power, in exchange for abandoning their hated cultural backgrounds.

Great post!!!!

Opportunity is hitting it on the head!

Opportunity = Prosperity

Economic equality = a way to restrict and do away with prosperity.
No, Midcan. You are a totalitarian, and believe in totalitarianism. In your world, only an all-powerful government, with absolute dominion over its subjects is realistic and believable. Libertarianism exists for all classes of Americans, because liberty (political freedom) is the goal of all free-thinking Americans. Limited numbers of people are politically alligned with liberty as the primary focus, because generations of fools emigrated here from Europe (Germany, Ireland, Italy, etc.) and alligned themselves with a political movement that promised them economic equality rather than opportunity, freedom from industrial and commercial progress, and a place at the table of power, in exchange for abandoning their hated cultural backgrounds.

That did not answer my question. (Are you so immature and presumptuous that you have to create the other person? Be aware that is what all totalitarians and ideologues do, they know better and tell you who you are, and then define who who you should be. Your example shows you as the totalitarian - if you only thought for a second.)

But back to my thought experiment, please prove that toothfarianism isn't the solution? Can you or will you run away again and create another herring?
That did not answer my question. (Are you so immature and presumptuous that you have to create the other person? Be aware that is what all totalitarians and ideologues do, they know better and tell you who you are, and then define who who you should be. Your example shows you as the totalitarian - if you only thought for a second.)

But back to my thought experiment, please prove that toothfarianism isn't the solution? Can you or will you run away again and create another herring?

You are the one telling us all what libertarianism is, and what libertarians believe in. You have spent a great deal of time mis-defining it for everyone to read. But I would never expect an honest argument from you to begin with. If you are in denial about being a totalitarian, I recommend that you re-read the first quote in my signature line, which is directly from you.
You are the one telling us all what libertarianism is, and what libertarians believe in. You have spent a great deal of time mis-defining it for everyone to read. But I would never expect an honest argument from you to begin with. If you are in denial about being a totalitarian, I recommend that you re-read the first quote in my signature line, which is directly from you.

I am (have been) giving examples, parables, thought experiments, ideas, that demonstrate my opinion of an empty modern American narcissistic creed. You on the other hand are engaging in ad homs, poor ones at that. If the nutshells fit, all the better, if they annoy even better, maybe someone else will think a bit.

The quote is about service to the country that provides you the opportunity to be a libertarian if that is what you desire. You can be sponge too, we have that freedom. Responsibility is hard today as modern children are a spoiled and self centered bunch of weaklings. Do you have the link to where I wrote that? I could not find it.

But you are still not answering my question? Does it confuse you or do you realize the answer. If you reply at least give an answer, some thought, something aside from empty whining.

America today: "Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land'

"'Practical' politics, it is held, calls for policies that appeal to the fortunate. The poor do not vote; the alert politician bids for the comfortable and the rich. This would be politically foolish for the Democratic Party; those whose primary concern is to protect their income, their capital and their business interest will always vote for the party that most strongly affirms its service to their pecuniary well-being. This is and has always been the republicans. The Democrats have no future as a low grade substitute.." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Good Society'
I have, as proof of your totalitarianism, you're own words. Your quote goes far beyond support for the draft, and attacks the very idea of freedom, itself. Neither your thoughtless experiments nor your anecdotes hold any merit whatsoever. They are not arguments, they are fictions, and make no mistake, they serve as ad homs. Similarly, your constant quoting of people like Galbraith are not arguments.

It is furthermore, completely dishonest of you to ask for more of me than you are willing to provide. You never have attempted to refute libertarianism on an intellectual plain. You have merely claimed that it is impractical and utopian, and that liberty cannot truly exist (ironically, you also claim that it is too practical, as inferred by your latest Galbraith quote). One reason why I am not personally a libertarian, is because it does tend to stray a bit far from practical politics.

"Give me liberty, or give me death!" Patrick Henry
I am a toothfairian and I believe in toothfairydom. Toothfairydom is the basis of our beliefs, it is the solution to a better, more productive and promising life. Now your job is to counter my belief in toothfairianism. See if you can before I answer why you can't.

Threedee, I have given enough information about libertarianism to sink a ship, but I will add another voice below. But please have the honesty and integrity to answer my question in quote box above. You asked for a nutshell, I gave you one, now man-up as you conservatives say or please shut up. If you cannot answer why toothfairianism is not the answer to all our problems, then I assume you are with us and another believer.

The piece below is about as balanced and fair as one could expect or want.
Midcan, I invited you to create a seperate thread, with another page long story, like you did on the previous site. I believe the story of the Tortoise and the Hare was even used once as a parable. I was being somewhat sarcastic, but I also hoped you would do it, because the level of intellectual dishonesty that you display in such threads, and the ensuing rebuttal that site libertarians provide, is always amusing.

As far as I can tell, you haven't provided me with a question for to answer. Please refrain from doing this in the future, as it is most annoying. Your "toothfairyism" gaff is at most an ad hom, and most likely not anything at all. It merely insinuates that you still don't believe in individual freedom - a belief that doesn't really have a place in American political society. I do find it amusing that you concede that only conservatives, and not leftists, are capable of "manning up."
....As far as I can tell, you haven't provided me with a question for to answer. Please refrain from doing this in the future, as it is most annoying. Your "toothfairyism" gaff is at most an ad hom, and most likely not anything at all. It merely insinuates that you still don't believe in individual freedom - a belief that doesn't really have a place in American political society. I do find it amusing that you concede that only conservatives, and not leftists, are capable of "manning up."

