APP - Ask me about social conservatism

Jesus recognized the authority of the state to impart justice. If the criminal repents and accepts Christ it has no impact on the required actions of the state.
Your own church disagrees with you. In his encyclical Evangelium Vitae published in 1995, Pope John Paul II removed the public safety qualification and declared that, in today's modern society, capital punishment can scarcely ever be condoned.
He didn't rule it out, and he wasn't a conservative.
But according to Catholic Doctrine, he was infallible. Are you, as a catholic denying the infallibility of your spiritual leader? Did Pope John Paul II issue an encyclical in direct contravension of Christ's teachings? And other than the DP name one are in which the pope was liberal.
But according to Catholic Doctrine, he was infallible. Are you, as a catholic denying the infallibility of your spiritual leader? Did Pope John Paul II issue an encyclical in direct contravension of Christ's teachings?
Again, he didn't rule it out completely.

*The doctrine of papal infallibility does not imply that the Pope is without sin or cannot make a mistake."*The Catholic Church also teaches that science and truth are tools that help us interpret our religion, not the other way around. There's no question that Popes have made mistakes in the past, therefore there can be no presumption of inability to make a mistake.

Again, he didn't rule it out completely.

*The doctrine of papal infallibility does not imply that the Pope is without sin or cannot make a mistake."*The Catholic Church also teaches that science and truth are tools that help us interpret our religion, not the other way around. There's no question that Popes have made mistakes in the past, therefore there can be no presumption of inability to make a mistake.


Ah, but you are wrong grasshopper, when he is speaking sensus fidelium, in ex-cathedra his teachings are infallible, and all that jazz!

His human life is fallible, but when speaking of issues of the church, he is inffalible because it is not him speaking, but the Spirit through him, according to the teachings of the Church!
If that's the prayer that the class unanimously agrees to, then so be it.

Well you must agree that it would be better than teaching young children that there is some old man in the sky who is going to either punish them or sit them on a cloud and give them harp lessons.
Honesty, sir, is almost always the best policy.
Do you insist that your children adopt the same political views that you do, or do you have the good sense to allow them to form their own opinions?
If you treated politics as people treat religion there would by actions against you for an infringement of human rights, yet you think that telingl them they will be burned in eternal hell is quite acceptable. My goodness, it's no wonder that the US is in such a parlous state when 40% of its population deny the basic facts of evolution.
I always wondered what happened to all of the Catholics who went to hell for eating meat on Friday. I asked a priest once and his response to me, get behind me, Satan.

I elicited that response quite often when I asked questions.

One time I asked him if I could pick the age I wanted my body to be in heaven.
Ah, but you are wrong grasshopper, when he is speaking sensus fidelium, in ex-cathedra his teachings are infallible, and all that jazz!

His human life is fallible, but when speaking of issues of the church, he is inffalible because it is not him speaking, but the Spirit through him, according to the teachings of the Church!
Like Apple, now you're just being a silly liberal.
Why is that, I was Liturgical Minister for over ten years at my parish, I know Catholic law and teachings, no silliness here, when the Pope speaks from the authority of ex-Cathedra he is infallible. Sounds like you are one of those Catholics that don't know your own faith!

Nothing liberal about what I say, it is your churches teachings, sorry you don't agree with the tenets of Catholicism!