At least two shooters at Trump hit


ButterMilk Man

We were told Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone—that was a lie.We were told Sirhan Sirhan acted alone—that was a lie. We were told James Earl Ray acted alone—that was a lie.Now we are being told Thomas Matthew Crooks acted alone.Do you believe them? Here’s why you shouldn't.The Trump assassination attempt reeks of foul play, and the world can smell it.Dr. Chris Martenson has recently presented “rock solid audio proof that there were AT LEAST TWO shooters targeting Trump and the crowd.”This is no longer a fringe “conspiracy theory” because even CNN has acknowledged the presence of gunfire from three distinct weapons: Three shots from Crooks (A), one from the countersniper (C), and five from the mysterious “Weapon B.”Watch this nine-minute video as
meticulously breaks down the audio evidence. The following is a summary of Dr. Martenson’s findings:There were at least two distinctly different [unfriendly] weapons being fired.• First three shots were further away than the weapon(s) that fired the next 5-7 shots.• Sonic cracks tell us that they were also fired at Trump’s & audience’s direction (and weren’t taking out Crooks, eg).• This means that the “lone shooter” story is 100% false.As such, Dr. Martenson concludes, “So this tells us that this was a full-on operation.”“These are the questions that need to be asked. I fear for my safety and everybody else’s safety for coming out with this stuff because one thing we know is they don’t like loose ends in these stories. But man, they bollocksed this operation up really badly. Whoever was in charge of it is probably already floating in a river. I don’t know what’s going to happen to them because they really messed this operation up.”

BREAKING: Fox News reports that a local sn*per team *did* fire a shot during the assas*ination attempt on Donald Trump. The development appears to confirm that there were indeed three separate sho*ters as the incident unfolded. According to Fox, a local sn*per tried taking out Crooks but missed. A USSS sn*per was the one who took out Crooks in what they call a "one in a million shot.""We're also told a local police sn*per took a single shot as well, but missed."



We were told Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone—that was a lie.We were told Sirhan Sirhan acted alone—that was a lie. We were told James Earl Ray acted alone—that was a lie.Now we are being told Thomas Matthew Crooks acted alone.Do you believe them? Here’s why you shouldn't.The Trump assassination attempt reeks of foul play, and the world can smell it.Dr. Chris Martenson has recently presented “rock solid audio proof that there were AT LEAST TWO shooters targeting Trump and the crowd.”This is no longer a fringe “conspiracy theory” because even CNN has acknowledged the presence of gunfire from three distinct weapons: Three shots from Crooks (A), one from the countersniper (C), and five from the mysterious “Weapon B.”Watch this nine-minute video as
meticulously breaks down the audio evidence. The following is a summary of Dr. Martenson’s findings:There were at least two distinctly different [unfriendly] weapons being fired.• First three shots were further away than the weapon(s) that fired the next 5-7 shots.• Sonic cracks tell us that they were also fired at Trump’s & audience’s direction (and weren’t taking out Crooks, eg).• This means that the “lone shooter” story is 100% false.As such, Dr. Martenson concludes, “So this tells us that this was a full-on operation.”“These are the questions that need to be asked. I fear for my safety and everybody else’s safety for coming out with this stuff because one thing we know is they don’t like loose ends in these stories. But man, they bollocksed this operation up really badly. Whoever was in charge of it is probably already floating in a river. I don’t know what’s going to happen to them because they really messed this operation up.”
Until there is reason to believe there was someone else involved, yes, I’ll believe that he acted alone. The blatherings of this loon don’t change anything.

There’s zero connection between past shootings and this shooting.
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Here’s an abbreviated list of extremely basic factual questions about the Trump assassination attempt that for some reason haven’t been definitively answered (anonymous leaks don’t count):1) What make, model, and caliber of firearm was used, and when/where/by whom was it purchased?2) What make and model of ammo was used (including the weight of the bullet used)?3) Did the rifle used have any type of magnified optic or red dot sight on it, and if so, what make/model, and what exact setting was the optic on when the shooter used it?4) Have authorities put identical rounds through the rifle with the identical optics settings and confirmed both the zero and the result of shots fired at the range at which they were fired on Saturday?5) How many shell casings were recovered from the crime scene? How many remaining rounds were in the magazine that was found in the rifle?6) How many rounds were fired by the shooter on the warehouse rooftop? Has each round been accounted for (i.e., do investigators know where each round landed, and does the number of bullets found or accounted for match the number of shell casings found?7) Have investigators confirmed, via the recovered bullets and the known trajectory of the bullets, that the shooter on the rooftop fired each one?8) Have investigators reconstructed the shooter’s precise movements over the past days, weeks, and months? If so, have they put together a list of every person with whom he interacted over that time period, but in person and virtually or online?9) Have investigators reviewed video surveillance of the shooter at all various locations he recently visited (e.g., gun range, gun dealer, restaurants, traffic cameras, etc.)? If so, have they canvassed and interviewed each person seen with the shooter?These aren’t difficult questions to answer. These are usually the types of details promptly provided by authorities in the days following shocking, violent events of national importance.Yet we do not have a single one of these questions definitely answered on the record by an official authority. Not one.Why the heck not?

A: It was a regime hit, and the Regime is in coverup mode, still writing the narrative that they are going to sell us.

