APP - Ask me about social conservatism

Well Dammed Yankee, how do you respond to post #90 in this thread?

2. How do you justify the deaths of the falsely acused? I read your bullshit about only supporting those beyond a shadow of a doubt, but the innocence project proves that doesn't fly.

It seems Damned went back under the rock he lives under. Not surprising, conservatives, libertarians, and republicans lose every debate they engage in, it is the recognition they lost that throws them into ad homs and three word comebacks.
Here are the murder rates in states that have the death penalty compared to those that do not have the death penalty. Overall when you compare the average murder rates from states with the death penalty vs those without, states that do not practice capital punishment have a 35% lower murder rate than states that do kill their citizens. These stats are from 2009 and come from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports.


Since when does NY not have the death penalty?

Besides, your argument makes no sense because you're comparing apples to oranges, The only rational evaluation is the one that I just made, when you have a liberal state like NY go death penalty and then see what happens with crime.
Sorry, owd son. Better things to do with my time. It is common knowledge and has been documented many times. If you think I am going to trawl back decades to find you all instances then you are sadly mistaken.
I seldom quote from the internet, even when I care. There are many other forms of record and communication. Would you ask me to 'cite' the fact that the sun is at the centre of the solar system or that belief in gods is the result of ignorance? Of course not.

If you are unwilling to back up your claims then you don't have much of an argument.
Question format: How do you justify the contradictory nature of social conservatism as noted in my first post - in a sentence its anti personal freedom and anti rights platform which are contrary to our Constitution and way of life? And the growth of government interference in the lives of the citizens in order to enforce these tenets?

And how do justify or condone or accept (true for first post too) its anti constitution, anti law, anti science positions as noted in my second post: The list is labeled 'social' but it touches on the separation, denies science, imposes religion, denies freedom for all, enters areas of [established] law, grows government....?

Do you have any specific examples of how social conservatism is "anti constitution, anti law, anti science"?
It seems Damned went back under the rock he lives under. Not surprising, conservatives, libertarians, and republicans lose every debate they engage in, it is the recognition they lost that throws them into ad homs and three word comebacks.

Actually, I have a life. And work. And vacations....
Midcan, you were the architect of the most infamous ad-hom threads toward libertarians in the history of FullPolitics.Com. How did the Libertarianism in a Nutshell (I-IV) threads along with their companion-reader threads titled Freedom in a Nutshell (I & II) work out for you? Not only did you throw out meaningless ad-homs and platitudes, but you were enormously Pwned!!
Well Dammed Yankee, how do you respond to post #90 in this thread?

2. How do you justify the deaths of the falsely acused? I read your bullshit about only supporting those beyond a shadow of a doubt, but the innocence project proves that doesn't fly.

Still waiting.
Only because you didn't read the thread.

Post 103. :palm:

Sure I read the thread. Post 103 is not an answer. The fact is that states without a death penalty have lower murder rates. Saying it is apples to oranges does'nt answer shit, it just proves you don't have an answer. Additionaly, you didn't answer my question; How can you support the death penalty knowing that some innocents will inevitably be murdered by the state, and by proxy, by you? How un-christian is that you freakin hypocrite?
Sure I read the thread. Post 103 is not an answer. The fact is that states without a death penalty have lower murder rates. Saying it is apples to oranges does'nt answer shit, it just proves you don't have an answer. Additionaly, you didn't answer my question; How can you support the death penalty knowing that some innocents will inevitably be murdered by the state, and by proxy, by you? How un-christian is that you freakin hypocrite?

1. The state by state comparison is a cum hoc fallacy; correlation does not imply causation. My example, however, shows that when a state reversed its liberal policy, the murder rate went down.
2. Again, I support the death penalty when there is physical scientific proof that the guy is guilty.
1. The state by state comparison is a cum hoc fallacy; correlation does not imply causation. My example, however, shows that when a state reversed its liberal policy, the murder rate went down.
2. Again, I support the death penalty when there is physical scientific proof that the guy is guilty.

Again I say that there is no foolproof system; the death penalty has and will result in innocent deaths. Since there is no foolproof system, you support innocents being murdered.
Again I say that there is no foolproof system; the death penalty has and will result in innocent deaths. Since there is no foolproof system, you support innocents being murdered.

Since the death penalty reduces the number of murders far beyond the number of innocents that may be falsely convicted, I could say that you support innocents being murdered.
Libs that I've cornered in an argment usually then segregate out the "big bang" from evolution.

Because "Big Bang" is not part of the Theory of Evolution. So perhaps they understand that better than you do.
* Limited government and balanced budgets
Limited gov't? And yet you advocate the gov't deciding whether or not a private business owner can allow smoking. Several of the things on your list are bigger gov't.

* Classroom prayer
What sort of prayer? Christian? Muslim? Jewish? Pagan? Hindu?

* Abstinence education
Because it has worked so well? If the schools are teaching morality, doesn't that conflict with "Parental control of education"?

* Traditional marriage, not same-sex marriage
On the one hand you want smaller gov't, and on the other you want it to interfere in personal relationships.

* Respect for differences between men and women, boys and girls

This is simply a diversionary phrase for gender discrimination.

* Laws against pornography
And who defines what is pornographic? Will we create laws based on an "I know it when I see it" ideology?

* The death penalty
Since it has not been shown to be a serious deterrent, and since our judicial system continually shows itself to be flawed, and since the costs of capital cases is prohibitively high, this one doesn't pass muster either.

* Parental control of education
Which parents? The liberal ones? The ones who want the gov't to spend more and more?

* Respect for our military ... past and present
And how do you legislate that? Require salutes for veterans?

* Rejection of junk science such as evolution and global warming
The labelling evolution as "junk science" is a poor attempt at an Appeal to Ridicule, and offers no actual evidence that the Theory of Evolution is wrong.

* Low taxes, especially for families
So how much do you plan to penalize single people? And who defines what a "family" is, exactly?
Again I say that there is no foolproof system; the death penalty has and will result in innocent deaths. Since there is no foolproof system, you support innocents being murdered.

Care to provide proof that a conviction resulted in an innocent being executed.