If you don't like the fact I criticize libertarianism, then please refrain from criticizing toothfairism as toothfairists feel strongly about toothfairidom. They believe toothfairidom is the cure for society same as libertarians believe. I'm sorry this particular political philosophy is unappealing to you, but many believe and believe in it strongly. Maybe when you study it more you'll find it appealing.

Just for fun I'll post a (old?) nutshell, look for it. I need to find a place to place it. Oh, can you give me link to my 'quote on personal responsibility' you use so freely? thanks
Midcan, I don't mind people criticizing libertarianism. What I do mind are ad hoc and strawman arguments against it. People tend to have a hard time understanding what it is, including conservatives that I have known, but none more so than leftists. As for the quote, all three of my signature quotes are links, so just click on them.
Midcan, I don't mind people criticizing libertarianism. What I do mind are ad hoc and strawman arguments against it. People tend to have a hard time understanding what it is, including conservatives that I have known, but none more so than leftists. As for the quote, all three of my signature quotes are links, so just click on them.

Thanks, while I may change a few words, I stand by that post. Sometimes I read old posts and gasp over the grammar or some other change in thinking, but that was fine.

'Socrtease, funny but that piece falls in-line with most of my impressions and assumptions about conservatives. I know so many who avoided the draft in one way or the other and yet supported the war (read illegal invasion) in Iraq. 'Love' may be a bit of exaggeration, but war (military buildups) is a part of their thinking, and for the religious right a part of Gawd's plan. Remember their magical hero Ronnie brought down Russian communism and all he did was buy weapons.

I would add one significant idea or analogy to his summation of conservatism. Conservatism cannot justify, hide, or engage in their rape of the land, law, and resources without pointing their crooked finger at liberalism. It is all they can do, distracting attention from their failure is their forte.

As a lefty socialist liberal, I support the draft as I feel citizens have a responsibility to the nation that provides them the wherewithal for an excellent life - which I have had partly because of the GI bill. It is duty rather than slavery. I part with the author on the caviler idea that individual freedom (whatever that may be to the person) leads to nirvana, anyone older tha[n] 12 knows that is BS.

As is well known here, I am also opposed to libertarian thought which I see as naive and selfish.'

PS The recent economic collapse reinforces the idea unregulated markets, aka freedom, leads anywhere but to large messes.

"In other respects, however, the market is not the way to go. Letting the market take care of my health security (have we already forgotten that “managed care” was originally sold to us on the basis of bringing the wonders of the business model to medicine?) hasn’t worked out so very well. And, as we’re going to realize acutely in the coming decades, turning over environmental stewardship to the magic of the marketplace has been about as brilliant an idea as would be giving nuclear warheads to angry meth-torqued teenagers or religious lunatics sporting apocalyptic visions of the paradise that will follow global annihilation.

But, I’ve got an idea. And perhaps my (mostly imaginary) friends on the right will indulge me and play along. Let’s call it the Marketplace of Countries, shall we? Let’s take two (for the sake of simplicity) countries and compare them to each other. Then we can use the magical market modality to determine our respective assessments of them. If it turns out that one country looks a lot more attractive than the other, surely we’ll want to exercise that much vaunted power of marketplace choice, and validate that one as the superior place to live, right?"
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Yeah, that's great. I will add to what I said earlier about conservatives mis-characterizing libertarianism, since I don't only wish to single out leftists, that my own father told me that "libertarians just want to get high." In other words, he views the movement's defining issue as drug legalization.
Actually, Midcan, conservatives can point a finger at liberalism for the "rape of the land." Not to leftist progressives, but true liberalism, properly defined by 19th Century political movement, is the ideology which first preached free market (aka market liberalism) capitalism and opposed the old government chartered monopolies
Yeah, that's great. I will add to what I said earlier about conservatives mis-characterizing libertarianism, since I don't only wish to single out leftists, that my own father told me that "libertarians just want to get high." In other words, he views the movement's defining issue as drug legalization.

My father started voting for democrats after one term of BushII. After a lifetime of defending the death penalty and wanting to execute drug dealers.
Actually, Midcan, conservatives can point a finger at liberalism for the "rape of the land." Not to leftist progressives, but true liberalism, properly defined by 19th Century political movement, is the ideology which first preached free market (aka market liberalism) capitalism and opposed the old government chartered monopolies

What a crock of semantic bullshit. The "old government chartered monopolies" were the main reason for the Revolutionary War. The founders of this country hated and feared "government chartered monopolies (corperations)".
What a crock of semantic bullshit. The "old government chartered monopolies" were the main reason for the Revolutionary War. The founders of this country hated and feared "government chartered monopolies (corperations)".

They were a part of it, but the Founders didn't like them because they were an extension of government. The first big scare for American colonists had occurred under James II, right before the Glorious Revolution, because he was working to overturn private charters and turn them all into Royal Charters. He planned to turn all of New England into one, for example. But James got ousted from power, and things returned to relative normality.