Here’s an abbreviated list of extremely basic factual questions about the Trump assassination attempt that for some reason haven’t been definitively answered (anonymous leaks don’t count):1) What make, model, and caliber of firearm was used, and when/where/by whom was it purchased?2) What make and model of ammo was used (including the weight of the bullet used)?3) Did the rifle used have any type of magnified optic or red dot sight on it, and if so, what make/model, and what exact setting was the optic on when the shooter used it?4) Have authorities put identical rounds through the rifle with the identical optics settings and confirmed both the zero and the result of shots fired at the range at which they were fired on Saturday?5) How many shell casings were recovered from the crime scene? How many remaining rounds were in the magazine that was found in the rifle?6) How many rounds were fired by the shooter on the warehouse rooftop? Has each round been accounted for (i.e., do investigators know where each round landed, and does the number of bullets found or accounted for match the number of shell casings found?7) Have investigators confirmed, via the recovered bullets and the known trajectory of the bullets, that the shooter on the rooftop fired each one?8) Have investigators reconstructed the shooter’s precise movements over the past days, weeks, and months? If so, have they put together a list of every person with whom he interacted over that time period, but in person and virtually or online?9) Have investigators reviewed video surveillance of the shooter at all various locations he recently visited (e.g., gun range, gun dealer, restaurants, traffic cameras, etc.)? If so, have they canvassed and interviewed each person seen with the shooter?These aren’t difficult questions to answer. These are usually the types of details promptly provided by authorities in the days following shocking, violent events of national importance.Yet we do not have a single one of these questions definitely answered on the record by an official authority. Not one.Why the heck not?

A: It was a regime hit, and the Regime is in coverup mode, still writing the narrative that they are going to sell us.
If it was a planned Regime hit, would they not have the story pre-written?

We were told Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone—that was a lie.We were told Sirhan Sirhan acted alone—that was a lie. We were told James Earl Ray acted alone—that was a lie.Now we are being told Thomas Matthew Crooks acted alone.Do you believe them? Here’s why you shouldn't.The Trump assassination attempt reeks of foul play, and the world can smell it.Dr. Chris Martenson has recently presented “rock solid audio proof that there were AT LEAST TWO shooters targeting Trump and the crowd.”This is no longer a fringe “conspiracy theory” because even CNN has acknowledged the presence of gunfire from three distinct weapons: Three shots from Crooks (A), one from the countersniper (C), and five from the mysterious “Weapon B.”Watch this nine-minute video as
meticulously breaks down the audio evidence. The following is a summary of Dr. Martenson’s findings:There were at least two distinctly different [unfriendly] weapons being fired.• First three shots were further away than the weapon(s) that fired the next 5-7 shots.• Sonic cracks tell us that they were also fired at Trump’s & audience’s direction (and weren’t taking out Crooks, eg).• This means that the “lone shooter” story is 100% false.As such, Dr. Martenson concludes, “So this tells us that this was a full-on operation.”“These are the questions that need to be asked. I fear for my safety and everybody else’s safety for coming out with this stuff because one thing we know is they don’t like loose ends in these stories. But man, they bollocksed this operation up really badly. Whoever was in charge of it is probably already floating in a river. I don’t know what’s going to happen to them because they really messed this operation up.”

Did this earlier:

Larry C. Johnson & fmr. Secret Service Larry Cunningham on the Failed Assassination of Donald Trump​

I now believe that the 20yo took no shots, that the FBI had two pros who took 8 shots total, and missed.

I also believe that the FBI wont be trusted with the next hit...the CIA will do it....likely bombing Trump Force One.....and then blaming it on the Russians.

We were told Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone—that was a lie.We were told Sirhan Sirhan acted alone—that was a lie. We were told James Earl Ray acted alone—that was a lie.Now we are being told Thomas Matthew Crooks acted alone.Do you believe them? Here’s why you shouldn't.The Trump assassination attempt reeks of foul play, and the world can smell it.Dr. Chris Martenson has recently presented “rock solid audio proof that there were AT LEAST TWO shooters targeting Trump and the crowd.”This is no longer a fringe “conspiracy theory” because even CNN has acknowledged the presence of gunfire from three distinct weapons: Three shots from Crooks (A), one from the countersniper (C), and five from the mysterious “Weapon B.”Watch this nine-minute video as
meticulously breaks down the audio evidence. The following is a summary of Dr. Martenson’s findings:There were at least two distinctly different [unfriendly] weapons being fired.• First three shots were further away than the weapon(s) that fired the next 5-7 shots.• Sonic cracks tell us that they were also fired at Trump’s & audience’s direction (and weren’t taking out Crooks, eg).• This means that the “lone shooter” story is 100% false.As such, Dr. Martenson concludes, “So this tells us that this was a full-on operation.”“These are the questions that need to be asked. I fear for my safety and everybody else’s safety for coming out with this stuff because one thing we know is they don’t like loose ends in these stories. But man, they bollocksed this operation up really badly. Whoever was in charge of it is probably already floating in a river. I don’t know what’s going to happen to them because they really messed this operation up.”
Insane, typical Trumper
Only three people (other than Trump) were hit so five of the eight bullets went somewhere likely outside of the crowd...we will never know about them, because if we did we would know where the shots came from, and would know that they came from the FBI. I am thinking that they were from about ground level, missed Trump and flew past the crowd.
Obviously we can all see why a mostly Free Mind/Free Speech X must be not allowed to Bret points out one is a special number....just one place telling the truth can ruin everything for the Revolution.