Asshat rules. Fucking rules this board!


Worst gambler ever
For those of you who haven't noticed, Asshat owns this board, even though Damo pays for it.

He crushes his competition.

He litters the fields with those that embody fantasy and disregard reality.

Its obvious that all the women here want him.

Grind, Epicanus and Watermark deemed themselves the "holy trinity" of this board? Then Asshat is your Pontius Pilot, flat layin' the hurt on your dumbasses.

The fist of truth! Onward! Upward!
LOL Drunken posting is the tits. I mean, what kind of "who's that guy?" reputation would Cawacko have if he didn't post drunk occassionally? Even Brent benefits from it a little...
I guess this makes the rest of us the congregation?

Just don't expect much in the collection plate. But I wouldn't mind a tiny cup of grapejuice and the tiny flat cracker. As long as you skip the symbolic vampirism & cannablism.
For those of you who haven't noticed, Asshat owns this board, even though Damo pays for it.

He crushes his competition.

He litters the fields with those that embody fantasy and disregard reality.

Its obvious that all the women here want him.

Grind, Epicanus and Watermark deemed themselves the "holy trinity" of this board? Then Asshat is your Pontius Pilot, flat layin' the hurt on your dumbasses.

The fist of truth! Onward! Upward!

Lay off the crack pipe Beefy.
I guess this makes the rest of us the congregation?

Just don't expect much in the collection plate. But I wouldn't mind a tiny cup of grapejuice and the tiny flat cracker. As long as you skip the symbolic vampirism & cannablism.

Here ya go.
"The blood of asshat, the cup of coolness
The body of asshat, the bread of awesome"
Here ya go.
"The blood of asshat, the cup of coolness
The body of asshat, the bread of awesome"

I think you were put in the position of Pontius Pilate. Which, if you recall your sunday school lessons, was not worshipped but was the one who "washed his hands of Jesus" and thereby sent him to be executed.

(sung to the tune of Amazing Grace)

Just plain politics
is home to me
bright shining as the sun
When we've been there
ten thousand hours
asshat still won't make sense
I think you were put in the position of Pontius Pilate. Which, if you recall your sunday school lessons, was not worshipped but was the one who "washed his hands of Jesus" and thereby sent him to be executed.

(sung to the tune of Amazing Grace)

Just plain politics
is home to me
bright shining as the sun
When we've been there
ten thousand hours
asshat still won't make sense

None of these metaphors are 100%.

I epitomize sense.
For those of you who haven't noticed, Ashat owns this board, even though Damo pays for it.

He crushes his competition.

He litters the fields with those that embody fantasy and disregard reality.

Its obvious that all the women here want him.

Grind, Epicanus and Watermark deemed themselves the "holy trinity" of this board? Then A$hat is your Pontius Pilot, flat layin' the hurt on your dumb@sses.

The fist of truth! Onward! Upward!

{puts on drunken post critic hat}

Overall great effort. It made the reader laugh and you managed to carefully strike the balance between relevance and randomness to give the humor that extra punch. As 3D mentioned, this post does qualify as t its, what really titified it was the fact that object of the drunken post actually believes you were serious.

We give this an 8.5/10.
{puts on drunken post critic hat}

Overall great effort. It made the reader laugh and you managed to carefully strike the balance between relevance and randomness to give the humor that extra punch. As 3D mentioned, this post does qualify as t its, what really titified it was the fact that object of the drunken post actually believes you were serious.

We give this an 8.5/10.

Stop fighting the truth, t.
{puts on drunken post critic hat}

Overall great effort. It made the reader laugh and you managed to carefully strike the balance between relevance and randomness to give the humor that extra punch. As 3D mentioned, this post does qualify as t its, what really titified it was the fact that object of the drunken post actually believes you were serious.

We give this an 8.5/10.

My favorite part is where Beefy claims that the women want him. Which women? I know I don’t. I know you don’t. I know thorn don’t. I am willing to bet that Meg doesn’t. I am even willing to go out on a limb and say that Kathi, despite being some sort of self-hating female conservative, doesn’t want asshat.

So what he really means is, the same thing Chris Matthews means, when he says about Bush “women love this guy, am I right? I mean, they love him. They love that whole tough guy landing on a carrier, I’m going to protect you thing, right?” And what both Chris Matthews and Beefy mean is: I love this guy. I want this guy. I got hard when he landed on that aircraft carrier. I think he looks great in jeans. I’m going to project these repressed homoerotic urges onto women.