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The war in Iraq, much as it was a boondoggle and we were lead there by our noses under false pretenses is not a complete failure. Since the surge, life has become better in Iraq, There are still car bombings and such, but using that as a failure indicator would mean the Israel has been a failed nation for 60 years. Much as I hate to agree with him, Solitary is right, in the sense of "we broke it, we bought it". Gotta fix it. Can't just walk away and say, "there you go Iraq, I know that prior to Saddam's over throw you had running water and electricity, but hey, even without those things, you're free!" They won't be for long and it will make the country ripe for the picking by some radical Islamic cleric to be the new leader. Then we are truly fucked. I believe that will be the eventual outcome anyway, but gotta try to put Humpty back together as best we can.