APP - Ask me about social conservatism

Again, I reject the junk portions of those two theories. Your argument seems to be that if I reject dirty water, then I reject water. Do you understand how an adjective modifies a noun?

"Thou" refers to an individual. The death penalty is a killing by the state, to punish a henious crime.

Justice is mine, sayeth the lord.

God clearly claims justice as his own, and denies men the right to kill.
Justice is mine, sayeth the lord.

God clearly claims justice as his own, and denies men the right to kill.

There was then (as there is now) a difference between "murder" and "killing". "Thou shalt not kill" (Ex. 20:13) is really "thou shalt not murder." To use the sixth commandment as a prohibition against the taking of human life under whatever circumstances is an egregious misuse of that divine precept. That this is so is apparent when one considers a second point. ...

Immediately after giving the "thou shalt not kill" precept, the following two chapters list at least ten offenses punishable by death: all forms of murder, 21:12; (Lev. 24:17; Num. 35:16-21); striking, cursing parents, 21:15,17; (Deut. 19:19-21); kidnapping, 21:16; slaying an unborn child, 21:23; owner of an animal that kills, 21:29; sorcery 22:18; (Lev. 20:27; Deut. 13:1-5); bestiality, 22:19; idolater, 22:20; (Lev. 20:1-5; Deut. 13:6-9; 17:2-7); abducting people for slavery, 21:16; (Deut. 24:7); Sabbath breaking, Ex. 31:14; 35:2; Num. 15:32-36. ...

Additional scriptures give even more reasons for putting one to death: blasphemy, Lev. 24:14,16, 23; 1 Kings 21:13; adultery, Lev. 20:10; Deut. 22:22; incest, Lev. 20:11-17; rape, Deut. 22:25; false witnesses, Deut. 19:16-19; homosexuality, Lev. 20:13; false prophets, Deut. 18:20-22; resisting judgment, Deut. 17:8-13; immorality before marriage but detected afterwards, Deut. 22:13-21; non-Levites coming near or into sacred areas or duties, Num. 1:51; 3:10,38; 18:7. ...

John 19:10-11---Jesus And Capital Punishment

In these verses Pilate made two explicit affirmations in the presence of Christ: (a) he had certain power (authority) as a civil magistrate and (b) this authority included the right to pass and carry out a death sentence, vs. 10. In vs. 11, Jesus responded to these statements but didn't indicate that Pilate was in error in regard to either of them. Instead, He concedes the accuracy of Pilate's assertions with the significant observation that this authority was given to him by God.

Of course, you can always just say that 'you don't believe it'. :)
The Constitution is written so those on "this exciting journey" can do so without dragging the rest of us along. Read Amendment X.

That would be the American constitution? Mmm. Highly relevant, i don't think.
Do you have windows in your house? Try looking out sometime.
I'm glad you've learned something today. :)

I did learn something, I learned that you are a bible literalist and there is no point in arguing with you. I also learned that you are a hypocrite who posts his beleifs then admits he doesn't beleive them.
You've misinterpreted the stated principles. It is "junk" science that I reject.

If you are against conservatism, you should argue against its stated principles instead of trying to define it to suit your argument.

I would guess that most people would reject 'junk' science. I would, though, question your ability to correctly identify it.
Tell me what you think of people like Dawkins, Lovelock, Jocelyn Bell Burnell and all the other people with investigative minds that have evolved far further than yours.
When you have considered that, perhaps you might like to turn your fleeting attention to the question of 'junk' science and define it with examples.
Have it on my desk before lunch tomorrow. No more than 500 words.
I reject the parts of evolution that are junk science, such as an ape turning into a man without divine intervention. I also reject the parts of global warming theory that claim it is caused by man.

An ape turned into a man??? Is that really what you are arguing against?
Just look at bush and tell me it didn't happen.
I did learn something, I learned that you are a bible literalist and there is no point in arguing with you. I also learned that you are a hypocrite who posts his beleifs then admits he doesn't beleive them.

I'm not a literalist. You have social conservatism confused with religious fundamentalism.
I would guess that most people would reject 'junk' science. I would, though, question your ability to correctly identify it.
Tell me what you think of people like Dawkins, Lovelock, Jocelyn Bell Burnell and all the other people with investigative minds that have evolved far further than yours.
When you have considered that, perhaps you might like to turn your fleeting attention to the question of 'junk' science and define it with examples.
Have it on my desk before lunch tomorrow. No more than 500 words.

I reject your premise, that they have evolved further than I.
I'm not a literalist. You have social conservatism confused with religious fundamentalism.

O.K., if that is true, then try to answer this question without quoting from the bible.

How can you support the death penalty when you know innocent people are sometimes executed?

What if one of the wrongly convicted were your son, brother, father or self?
O.K., if that is true, then try to answer this question without quoting from the bible.

How can you support the death penalty when you know innocent people are sometimes executed?

What if one of the wrongly convicted were your son, brother, father or self?
I support the death penalty only when the evidence is conclusive, not simply "beyond a reasonable doubt". Examples are multiple unaffiliated eyewitnesses or solid scientific evidence.
Which sectarian prayer should be said in school? Remeber the founders created the bill of rights because they believed some rights were NOT to be left up to the whims of the Majority.

Death Penalty: Jesus said: You have heard that it was said, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. Jesus in his sermon reputiated an eye for an eye. So how does a follower of Christ justify support of the death penalty with Christ's command to turn the other cheek?
Which sectarian prayer should be said in school? Remeber the founders created the bill of rights because they believed some rights were NOT to be left up to the whims of the Majority.

Death Penalty: Jesus said: You have heard that it was said, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. Jesus in his sermon reputiated an eye for an eye. So how does a follower of Christ justify support of the death penalty with Christ's command to turn the other cheek?