At What Point?

Scholars with expertise in the topic think seven of the Pauline epistles are authentically authored or dictated by Paul, three are questionable, and three are widely regarded as not being written or authorized by Paul.

But the inauthentic epistles have been in the canon for two thousand years, and there's no incentive to remove them.
what do your notes on the OT says?
it is annoying debating theology with someone who clearly doesn't understand anything about it.......why don't you go discuss the WNBA with someone instead.......
Like I said, you're an atheist with regards to every single god except your fave.
perhaps one of the most ignorant things any atheist can say is that some who believes God exists is still an atheist because he doesn't admit all gods makes me wonder why someone who simply has no brain would consider himself a rationalist.......
perhaps one of the most ignorant things any atheist can say is that some who believes God exists is still an atheist because he doesn't admit all gods makes me wonder why someone who simply has no brain would consider himself a rationalist.......
A paradox is irrational. There is no way they can call themselves rational with such a position.
Again, people who are educated in this type of thing, like writing styles, evolution of language, etc believe that Paul did not write all of the books that are attributed to him. Go safe people will tell you, almost universally, that's Paul absolutely did write other books.
again, most people who ARE educated about theology agree that Paul wrote the books attributed to him......atheists disagree.......most people who are educated about theology consider atheists to be fools........
The common definition of "atheist" is one who does not believe in god. It is odd to say a Christian is an atheist.
Redefinition fallacy. That is not the definition of 'atheist'.

The word 'atheism' is the word 'theism' (a religion) and the prefix 'a', which is a negation.

A atheist is one without religion. They take no position one way or the other about any god or gods. Science, mathematics, and logic are atheistic. None of them take no position on whether any god or gods exist or not. They simply don't go there.

To say there is no god or gods is itself a religion position. I call it the Church of No God. Others call it (improperly) 'militant atheism'. The Church of No God is a fundamentalist style religion. Believers try to prove their religion True, which is not possible (circular argument fallacy). This is what a fundamentalist does.
again, most people who ARE educated about theology agree that Paul wrote the books attributed to him......atheists disagree.......most people who are educated about theology consider atheists to be fools........
Atheists have no position on the matter. They don't care who wrote any book the Bible. After all, an atheist has no position. They are the only people that have no religious position at all. To them, a god or gods may exist, or they may not. They simply don't care.

You are describing a believer of the Church of No God, itself a religion.
Hilarious coming from one who also claims another “Christian” is ignorant because they don’t agree with you. Why don’t you Christians pick a fucking lane?
if I called another Christian ignorant it was because he was ignorant not because he didn't agree with me.........on the other hand, if he was a Christian he's still ten times smarter than any of you atheists........
/shrugs......there aren't two.......

Clear as mud.

The religion of the ancient Israelites of the first temple period doesn't even exist anymore, and what we call Judaism today is split into reform, conservative, and orthodox branches which really trace their roots to the rabbinic Judaism that didn't emerge until the second and third centuries at the earliest.
The Christians can thank their god for evolution, can’t they?
if I called another Christian ignorant it was because he was ignorant not because he didn't agree with me.........on the other hand, if he was a Christian he's still ten times smarter than any of you atheists........
And yet, none of you fuckers realize your faith is based on a mythical storm god. Just as much of a myth as what the Mormons base their faith upon.

Santa Claus and Paul Bunyan
again, most people who ARE educated about theology agree that Paul wrote the books attributed to him......atheists disagree.......most people who are educated about theology consider atheists to be fools........
Odd how the least educated are the believers. Very much like Trumpers in that respect.
what do your notes on the OT says?
The OT has almost nothing to do with Christian theology, and is included in the Christian bible mainly for reference and for it's prophesies about Jesus.

The OT has to be considered and read from the filter and perspective of the NT, which was a new and superior revelation according to Christian tradition. Torah was not a direct revelation of God. It is a secondary revelation that was mediated by humans, and replaced by the revelation of the NT. According to Paul anyway.

I don't think I remember the OT ever being included as part of the Sunday liturgy in the Orthodox church.
Since you didn't know there was archeological evidence of characters in the NT,
There isn't any for me to know. One has to have faith a priori in order to refer to anything as "evidence" of his beliefs.

didn't know there is non-Christian first century literary sources referencing characters in the NT,
Big deal. None are first-hand accounts of biblical characters by nonbiblical characters.

and didn't know there was earlier Christian writings pre-dating Mathew, Luke, and John by decades,
Big deal. The Romans took copious notes. Show me a first-hand account of Jesus by a Roman. Pontias Pilot made no mention of washing his hands of Jesus. There's nothing there.

Your ignorance is so deep on this topic you aren't even qualified to participate on Christianity threads. You shouldn't let the controllers of Wikipedia and Quora do your thinking for you.