I was looking forward to an interesting thread, but instead found the usual pablum. Right up front you notice nothing in the list about individual freedom, the only freedom noted is for an abstraction. Abstractions love freedom, it allows them exploitation under cover.
Number one is obvious, but no conservative has lived up to it including Reagan (see deficits url below). Capitalism has died many deaths and is in constant need of blood, aka taxpayer money. Only mixed economies work, isn't that clear by now? Free markets don't exist, never did, never will.
Whose prayer, non issue and should be in the home. Support birth control, support life, and we could possible take conservatives serious on abortion. Was shock and awe a sign of respect? Another meaningless abstraction that requires nothing from the freedom hating conservative.
Abstinence? You mean you have to teach that, but then later you say parents control education? Damn, no wonder you conservatives are so lame, you couldn't see a contradiction if it hit you on the head. So gays don't have the same rights as others? Individual freedom got lost, you think?
You mean there is a difference between the sexes? Boy, ah er girl, glad you told me, all this time I've wondered. Now this grandpa knows. Thanks conservatives.
Pornography is in the eye of the beholder and knowable to those of us mature enough to realize it will live on so long as males develop testosterone. There's that individual freedom lost again!
You can hug your guns all you like, just no howitzers or fighter planes in the backyard. EAE is that another abstraction useful in hiding corruption, aka plutocracy? 'Let em eat cake!'
You already have the death penalty, kills many an innocent person. DNA helps though. Parental control LOL Sure thing, where you been, the loonies already run the schools. Ask a teacher.
Already have these: Private medical care and retirement plans.
I can think of no social program that has failed completely, improvement sure. World government already exists. Note the UN and the European Union as examples.
Immigration? Thought you were against big government? This task would take big brother. Got an easy answer and not the usual conservative empty slogan?
Respect for everyone who serves honorably, seems a no brainer. Evolution is fact as is global warming. Almost every educated person knows that. Look in the mirror nude sometime if you need personal proof. See any similarities.
Low taxes for families, jeez now you sound like a liberal, thought you guys only worshiped corporations. You're confusing me now. Confederation - you mean the South will rise again? LOL This is another empty abstraction used when convenient.
We have a strong enough defense to destroy the world many times over, what we need now is reason.
In the end your list is meaningless pablum for ideologues and junior fascists. Is it any wonder in power conservatives fail badly?
If anyone wants to understand political conservatism, I suggest Albert O. Hirschman's brilliant 'The Rhetoric of Reaction.' "He argues that a triplet of 'rhetorical' criticisms--perversity, futility, and jeopardy--'has been unfailingly leveled' by 'reactionaries' at each major progressive reform of the past 300 years--those T. H. Marshall identified with the advancement of civil, political and social rights of citizenship...Charmingly written, this book can benefit a diverse readership."
The Rhetoric of Reaction - Albert O. Hirschman - Harvard University Press.
What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?
The Regressive Antidote - If Conservatism Is The Ideology of Freedom, I'm The Queen of England