I'm curious, why do you believe this? Do you believe this because you were told to believe it?
Leftists like to feel omniscient, I get it. They regurgitate what they are told to say under the expectation of appearing "thuper thmart.". I totally get it.
My question is why do leftists state with certainty things that obviously aren't known by anybody, much less by them? Have I raised the bar on intelligence to the point that leftists now feel that omniscience is required to merely get into the game?
Warmizombies claim Global Warming while not realizing that humanity is still not capable of measuring the Earth's temperature to any usable accuracy. Climate lemmings keep referring to the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and in the ocean as though they know those values exactly, with zero error. Warmizombies are forever claiming exact average temperatures for Venus. Leftists believe there is such a thing a "paleoclimatology" and totally buy into bogus charts pretending to graph temperatures of the unobserved, distant past.
I could go on all day.
Behind every claim of omniscience is a stupid person. Why are leftists so stupid?
This comes down to their various religions, and where they each stem from, and the reasons for the stem. Every single one of these religions is fundamentalist in nature.
As we discussed earlier, each of these religions is irrational. They openly deny mathematics and theories of science to chant their scripture.
The Church of Global Warming stems directly from the Church of Green. So does the Church of the Ozone Hole.
The Church of Green, the Church of Covid all stem from the Church of Karl Marx. The Church of Covid and the Church of Perversion also stem directly from the Church of Karl Marx.
If you look again into his Manifesto, you will find all the seeds for all of these religions there.
To tear down society and to bring it into the auspices of total government rule, the family must be put down. The successful businessmen must be put down. Any competing religions must be put down. Anything that defines these institutions must be undefined. This is the inherent source of the babblespeak you see today that I call the Liberal language. Orwel warned about this too in his fables. So did Jesus Christ. The concept of total control of society and the tyranny it uses appears in modern literature from Star Wars to Tolkien's works. It is often portrayed as 'evil' and put down by a small band of 'rebels' fighting for good and justice. The tyranny described is often show how it came about, and the masses willing to succumb to it, believing their side is the 'good' side, bring 'order' out of 'chaos'. In this way, the tyrants justify their tyranny.
To do it, of course, they must break down all resistance. They must CAUSE chaos so they can replace it with their own tyranny.
The omniscience fallacy is the bread and butter of the elite. They MUST appear omniscient to justify 'saving society from chaos'.
Such evil never lasts, of course, and those that at first consider themselves part of that 'elite' do not realize the misery they are going to cause for themselves yet. Hence, the stupidity.
Mathematics, science, logic, philosophy, religions, capitalism, family, etc. cannot be allowed to get in their way. They MUST put all of these down so they can replace them with their God, the government.